Monday, November 21, 2011

The #OWS Hall Of Shame: Democrats Who Support/Supported The Occupy Wall Street Movement

NiceDeb  "Ironically, many of the shameless and foolhardy Dems who embraced the false narrative that uncivil Tea Party rhetoric inspired the Tucson shooter – are the same shameless and foolhardy Dems who embraced the truly violent and perverse #OWS movement. Back in January, the MSM did it’s best to push a fictional connection between the Tea Party and the Tucson violence, while in recent weeks, it did it’s best to protect the #Occupy movement from exposure with constant assurances that it was “largely peaceful” – that is – until the violence and moonbattery became too conspicuous to hide. In both cases the inevitable truth would eventually escape past the MSM gatekeepers to the masses."

President Obama: 
“The most important thing we can do right now is those of us in leadership letting people know that we understand their struggles and we are on their side, and that we want to set up a system in which hard work, responsibility, doing what you’re supposed to do, is rewarded,” Obama tells ABC News. “And that people who are irresponsible, who are reckless, who don’t feel a sense of obligation to their communities and their companies and their workers that those folks aren’t rewarded.”

The Hillary Moment; President Obama can't win by running a constructive campaign, and he won't be able to govern if he does win a second term..

By Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen in the Wall Street Journal:  "Even with his all-time low job approval ratings (and even worse ratings on handling the economy) the president could eke out a victory in November. But the kind of campaign required for the president's political survival would make it almost impossible for him to govern—not only during the campaign, but throughout a second term.
"Put simply, it seems that the White House has concluded that if the president cannot run on his record, he will need to wage the most negative campaign in history to stand any chance."....
"By going down the re-election road and into partisan mode, the president has effectively guaranteed that the remainder of his term will be marred by the resentment and division that have eroded our national identity, common purpose, and most of all, our economic strength."....
"If President Obama is not willing to seize the moral high ground and step aside, then the two Democratic leaders in Congress, Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, must urge the president not to seek re-election—for the good of the party and most of all for the good of the country."

Via LeftCoastRebel  "In essence, they are saying that even if Obama manages to get himself re-elected, he will continue to damage the party beyond repair. And they're right. Whether Obama wins the nomination or goes on to win next November, it will be a Pyrrhic victory for Democrats."
Democratic Pollsters: Obama Should Abandon Run for Second Term  "This is not the first time Caddell and Schoen have made this argument. They wrote in November 2010 in The Washington Post that they “do not come to this conclusion lightly. But it is clear, we believe, that the president has largely lost the consent of the governed.” "

The truth from Chris Matthews: Obama's glow is fading  "Finally, the truth is out: Mr Obama runs his administration like your average teenager."

"He never calls. That's the message. Members of Congress, I keeping asking: 'when did you hear from him last?' (silence) He doesn't like their company. That's a problem, by the way." "

Sunday, November 20, 2011


How Gross!… HAZMAT Called in to Remove 200 POUNDS OF FECES Near #Occupy Santa Cruz Squatters Camp  "It is like watching a live enactment of lord of the flies as these idiots have to relearn all the basic things that go into making society work. And they wonder why we laugh at them when they say they have all the answers. If they can’t plan ahead to cover basic sanitation I shudder to think what would happen if real life and death responsibility was dropped in their grasping hands. I guess when the evil corporations crush a single flower it is a tragedy, but if they totally destroy their own environment it is just unpreventable."  From the comments to this article.

Occupy protester busted with handgun and ammo, in more arrests at Zuccotti
(Right) Peace out, dude: Accused Occupy gun nut Joshua Fellows leaves his arraignment related to an earlier protest this week. Cops say he had an unregistered handgun in his car.
"In all police arrested five people during the weekend, including Fellows, a protester who threw liquid in a cop’s face and another alleged groper for attacking a woman, cops said today.
"On Saturday, Zach Breur, 22, allegedly groped the breasts and buttocks of a 22-year-old woman. He was charged with two counts of forcible touching."

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Slow posting on the Tunnel Wall is NOT my fault

Still trying to make good Wi-Fi connections here in Santa Maria, California. I'm doing the best I can, but the Japanese tsunami has caused great delays. Then came the Bush-caused breakdown of the society in which I am forced by birth to function and which has caused a massive domino-effect of unfortunate circumstances.

We should be back in Santa Paula Sunday evening and, hopefully, connected to a good, er...connection to make up for lost time.

 Please keep checking in because the TW never sleeps, it only languishes.

Cain steps into Letterman's lion's den and gets devoured

American Thinker  "In his promos for the Cain interview, Letterman said, "The road to the White House goes through me!" Maybe so, but only in the sense that Letterman has enormous power to block that road for any candidate he opposes, and that power only increases when the candidate, in a colossal lapse of good judgment, steps blithely into Letterman's parlor."

Obama’s Denigrate America tour; President views us through the eyes of our enemies

The Washington Times  "No other American president - not even Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton - has vilified and denigrated his country while in office like Mr. Obama. It is not just that he routinely demonizes segments of his own countrymen - denouncing “fat-cat” bankers, millionaires, billionaires and corporate-jet owners. He has publicly attacked the Supreme Court for its decision on campaign-finance legislation. He has urged Hispanic supporters to “punish our enemies.” He has called Fox News and other media critics “illegitimate.” Since the 2010 midterm elections, he even has questioned the efficacy of our constitutional system, complaining about our “broken politics.” He derides “this big, messy, tough democracy,” openly admitting his temptation to bypass Congress and go it “alone.” This is more than hyperpartisanship. It expresses a deep-seated revulsion for American traditions and American democracy."  Via Lucianne

The Imaginarium of Barack Obama

Victor Davis Hanson  "The presidency of Barack Obama is full of funny things that need not follow any sort of logic. Images and ideas just pop in and out, without worry of inconsistency, contradiction, or hypocrisy. It’s a fascinating mish-mash of strange heroes and bogeymen, this imaginarium of our president."
"Those who now vote against raising the large Obama debt ceiling are political hucksters and opportunists; those who not long ago voted against raising the smaller Bush debt ceiling were principled statesmen."....
"Catching known terrorists and putting them in Guantanamo is very bad; killing suspected ones by drone assassinations — and anyone unlucky enough to be in their general vicinity — is exceptionally good."....
"A million Iranians protesting a soon-to-be-nuclear theocracy is false revolutionary consciousness and to be left alone; a few thousand Israelis wanting to buy apartments in the Jerusalem suburbs is subversive and worthy of presidential condemnation."....
"In the imaginarium, all sorts of demons and devils can unite to derail the brilliance of Barack Obama’s economic recovery plan."....  (emphasis added)

"In the imaginarium of Barack Obama there is no contradiction between smearing and shaking down Wall Street, a bunch that needs both to be told when and when not to profit, and to whom and to whom not to give tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions."
And much, much more...

Frank J. Fleming:  Obama: The Greatest President in the History of Everything
Obama is operating on a whole other level here where we can’t even follow his logic, and that can be scary at times. It’s like if some sort of primitive person — a West Virginian, perhaps — saw a surgeon doing an operation. He’d think the surgeon was harming the sleeping man by cutting in to him, when in fact the surgeon was helping that man. And that’s who Obama is — a smiling man with a knife that we’re a little bit scared of. But don’t worry; he knows what he’s doing.
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The word "Occupied" on a rest room door has more meaning now

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Your go-to site for commentary on Obama's Occupiers  "Today the Occutards, Obama’s children, and the union goons plan to shut down Wall Street.  What can we expect?  Well, I doubt that the Occutards will be engaging in intellectual conversations about their “cause.”  We’ve heard them over the weeks, and we now know that 99% of the 99% can’t even explain in cogent terms what they are protesting."....
"I wonder how many Tea Partiers ended up in police custody? Anyway … I guess this is what we can expect from a crowd that left behind dozens of hypodermic needles in Zuccotti Park after police gave them the boot." ....
"Just yesterday when asked to comment about the deaths and crimes that have occurred at Occutard protests, Maxine Waters said “that’s life and it happens … That’s a distraction from the goals of the protesters.” " (Emphasis added.) More links at this site...
Neal Boortz.

#Occupy Protester Arrested After Threatening to Burn Down NYC  “On the 17th, mark my words, we’re going to burn this city down,” said Nkrumah Tinsley, 29. “In a few days, you’re going to see what a Molotov cocktail can do to Macy’s.” Pictured at right.

NYT: Obama’s EPA Decision Based on Campaign Politics

Commentary Magazine  "Obama’s decision on the proposed EPA smog regulations actually has a lot in common with his decision on the Keystone XL construction. Environmentalists and unions assumed Obama would support both policies, and he surprised them with both decisions. The White House’s unexpected choice to block the EPA regulations was praised by unions and criticized by environmentalists, and the inverse was true with his decision to delay the Keystone XL construction. These aren’t consistent policy decisions, they’re a political balancing act."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
"This is unnerving, if only because it shows three years into Obama’s term it’s still difficult to know for sure where he stands on many issues. Keystone XL is a prime example. If he wins a second term and isn’t constrained by election politics, will he support its construction or not? At this point, it’s anybody’s guess."
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Newt's our man! Um, wait...what?

Ann Coulter: If Not Romney, Who? If Not Now, When?
So now, apparently, we have to go through the cycle of the media pushing Newt Gingrich​. This is going to be fantastic.
In addition to having an affair in the middle of Clinton's impeachment; apologizing to Jesse Jackson​ on behalf of J.C. Watts -- one of two black Republicans then in Congress –- for having criticized "poverty pimps," and then inviting Jackson to a State of the Union address; cutting a global warming commercial with Nancy Pelosi​; supporting George Soros​' candidate Dede Scozzafava in a congressional special election; appearing in public with the Rev. Al Sharpton​ to promote nonspecific education reform; and calling Paul Ryan​'s plan to save Social Security "right-wing social engineering," we found out this week that Gingrich was a recipient of Freddie Mac political money.
"We look forward with cheery anticipation to an explosion of news stories on some of the stranger aspects of Mormonism. The articles have already been written, but they're not scheduled for release until the day Romney wraps up the nomination.
"Inasmuch as the Democrats' only argument for the big-eared beanpole who's nearly wrecked the country is that you must be a racist if you oppose Obama, one assumes a lot of attention will be lavished on the Mormon Church's historical position on blacks. Church founder Joseph Smith​ said blacks had the curse of Cain on them and banned blacks from the priesthood, a directive that was not revoked until 1978."
"Instead of sitting on our thumbs, wishing Ronald Reagan were around, or chasing the latest mechanical rabbit flashed by the media, conservatives ought to start rallying around Romney as the only Republican who has a shot at beating Obama. We'll attack him when he's president.
"It's fun to be a purist, but let's put that on hold until Obama and his abominable health care plan are gone, please."  I think she's talking to you, Rush.

  Alan Caruba:  If Not Romney, Who?   "That is why a lengthy editorial in a recent Wall Street Journal is noteworthy. “Romney’s Fiscal Awakening” was a thorough analysis of a November 4th Romney speech on the subject of reversing the nation’s economic problems. The Journal said “his remarks deserve more attention than they’ve received as a guide to how he might govern.” "....
..."Yes, I think he will get the GOP nomination. Yes, I would vote for him.
The highest hurdle Romney must overcome is his reputation as a “flip-flopper.” There is no question that he has changed his views over the years on many topics, but that can be easily countered by merely listing the many times that Obama has done the same or, in his case, voted “present.” "

Place your bets on who will be the first reporter to ask Romney about the Mountain Meadows Massacre, as if he was there at the time. I place my bet on any NBC employee attached to the White House. TD
I Can't Remember

SEIU Plans “Occupy Bridge Day” To Support Obama Jobs Bill…

"This sorta goes hand-in-hand with his job-killing economic policies, huh?"

Gateway Pundit:  Unions Plan Pro-Obama “Bridge Action Day” – Will Shut Down Bridges & Harass US Workers on Thursday     The SEIU reported:
Join with SEIU members and community activists on Thursday, November 17, 2011 on Bridge Action Day. There will be actions in Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Saginaw. We will be highlighting the need for investment in our infrastructure and the jobs that these investments would provide. Michigan needs jobs now. Instead of giving handouts to big corporations, we need our leaders to stop the power struggles and focus on creating good jobs that pay a fair wage. By investing in our crumbling local bridges, we can put Michigan back to work and get our economy moving again.

Obama's principles of governance

Neal Boortz  "Here’s what I’ve come up with so far; but the list is by no means complete."
•American greatness comes from government.
•The economy is to be used as a political tool. Political objectives should be pursued through a command economy
•In a free market economy people acquire wealth by exploiting and taking advantage of the weak. It is the government’s job to right these wrongs.
•The people, are the property of government. Therefore, wealth produced by the people belongs to the government and the political class shall determine the manner in which that wealth is distributed back to the people.
•Money spent by government will lead to economic growth. Money spent by the private sector leads to wealth and income inequality.
•There is a point, which point shall be determined by the political class, at which individuals have made enough money.
•Government dependence is to be encouraged in all matters
•The United States is no more important in international affairs than Turkey or Greece.
Obama’s Abuse of Executive Orders: Worse than Fast and Furious?  "The Constitution clearly gives the power of legislating to Congress – period. A check on that power resides in the Executive Office, where the president can sign acts into law or not. In this he has some discretion over what kind of acts Congress passes into law, but he has no authority to legislate: no authority whatsoever. And he cannot create authority to legislate because all authority belongs to the people, save that authority which they delegate to various office holders and branches of government in ways plainly outlined in the Constitution.
"Remember: All powers not delegated to the government by the Constitution, “nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” "
That is no comfort when we find that "The People" are those who make up the audience of "The View" and David Letterman.