Saturday, December 22, 2012

I kinda like this sign...

Hey, it works in Israel.

"In the meantime, I sympathize with liberals who say we need to do something right now…something like banning random types of firearms, for no particular reason. No, seriously–I get the fact that sometimes we need to do something, just to make a statement…to show that we care…even if what we do is only symbolic. I agree that this is such a time. So this morning, I joined the NRA."

New Study Finds Democrats Fully to Blame for Subprime Mortgage Crisis that Caused 2008 Financial Disaster

The Gateway Pundit  "In his early activist days, Barack Obama the community organizer sued banks to ease lending practices.

"State Sen. Barack Obama and Fr. Michael Pfleger led a protest against the payday loan industry demanding the State of Illinois to regulate loan businesses in January 2000. During his time as a community organizer Barack Obama led several protests against banks to make loans to high risk individuals."
Democrats and the media insist the Community Reinvestment Act, the anti-redlining law beefed up by President Clinton, had nothing to do with the subprime mortgage crisis and recession.
But a new study by the respected National Bureau of Economic Research finds, “Yes, it did. We find that adherence to that act led to riskier lending by banks.”....More...
Hat tip to The Infidel Bloggers Alliance

For you low-information voters who re-elected Obama, here is a summary of this story:  Obama and other Democrats applied pressure on the mortgage industry. I believe charges of "racism" were leveled and the industry buckled, giving loans to people who went in knowing they could not pay for these.
 In spite of warnings from the Bush Administration, the housing industry collapsed, causing the US economy to fall into what is called "the Great Recession" at the end of the Bush Administration. This led to the mess that Obama has repeatedly said he "inherited". Obama has pushed this "inherited" excuse for over four years (accurately enough, save for who caused it), blaming it on President Bush, unfairly.
All this has been absorbed by the low-information electorate (watchers of The View,Oprah, People Magazine readers, Obamaphone recipients,and all TV shows into the late evening,  et al) who number about fifty million.
I'm not sure news people on the networks, CNN and MSNBC could be classified as "low-information", but as collaborators. Rather than being "low-information" people themselves, they helped create those low-information voters.
I believe it is accurate to say that President Bush inherited this economic mess from Barack Obama. Obama is now doubling down on these actions, making them even more draconian, so we can expect the next administration to inherit a big mess from all this. TD

Stalin's birthday marked in Russia and beyond

Bruce Springsteen and Pete Seeger to lead the California Legislature in singing "Happy Birthday".
Sacramento Bee  "... several ethnic Crimean Tatars trashed a small street exhibition on Stalin. The entire Crimean Tatar population of Ukraine was hastily deported in cattle trains on Stalin's orders in 1944 for their alleged collaboration with Nazi Germans during World War II. Of the 200,000 Crimean Tatars, almost a fifth died of starvation and diseases, and the survivors were allowed to return only in the late 1980s.

"... Stalin ordered the deaths of at least 724,000 people during the purges and repression of the 1930s, while millions died as a result of the forced labor system in Gulags, the Soviet prison system.
"But, some people believe he was a strong and valiant leader whose grip on the nation was needed for security and his popularity in Russia has been climbing amid Kremlin-backed efforts to defend his image. "
Everyone but liberals have misunderstood M. Stalin and failed to see his real greatness.

The roots of mass murder

Charles Krauthammer 
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
"Every mass shooting has three elements: the killer, the weapon and the cultural climate. As soon as the shooting stops, partisans immediately pick their preferred root cause with corresponding pet panacea. Names are hurled, scapegoats paraded, prejudices vented. The argument goes nowhere.

"Let’s be serious:"....

...."The majority of those sleeping on grates are mentally ill. In the name of civil liberties, we let them die with their rights on.
"A tiny percentage of the mentally ill become mass killers. Just about everyone around Tucson shooter Jared Loughner sensed he was mentally ill and dangerous. But in effect, he had to kill before he could be put away — and (forcibly) treated. "

...."While law deters the rational, it has far less effect on the psychotic. The best we can do is to try to detain them, disarm them and discourage “entertainment” that can intensify already murderous impulses.

"But there’s a cost. "....

‘Queen James Bible' Scrubs 'Homophobic’ Passages

CNS News " “The Queen James Bible (QJB) is a big, fabulous Bible,” its website explains. Released on Nov. 27 by a publisher named “Queen James,” anonymous editors say they “wanted to make a book filled with the word of God that nobody could use to incorrectly condemn God’s LGBT children.”

" “And we succeeded,” they said.
"LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.
"The "Queen James" Bible changes a total of eight verses in the King James Version that deal with homosexuality, which it says are used by “anti-LGBT religious activists” to condemn homosexuals."
More excerpts from the CNS article:
...." “We side with most Bible scholars who understand the story of Sodom and Gomorra(sic) to be about bullying strangers,” it states under “Editor’s Notes.” "
...."The editors also argue that Leviticus 18:22, which labels sexual relations between two men an “abomination,” would mean only “scandalous” in today’s world."...." “Given the definition of the Hebrew word … we suggest that by today’s standards, a biblical abomination would be understood to be ‘scandalous.’” "
...."“Commonly known to biographers but often surprising to most Christians, King James I was a well-known bisexual,” the editors write. “Though he did marry a woman, his many gay relationships were so well-known that amongst some of his friends and court, he was known as ‘Queen James.’” "

(UPDATED) Unverified Report Claims Westboro Baptist Church's Plans to Picket Sandy Hook Funerals Thwarted by Good Samaritan Bikers

Seeking confirmation of this story; The Newtown Bee has no mention of these bikers attending yet.  Nor does the Woodbury newspaper. Below is what we have found on the story. Tunnel Dweller.

Update from Dec 15th: Connecticut school shooting: Protest planned to stop Westboro Baptist Church  Counter-protest Facebook page here. Excerpt from the Facebook page:
There was a collection of mostly local people on the Woodbury town green from noon on, growing to over a hundred by 2pm. People ... formed a human wall to block the signs of any would be protestors. There was also a number of members of a biker club, and visible police presence. The Westborough Baptist Church ... did not show up. The atmosphere was quiet and respectful for the sake of the families. .... I believe our numbers and our determination to not create a media scene or any trouble they could capitalize off of dissuaded them from showing up today.
The Stir   "Anyway, after Westboro threatened to picket the funerals of these innocent children (but haven't actually done so yet so far as I can tell), strangers from all over traveled to Newtown to form a human chain to block messages of hate from the eyes of the grieving townspeople. These human chains have been formed before at the funerals of soldiers.
"This time, a line of motorcyclists formed on the streets to keep watch for the Westboro loonies. "All these guys see us and think we're bad. We're not. It's solidarity, is what it is," New York biker Jim Hannigan told a reporter. "I just felt I had to be here." Seriously, Westboro, do you want to mess with bikers?!
"I don't know what kind of God Westboro Church believes in, but it's not the God the majority of people believe in. The idea that God sent down a reign of terror on Connecticut because of its gay marriage laws is absurd. But, you know, there's all kinds of nutty people in this world. I think this group only gets attention because it calls itself a church. I really feel sorry for the children (most of them children of the pastor) who are stuck in this "church.""

Westboro Baptist Church to picket Sandy Hook funerals: 4 ways to respond "How do you solve a problem like Westboro Baptist Church? Here are a few options."

Photo above from Hells Angels-1 Westboro Baptist Church-0  This story is unverified by other sources; "A group of other "Angels" and their leather clad brethren formed a human chain along the road in Woodbury to protect the mourners at Sandy Hook Elementary School principal Dawn Hochsprung's services today alongside firefighters and town's folk. It worked, the WBC stood down. "

Friday, December 21, 2012

Left Wing Strategy Exposed in John Kerry’s Letter

John LaRosa  "On a more serious note, I found the text of Kerry’s letter to be quite revealing. It is a blueprint for the 2010 liberal game plan! The first paragraph sets the tone:  from 2004
“I have been a senator for 25 years and I’ve never seen anything like this. As President Obama works to dig us out of a deep hole and build our country back up, the Republicans in Washington at the highest levels have adopted an entirely different goal: Force his failure. It disgusts me every time I see it.”

"Analysis: Demonize dissent. Imply Republican racism and personal animosity toward Obama. Remind people about the famous “inherited mess”. Label Republicans as “obstructionist” and “The Party of No”. Feign indignation."
Continuing further, Mr. La Rosa makes another point:
"Later in Kerry’s comical yet disturbing letter, he revealed the tired and increasingly ineffective strategy of isolating and demonizing Tea Party patriots.
“We must defend our majority against a Tea Partier crowd that wants to make the ideology of the far right fringe the basic operating procedure of the federal government.
"Analysis: Use the word “crowd” to imply “dangerous mob”. Label the Tea Party as “extremists” with the word “fringe”. Link a grassroots, bottom-up movement to a top-down GOP strategy."
(Emphases in the original)    Via Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

As the world ends, let's look back on 2012

Jib Jab, who else?  Since the world is about to end or fall off some cliff, this could be my final post, but it is a good one. The Tunnel Dweller

Commentary on the failure of Plan B

TD honestly has nothing but ignorance to pass on to you, so instead of doing that, here is the research I have been doing on the Plan B affair. Take it for what it is worth to you.

American Thinker; Boehner and Cantor Must Go "...Speaker Boehner's plan to raise taxes didn't woo GOP House caucus members or tea parties and grassroots conservatives across the republic. Boehner and his team were effectively trying to legislate against their party's conservative base and the outcome was thankfully predictable.
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Human Events; House Speaker John Boehner on Friday morning blamed a Republican Party defection over his “Plan B” tax proposal on a misconception that the measure was a tax increase that could be used against the members.  "Boehner (R-Ohio) also told reporters he did not believe the late-night defection put his speakership at risk."  Plan B collapses; "The collapse was announced shortly after an emergency GOP conference was called at 7:45 p.m. to count votes and twist arms, just moments before the legislation was to be debated on the House floor."   Also this.

ABC's Jonathan Karl asks, "Now what?"   "Tea party groups including Heritage Action, Freedom Works and the Club for Growth –ruined Boehner’s Plan B." This and the next via Lucianne
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
American Spectator; Reagan’s House Heroes Stop Plan B  "What is the take away here? This was a botched GOP House Leadership issue. It is exactly what happens when the governing principle is deal making and not principle."  The article quotes Mark Levin:
I just don’t think he’s up to the monumental task of saving the country from Obama’s designs. It’s time for the Republicans to seriously reassess what they’re doing.
Legal Insurrection; Plan B fails — Now the House needs to consider Plan C
  "The basic premise is that no agreement can be reached with Obama this calendar year because any deal Obama will offer when he thinks we are under the pressure of a year end “cliff” will be horrible. And sure enough, what little movement the White House has made has been horrible."

WSJ; Plan B's Demise  "Some leadership aides now fear the terms of the deal with Mr. Obama will only get worse for Republicans after Christmas, or if we go over the cliff in a week and a half. The question almost no Republican could answer after Mr. Boehner's embarrassing setback is: What is Plan C?"

Pedophiles and the Regulation of Hugging

CATO  via Heritage  "Concerns about protecting children may deprive them of important physical contact."
My wife and I worked with children in AWANA for 25 years in a rough area of town with many, um, dysfunctional families represented among our kids. Many were badly in need of an adult's tender, loving touch and responded hungrily to love. We were circumspect in our giving of affection and diligent about screening our workers, but felt the warning not to hug your kids left all with an emptiness that cried out to be filled.
What is not appreciated is how pedophiles have indirectly harmed tens of millions of children, especially disadvantaged children, whom the pedophiles have never touched. This harm comes in the form of institutional policies on how supervising adults can interact—or, rather, not interact—with children. In the main, incidences of pedophilia, both proven and unproven, have led to institutional regulations that restrict adult caregivers, teachers, ministers, and coaches—among other adults who have regular contact with children—from hugging (or even touching)

children under their care and instruction. For fear of being wrongly accused of child molestation, many adults have increased the distance they stay from children.
The article gives us this advice on overcautious guidelines:
The problem with restrictive hugging policies is that hugs can be good for children’s souls, minds, and behaviors, which can have subsequent beneficial economic consequences.
I cautioned my leaders about the dangers of hugging, but one man told me, "These kids need to be hugged and I love hugging them!" I knew this man for decades and saw his gift with children,  how they loved him and his gift for making them feel loved. My misguided advice-regardless of it being well-intentioned- would have denied those children something they were badly in need of.
The Tunnel Dweller

Profound words: "The hypocrisy of having Obama and Holder lecture the rest of us on "gun control" is appalling and unacceptable."

Hope n' Change  "For 2012, "Sandy" was our least favorite name owing to its association with so much sadness, destruction, and shameless politicization. Per the cartoon above, MSNBC newsidiot Chris Matthews actually expressed delight that Hurricane Sandy occured because it helped the president politically.
"But the worst has got to be Barack Obama's current invoking of the murdered children of Sandy Hook not just to promote gun control- but as the reason that members of the GOP should "take off their partisan war paint" and raise taxes, increase spending, and give Obama unlimited borrowing powers.

"It says a lot (in fact, frighteningly too much) about this president that he would enthusiastically use the blood of innocents for his selfish political power grab. The children of Sandy Hook did not die to promote Socialism. "...

Guns, Mental Illness and Newtown

WSJ; Guns, Mental Illness and Newtown  ...."The 1980s were much worse than today in terms of overall violent crime, including gun homicide, but they were much better than today in terms of mass random shootings. The difference wasn't that the 1980s had tougher controls on so-called "assault weapons." No assault weapons law existed in the U.S. until California passed a ban in 1989."
The writer describes the difference between gangsters and the lone, crazed mass shooter, stating: "They are predominantly weaklings and cowards who crumble easily as soon as an armed person shows up.

"The problem is that by the time the police arrive, lots of people are already dead. So when armed citizens are on the scene, many lives are saved. The media rarely mention the mass murders that were thwarted by armed citizens at the Shoney's Restaurant in Anniston, Ala. (1991), the high school in Pearl, Miss. (1997), the middle-school dance in Edinboro, Penn. (1998), and the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo. (2007), among others.
"At the Clackamas Mall in Oregon last week, an active shooter murdered two people and then saw that a shopper, who had a handgun carry permit, had drawn a gun and was aiming at him. The murderer's next shot was to kill himself."  (Emphases added, both here and below)
But the writer nails the entire issue here in a way that- I fear- any Obama-led commission will not:
Real gun-free zones are a wonderful idea, but they are only real if they are created by metal detectors backed up by armed guards. Pretend gun-free zones, where law-abiding adults (who pass a fingerprint-based background check and a safety training class) are still disarmed, are magnets for evildoers who know they will be able to murder at will with little threat of being fired upon.

People who are serious about preventing the next Newtown should embrace much greater funding for mental health, strong laws for civil commitment of the violently mentally ill—and stop kidding themselves that pretend gun-free zones will stop killers.
Name a commission whose recommendations this president has followed.