Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Missing Bush

Weekly Standard

From Bad Rachel : Thank You, O Masters of the Obamic Universe
"5,000 Syrians have been massacred by Bashar Assad since March, including 300 children. How are those sanctions workin’ out, Mr. Obama?"

U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Pays Homage to Obama—But Not Jesus

CNSNews  "The 63-foot Sierra White Fir lighted at the U.S. Capitol Grounds on Dec. 6 as the official 2011 Capitol Christmas Tree includes a prominently displayed ornament paying homage to President Barack Obama, but includes no ornament readily visible to a person standing near the tree's base that uses the word “Christmas,” or includes an image of the Nativity, or bears the name or image of Jesus Christ.
Mousey Dung
"On the north side of the tree--at a height of about 4 feet and easily visible to people standing near it---there is an ornament that says: “I ♥ President Obama.” "

Hedda Lettuce
EXCLUSIVE: Transvestites, Mao And Obama Ornaments Decorate White House Christmas Tree  (In the Blue Room)  "Why let a holiday season come between the White House and making some political statements? The White House pegged controversial designer Simon Doonan to oversee the Christmas decorations for the White House. Mr. Doonan, who is creative director of Barney’s New York has often caused a stir with his design choices. Like his naughty yuletide window display of Margaret Thatcher as a dowdy dominatrix and Dan Quayle as a ventriloquist’s dummy. For this year’s White House, he didn’t disappoint."....
These photos of ornaments on the White House Christmas tree in the Blue Room were taken just days ago. "Of course, Mao has his place in the White House. And, of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without an ornament of legendary transvestite Hedda Lettuce"
This was Obama's to approve or disapprove. They wanted this as part of the fundamental change of America they desired.

Fearful, passive tolerance of religious extremism has let Islamic extremism grow unchallenged

Up Pompeii  ...."Passive tolerance has been forced upon the British public largely by government funded agencies that have inflicted political correctness upon the population of these islands. This has led to the persecution of those who dared to show that they followed the values of Christianity, this has happened many many times.
"The English people are a recognized race as are the Scots and the Welsh, the English are also a recognized ethnic people, this is confirmed by all the World powers such as the U.N and to deny the basic building block of the English, Scot or Welsh is to deny them as a race of people."
"Many will say I do not believe, that is their prerogative, but the fact remains, even if you do not believe in the religion, all of what this country is based on is the values and moral code of Christianity."....  (Emphasis added)

America's purging of all her building blocks of culture, morals and economics is without excuse and likely deliberate. We see all these things taking place before our eyes in Europe and the UK, yet our left still drags us toward this same abyss. We are shamed into silence by cries of "intolerance!" and "diversity now!"

Netanyahu Dares to Say It: Merry Christmas!  "I say not surprising because, of course, it took a Jew (Jesus Christ) to found Christianity. And, as Netanyahu observes, the Jewish state is today a refuge, not only for Jews, but also for Christians, who are being persecuted and discriminated against in many Islamic states.
"Mazal Tov, Prime Minister. Happy Hanukkah -- and Merry Christmas."
There is also a video with this but, well, you know.

Monday, December 19, 2011

When Did Atheists Become Persnickety, Litigious Anti-Christmas Whiners?

Doug Giles   "My other non-believing buddies who weren’t the robust Hemingway types were usually heady stoners who were into physics, Pink Floyd and Frisbee and were completely comfortable around people of faith versus today’s reflexively irate, touchy atheists who pop a blood vein in their forehead if they accidentally hear “Silent Night” playing at Macy’s.
"For God’s sake atheists, übermensch up why don’t you?"
"FYI to the spindly atheists: You’ve got your work cut out for you if you want to scrub culture of its Christian influence because we have rubber stamped this planet via the arts and human expression for many, many moons. Have you ever heard of Bach, van Eyck, Vermeer, Handel, Mendelssohn, Haydn and a writer named Billy Shakespeare? What about the artists of the early Italian Renaissance or the tens of thousands of other artists, writers and composers throughout history who were either die-hard believers or at least worked within the framework of a Christian worldview? Are you going to take a belt sander to their works....?"

What will happen when these people discover what the bagpipe tune "Amazing Grace" played at government funerals is all about?
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.
First Red China had their cultural revolution; now America is having one inflicted upon her.

The Death of Kim Jong-il; Updated

The Foundry  "North Korean provocative behavior or military action is unlikely in the near-term. However, Seoul and Washington will be wary that Kim Jong-un, third son of Kim Jong-il and the next leader of North Korea, may feel it necessary in the future to precipitate a crisis to prove his mettle to other senior leaders or deflect attention from the regime’s failings. South Korea announced on Sunday that it had increased the alert of its military and would convene an emergency meeting of its national security council."

Kim Jong-un:  "Kim Jong-il's youngest son, was named by North Korea's official news agency KCNA as the "great successor" to his father, which lauded him as "the outstanding leader of our party, army and people".
"Little is known of Jong-un who is believed to be in his late 20s and was appointed to senior political and military posts in 2010."

Something tells me those generals will have him for breakfast and things will be as they always have been.

Kim Jong Il Loved Hollywood and Movies (Except ‘Team America’)  "God bless Trey Parker and Matt Stone who forever beclowned  North Korea’s evil dictator during this shameful era when the rest of liberal Hollywood has forever disgraced themselves by embracing human rights abusers of the worst kind in both Cuba and Venezuela. Parker and Stone also proved how effective a brilliant piece of satire can be. This evil man will forever be a punchline."

Kim with Bill Clinton's Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright; BadRachel
" Bill Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, found him “smart” and “well-informed,” though perhaps somewhat “cruel”; he gave Ms. Albright’s counselor, Wendy Sherman, a little tingle: “He was smart, engaged, knowledgeable, self-confident, sort of the master-director of all he surveyed ..." Bad Rachel

Whoopi Goldberg on Communism: ‘On Paper It Makes Perfect Sense’  "Goldberg shared her latest profound political thoughts on “The View” earlier today. The all-women panel were pontificating on the sudden death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and the greater geopolitical picture in his absence. That meant the conversation veered toward Communism, and the Oscar-winning Goldberg sounded like she wished she lived in a Communist-run country.
"On paper, at least."  (Video)

Picture at right from Big Peace:  "The Bizarre, Twisted Cult Known as the ‘Democratic’ People’s Republic of Korea"

Media Mash: NB Publisher Bozell Takes On Liberal Media Pumping Up Obama While Bashing Gingrich

Newsbusters  "Referring to a story on the December 15 ABC World News in which anchor Diane Sawyer excitedly proclaimed "the comeback is for real" in the economy, Bozell declared: "That story could have produced by the Obama for President committee and you wouldn't have seen anything different." He added: "Or she could be wearing an Obama for President sticker...and you wouldn't feel at all awkward about it."

Still no video imbedded because the TW is remaining Adobe Flashless

"In response to the hyperbolic media denunciation of Gingrich, Bozell explained: "They fear and they loathe Newt Gingrich. They fear him because of his ideas, he's got bold ideas....loathing because of 40 years in public office, they saw what he did in the 1990's, they saw how he broke the gridlock and the monopoly the left had on the Congress and they fear he'd do it again as president. "

Cartoon from DrawforTruth

Hell Has A New Occupant: North Korea’s Kim Jong Il Dead…(Updates added)

Weasel Zippers   "“It is the biggest loss for the party … and it is our people and nation’s biggest sadness,” an anchorwoman clad in black Korean traditional dress said in a voice choked with tears. She said the nation must “change our sadness to strength and overcome our difficulties.” "

From the Council on Foreign Relations,October 25, 2010;  Succession and Stasis in North Korea "However daunting all of this may seem, and however dim Kim Jong Un’s prospects appear, several factors, both internal and external, will work in his favor. He will rely on the system designed by his grandfather, the founder of North Korea, Kim Il Sung -- a system that, as Daniel Byman and I have written, was designed for resilience."

Thomas Lifson:  North Korean Communist dynasty goes into its third generation  "Power is passing to the youngest of his three sons, Kim Jong-un, now known as the "Great Successor," formerly labeled by the regime as the "Brilliant Comrade."
Sounds like a title for the head lemur in "Madagascar".  But I digress...
Oldest brother Kim Jong Nam reportedly "had been the favorite to succeed his father but reportedly fell out of favour after being caught trying to enter Japan on a fake passport in 2001 to visit Tokyo Disneyland." Second brother Kim Jong Chul was also passed over. Information is fragmentary, but a Japanese sushi chef who worked for Kim Jong il left North Korea and wrote about the Kim family. He is reported to have indicated:

Kim would often bemoan that Kim Jong Chul, his 23-year old son, would never rule because he had turned out to be "like a girl." ....

Bloviating Zeppelin
"The news came as North Korea prepared for a hereditary succession. Kim Jong Il inherited power after his father, revered North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, died in 1994.
"In September 2010, Kim Jong Il unveiled his third son, the twenty-something Kim Jong Un, as his successor, putting him in high-ranking posts."

The funeral dinner will consist of stale bread and water.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

OWS manages to shut down a business; commentary ensues

Hot Air  " Milk Street Cafe , the restaurant whose business dried up in the face of the Occupy Wall Street barricades, is shutting down.
"Thursday will be the last day for the 23,000 square-foot eatery that opened at 40 Wall St. in June, the Daily News has learned.
" “It’s terribly sad,” Milk Street Cafe owner Marc Epstein told the News.
"Epstein blamed the barricades that remained in front of his restaurant even after the Occupy Wall Street protestors were removed from Zuccotti Park.
" “This is now the 12th straight week of the barricades,” he said."

Their web site

Townhall: Occupy Forces a Business to Close   "Nice job sticking it to the man, Occupy. You really showed those investment bankers."
OC register.com
The Gothamist: Milk Street Cafe, Which Blamed Occupy Wall Street For Bad Business, Closing Tomorrow    "Hope you're happy, Occupy Wall Street. All your rabble rousing has driven a small business owner out of business, the business owner said. You'll recall that Marc Epstein, the owner of the kosher upscale food court that opened in June on Wall Street, laid off a quarter of his staff at the end of October, when the Occupy Wall Street occupation at nearby Zuccotti Park was at its zenith. With business down 30 percent, Epstein described himself as "collateral damage" from Occupy Wall Street, which he characterized as "not serious... If it was, they would not want small businesses going out of business." Now he's out of business."

Is Occupy Wall Street late to the game? "The poll shows 64 percent of Americans say “big government” is the biggest threat to the country, while just 26 percent say it’s “big business” and 8 percent say it’s “big labor.” "

White House Displays ‘Washington Monument Syndrome’

FactCheck.org   "The White House misleadingly suggests that the Republicans’ plan to pay for a payroll tax cut would result in “forcing cuts to things like education and medical research.” The bill passed by House Republicans mentions no such cuts. And while the bill may or may not require cuts to discretionary spending, there’s no reason those cuts would have to come from popular programs like education or medical research."....
"This is a classic example of a political tactic some call the Washington Monument Syndrome, where a politician facing budget cuts will select examples of visible, popular services and warn that those would be the first ones cut.
"That was what the Washington Post once dubbed the tactic pursued by the late George B. Harzog, director of the National Parks Service in 1969, when he ordered the Washington Monument (and all other national parks) to be closed two days a week after the Nixon administration cut the Parks Service’s budget. Congress later restored the money after a public outcry.
"In this case, it’s education and medical research."

Drawing from nps.gov

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail

Beltway Confidential via Drudge:  "Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.
"Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.
" "I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity."

They can do it, but their postage will not be paid by the government. Who do these PC people live in fear of, anyway?

Ad: Are Your Greeting Cards Politically Correct with Your Audience?
..."Whether or not you personally celebrate the Holidays by sending business Christmas cards, when choosing your company's holiday card it's important to think about your recipients. Unless you know for sure that they celebrate Christmas, it may be inappropriate to select a card that makes specific reference to Christmas. If they do celebrate, is it in a secular way? While it's true that political correctness can be just as controversial as the topics it covers, the bottom line is that the greetings you're sending to your customers shouldn't run the risk of alienating them."...

TW hopes this message will convey to you the full meaning of, er, this time.

The President and the Pipeline

Tim Tebow and that Rabbi

Rabbi Hammarman's screed against Tim Tebow  (Earlier, TW published an excerpt from this rabbi's article here. That was the most incendiary part of the rabbi's column, but he added this:)
Tebow used to wear eye black citing Ephesians 2:8-10, which states, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith (in Jesus).” His avenue to salvation is not available to those Jews who wish to remain Jewish.
"Unlike some other blue-staters, I do not fear people of faith. I fear people of certainty. The worldwide struggle going on right now is not between good and evil, but between certainty and doubt."....
To which Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs responded:  "I haven't heard rubbish like this since Ed Asner got airtime on tv. This is the most arrogant tripe - and anti-Christian tripe - I have ever seen from an ordained rabbi. Hu strarich lehhitbayesh. That's Hebrew for "He needs to be ashamed of himself." A man loves Jesus and that automatically makes him want to banish immigrants and bash gays? And burn mosques? Where did this rabbi come up with this fevered swamp tripe? This column by the so-called rabbi is a hate crime in itself."

The Rabbi later apologized 
....I realize the way in which I attempted to make my points was clumsy and inappropriate, calling to mind the kind of intolerance and extremism my article was intended to disparage. I sincerely apologize to Mr. Tebow, his family, the Broncos and Patriots and all those whom I may have offended.”
The Rabbi's Twitter post:
"The Rabbi, as part of the J-Street Rabbinical council is part of the George Soros team, pulled the post off his personal blog and the Newspaper it was published in, the Jewish Week pulled it from their site."
Tebow post removed by Jewish Week

Blame the Jewish Week as well  "Hammerman could not have picked a more compatible location the Tebow hit piece, the Jewish Week run by Editor/Publisher Gary Rosenblatt has a history of pushing progressive themes and candidates, hit-jobs on political conservatives, and editorializing against people of faith (including Jews)."
From Atlas Shrugs: On the Unjewish Rabbi and the Left-Wing Jewish Newspaper that ran him  "I haven't had time to write on the "rabbi" who embarrassed all of us in a statement he made about the righteous Tim Tebow. It was so ugly on its face, I thought it a teachable moment, a stunning indictment of the Jewish left and the leftwing rag, The Jewish Week, that ran the "rabbi's" oped." Pamela Geller.

All links above not attributed to Atlas Shrugs are from Yid With Lid.

For Tebow fans.

Above cartoon from a post called "The Tebow Taboo", which is not as rigidly enforced as the "Obama Taboo" is in the MainStream Media.