Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Imaginarium of Barack Obama

Victor Davis Hanson  "The presidency of Barack Obama is full of funny things that need not follow any sort of logic. Images and ideas just pop in and out, without worry of inconsistency, contradiction, or hypocrisy. It’s a fascinating mish-mash of strange heroes and bogeymen, this imaginarium of our president."
"Those who now vote against raising the large Obama debt ceiling are political hucksters and opportunists; those who not long ago voted against raising the smaller Bush debt ceiling were principled statesmen."....
"Catching known terrorists and putting them in Guantanamo is very bad; killing suspected ones by drone assassinations — and anyone unlucky enough to be in their general vicinity — is exceptionally good."....
"A million Iranians protesting a soon-to-be-nuclear theocracy is false revolutionary consciousness and to be left alone; a few thousand Israelis wanting to buy apartments in the Jerusalem suburbs is subversive and worthy of presidential condemnation."....
"In the imaginarium, all sorts of demons and devils can unite to derail the brilliance of Barack Obama’s economic recovery plan."....  (emphasis added)

"In the imaginarium of Barack Obama there is no contradiction between smearing and shaking down Wall Street, a bunch that needs both to be told when and when not to profit, and to whom and to whom not to give tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions."
And much, much more...

Frank J. Fleming:  Obama: The Greatest President in the History of Everything
Obama is operating on a whole other level here where we can’t even follow his logic, and that can be scary at times. It’s like if some sort of primitive person — a West Virginian, perhaps — saw a surgeon doing an operation. He’d think the surgeon was harming the sleeping man by cutting in to him, when in fact the surgeon was helping that man. And that’s who Obama is — a smiling man with a knife that we’re a little bit scared of. But don’t worry; he knows what he’s doing.
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

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