Tuesday, May 7, 2024

New York justice; not a shining city on a hill.


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New York judge threatens to go banana republic on Trump over gag orders - Monica Showalter   . . ."If that judge lets his desire to jail Trump get the best of him, the U.S. will become a laughingstock globally as the first nation that willingly chose to give up its superpower status and become a banana republic. Its credibility will be zero, and don't imagine anyone will do anything but laugh when the ruling Democrats speak of 'democracy.' The judge is threatening to jail the former president if he doesn't stop commenting on problems with his courtroom, which he wants everyone to think are on the up-and-up despite the ugly facts that he doesn't want to get out to the public. Such a sensitive soul he is. That's a banana republic right there. Anyone can be jailed for anything in such places and they often are. After that, the Navalny "solution" can happen and somehow, the security cameras weren't working.

"It's disturbing as heck what these people will do to him if they get away with it -- and why voters must vote against this kind of political score-settling no matter what this partisan judge does to Trump. The kinds of charges being leveled at Trump are genuinely out of control and badly in need of some checks and balances. The last check and balance left is from the voters."

Has Leftist Lawfare Created the Police State Yet? - Greg Salsbury

. . ."So, what happens when we follow this path to its end? It is likely that at least one of the kangaroo courts will convict Donald Trump for something criminal. They were giddy about hitting his finances for hundreds of millions of dollars of ridiculous verdicts, but they know that isn’t enough. They need him in jail, and it is more likely than not that they will put him there.

"Our mainstream media will cheer. It will be a travesty and a very dark day for America, but don’t expect the left to treat it that way. Anyone who points that out and refuses to acknowledge Donald Trump as a “criminal” or even “felon” will likely be given the J6 treatment by the cabal."

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