Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dempsey considers lowering standards for women in combat

We knew this was coming.  Don't say we weren't warned What do you expect from a party that believes that equality of outcomes trumps intelligent decisions?
This Ain't Hell but you can see it from here
"Our least favorite Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Martin Dempsey, in his press conference on Thursday along with our least favorite Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, hinted that he just might consider lowering the standards to let women in the jobs which might take them into combat, according to the Washington Times;
When a reporter mentioned that the Pentagon’s stance appeared to keep open the possibility that some occupational specialties would be off limits to females, Gen. Dempsey responded: “[I]f we do decide that a particular standard is so high that a woman couldn’t make it, the burden is now on the service to come back and explain to the secretary, why is it that high? Does it really have to be that high?”
Do you think these next articles are going off on a tangent, or do you see the correlation?

Totally different, but related area showing there are no limits to the silliness of this nation's equality laws
"So, a boy in a wheelchair comes up to the high school football coach and says, “I want to be a linebacker.”
"And the coach says …”Of course. Under federal funding guidelines from the Department of Education, we have to let you play.” "

The Left’s Obsession with Equality of Outcomes, Taken to a Logical Extreme
" I’m almost at a loss for words. What sort of sickness is required to deny something to one group of kids just because the same benefit is not universally available?"

Offensive Filmmaker Denigrates Equality of Outcome

The People's Cube  "As simple equal comrade, I hereby denounce and report thoughtcriminal who made the offending video below. It is sure to cause turmoil among those who have struggled so hard for so long to eliminate the inequality caused by those who seek to be unequal!"  

Egyptian in Tahrir Square assesses the Obama foreign policy

Atlas Shrugs  "Read the rest of the sign. Will the media cover this? Never. Are they culpable? You bet they are. They are shamelessly carrying water for jihadists and a President who is advancing the most brutal, bloody and extreme ideology on the face of the earth."
This man is obviously a right-wing racist.

Krauthammer: Obama unbound

Political Cartoons
Charles Krauthammer  "The media herd is stunned to discover that Barack Obama is a man of the left. After 699 teleprompted presidential speeches, the commentariat was apparently still oblivious. Until Monday’s inaugural address, that is.
"Where has everyone been these four years? The only surprise is that Obama chose his second inaugural, generally an occasion for “malice toward none” ecumenism, to unveil so uncompromising a left-liberal manifesto."
"On the contrary. Obama is the apostle of the ever-expanding state. His speech was an ode to the collectivity. But by that he means only government, not the myriad of voluntary associations — religious, cultural, charitable, artistic, advocacy, ad infinitum — that are the glory of the American system."
Political Cartoons

Are Americans Really That Stupid?

All signs point to "yes". Never speak these words again: "Trust in the wisdom of the American people".
Chris Vaca  "Obama-care was supposed to cost 980 billion dollars over ten years, the latest estimate is 2.6 trillion dollars and who knows what the true cost is going to be. Already premiums are going up when we were promised that they would not, companies have started to lay-off people or cut them to part-time work when we were told that it would create jobs. It seems to me that the Government needs to keep their hands off of the weather and healthcare, because they obviously have no clue what they are doing.
"So I asked myself, “are people in America really that stupid” and the answer came back, at least 51% of the people are, because 51% of the people voted to re-elect Obama."

FEMA: Burned Out Family Can’t Rebuild

Conservative Daily News  "Meet the Taylors, a Sacramento family whose home burned down last August. After dealing with the devastation and emotional trauma the family discovered that FEMA had changed the rules for their area and now would require their home be built 20 feet above ground in order to meet the new flood zone designation. While the fire damage was covered by their insurance the new building requirements were not.
“The city won’t let me fix my house because of FEMA regulations,” Jennifer Taylor said in an interview to Fox News in November. “This is so wrong.”
We bought this home in 1998 because FEMA had certified the levees as 100-year flood protection,” Taylor told “Homes are just not being fixed here. … There’s at least a handful of us in this situation.”
"In 2008 FEMA revisited flood prone areas and decertified the levee.
Watch their documentary and understand their frustration with the government."

Can you believe that Gov. Brown-a California liberal- actually spoke these words?

Brace yourself when you click on this because a video starts with a commercial.
Calif. education funding, Cagle, Jan. 2, 2013
San Jose Mercury-News  ".... Brown took aim at the proliferation of laws and regulations that he said put a stranglehold on Californians -- and used 16th century French writer Michel de Montaigne to make his point.
"As legislators, it is your duty and privilege to pass laws," he said. "But what we need to do for our future will require more than producing hundreds of new laws each year."
"Brown lashed out at the "overly complex, bureaucratically driven and deeply inequitable" education funding system, which he wants to reform so that more money gets to schools with disadvantaged students. And he criticized the "tightly constrained curricula," saying "performance metrics are invoked like talismans.
""Distant authorities crack the whip, demanding quantitative measures and a stark, single number to encapsulate the precise achievement level of every child," he said. "We seem to think that education is a thing -- like a vaccine -- that can be designed from afar and simply injected into our children. But as the Irish poet William Butler Yeats said, 'Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.'"
Great words, but what Obamite would ever utter them or even think such thoughts?
Cartoons from calwatchdog

The Next Generation Data Card puts the monumental economic challenges we face into perspective.

PJ Media "The state of America's economy today will impact the prosperity of future generations tomorrow. We created this data card because we want every American to have a simple and easy way to track and discuss the key economic indicators that show the true state of our nation's economy. The items featured in this card affect every American personally, whether we know it or not."  
"As a member of Congress, I had our staff develop this simple card of several economic indicators to give constituents an objective, comparative analysis. Now, PJ Media's Next Generation initiative is updating this card to show you where America was in January 2009 and where we are currently."
Lt. Col(ret)Allen West
Bear in mind that former Rep. West is very much opposed to the Obama administration, which makes him a racist.

More reasoned debate here:
Obama superdonor says Allen West is in ‘Party of the Apes’ Guess who said so.

Friday, January 25, 2013

It’s time to take on the media

Ace of Spades; We Must Do Something About The Media
"The media considers its adversarial function to consist of serving as adversaries to critics of Obama and the Democrats; thus Terry Moran shaming himself by rushing out to ask what right a Senator has to question the Secretary of State on matters of foreign policy."
Legal Insurrection  "Ace of Spades blog has posted a piece documenting the void of a Fourth Estate in America today, enjoining all of us who have been following its malpractice to do something:
The media no longer hides it in their actions. They are fully fused with the Obama Administration and DNC. The only way in which they do hide it is by simply lying when confronted about it: They’ll issue a snide denial, then go about doing precisely what it is they were accused of doing.
The writer tells us to go after our local media outlets,  not just national media:
"I sometimes fear that we focus too much on the large national news outlets, when perhaps more Americans, more of the persuadable middle, tune in to their local nightly news broadcast than the politics-laden super media networks like Fox. Treat your local news anchors like your congressman. Call them, follow them on twitter, write about their biased reports, because they weave bias into their nightly news reports on fires and high school sports teams like you wouldn’t believe. Film them when they’re doing their job. Ask them why they didn’t film the people in the Socialist Worker t-shirts at the so-called teachers union protests. Hold THEM accountable, and you will do more to reach the persuadable middle than any large new network can."
"Media Trackers is a conservative non-profit, non-partisan investigative watchdog dedicated to promoting accountability in the media and government across Wisconsin through cutting edge research and communications initiatives."

 The author makes it a point to include journalism schools in this mission:
And third, I’d like to call attention to graduate journalism schools for playing their part in this farce that we can call American journalism. As I was kicked out of the “Midwest Marxism” conference held at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism a few months ago for taking notes to report on what was going on, I felt I had a more than symbolic real-life experience with the rotting out of educational journalism institutions.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Where Are The Witnesses Who Survived Benghazi?

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

"An excellent question. But then again, what difference does it make?"
"Hillary has coined the perfect phrase to represent the Elitist Left in this country- because nothing matters to them except getting the results they want. No question of morality, responsibility, or even logic. If they think it's the right thing to do, then what does it matter if our nation goes to hell?"

What Difference it Makes...  "You can hide behind your sovereign immunity, Hillary, but there are personal injury lawyers out there who know how to pull legal flanking movements on that defense. Whether or not they prevail in court, they will keep your name and your political aspirations in the news between now and 2016.
"And not in a good way..."

Benghazi murders: Yes Hillary, it does make a difference
"So yes, the reason why Islamists murder Americans absolutely does matter. The answer is because they are Islamists.
"Killing individual terrorists is not enough. The entire radical Islamist cancer must be eradicated. This process cannot even begin to succeed until American leaders honestly admit that this problem exists.
"Everyone can see this except the blind, also known as the State Department"

Wrong on Women Warriors; The new policy is a disastrous mistake.

Heather Mac Donald at NRO
"Any claim that our fighting forces are not reaching their maximum potential because females are not included is absurd. The number of women who are the equal to reasonably well-developed men in upper-body strength and who have the same stamina and endurance is vanishingly small. Because the number of women who will meet the military’s already debased physical-fitness standard will not satisfy the feminists’ demand for representation, the fitness standard will inevitably be lowered across the board or for women alone, as we have seen in civilian uniformed forces."
"I am not aware of any comparable crusade to create gender-integrated football teams. At least America knows what’s really important."
Heather Mac Donald is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. 

Updated: Women in Combat Spells Trouble? What do we learn from the Israelis?

Linda Chavez  "One study of a brigade operating in Iraq in 2007 showed that women sustained more casualties than their male counterparts and suffered more illnesses. Female soldiers experienced three times the evacuation rate of male soldiers. And of those evacuated for medical reasons, a shocking 74 percent were for pregnancy-related issues.
"The high rate of pregnancy among female soldiers is one of the best-kept secrets in the military."....
.... "And, of course, many of the pregnancies among deployed females involved sexual activity between soldiers in the field -- which brings up one of the chief objections to women serving in combat roles." 
And, I might add, openly gay partners. A combat unit was preserved as a non-sexual environment for unit cohesion and that is no longer the case thanks to the ultra-PC Democrat Party and Obama.

The Israeli Defense Force is often cited as the prime example of women integrated with women in combat. We will continue to draw on the IDF's 17 years of experience with this for understanding, beginning here:
IDF Background Information   "From the late 1990s onwards, they are moving back into combat positions, including flight school. The first female fighter pilot graduated in 2001. Before women were re-absorbed into combat units, there used to be a womens'(sp) corps which provides professional support and backup that was created as a parallel administrative system to the command system."

Women in combat roles: Is it possible?  "While Israel’s model may not be appropriate for the US, a measured time-phased approach to integrating women into combat roles will better serve the military.
"As a combat veteran, I have served with female soldiers and civilians that shared some of the same burdens as men.  Specifically in 2004, my unit was situated near a Civil Affairs unit that included several females.  While their unit was not intended to close with and engage the enemy, they patrolled the same streets in Iraq as every other unit.  Also, the .50 caliber gunner was a female soldier who proved her mettle on several occasions."....
"Ultimately this culture change should be paced to ensure the military, not an agenda, is served first."
 (Emphasis added because it is at this point that I expect the worst from this inept PC/Democrat administration.TD)
Timothy Zlatich  is a retired US Army Special Forces and Intelligence officer
with a keen eye for political-military issues related to National Security. 

UPDATE: IDF Women on Facebook   "In Israel all citizens are required to serve in the military. The Israel Defense Forces, the IDF, drafts all Women for at least 2 years. IDF Women serve in various units including on the frontlines.
"This fan page is administered by over 50 IDF Women. Personal contact is prohibited for security considerations."

We look forward to hearing from members of the IDF who can share their experiences with us, both pro and con on this subject as long as they offer respectful and reasoned opinions. TD
 Women in IDF Combat Units  "Presently, female soldiers are trained and responsible for the many of the same duties as their male counterparts. Those recruited for combat units have to serve for 30 months instead of the current mandatory period for women of 21 months."

The State of Israel is the only country in the world that requires women to serve in the armed forces  "92% of positions in the IDF are available for female soldiers. Today women make up 33% of the IDF, and eight times as many women are serving as military reserves. Female officers with the rank of Colonel has grown by 100% since 1999 and with the rank of Lt. Col. grew by 70% in the past decade."
What are the 8% of positions that women do not serve in and why? Will those be off limits to US women in a society where feminism PC is as radical and unyielding as here in the US?

Women soldiers raped by captors   "According to Bragg, Lynch’s medical records indicate she was anally raped."
“The records do not tell whether her captors assaulted her almost lifeless,  broken body after she was lifted from the wreckage, or if they assaulted her  and then broke her bones into splinters until she was almost dead,” the Daily News quotes from the book."
In cases like this, who would the soldiers sue for damages: the military or NOW?

NOW wants NO restrictions on women in combat with no thought whatever for the needs of the military. They say:
"Despite recent advances for women, both the Army and the Marines continue to exclude women from infantry, armor and field artillery units, and thus block women from advancing along the three main routes to those branches' senior leadership. The military's policy of restricting women's participation in direct combat units denies women significant opportunities for job advancement. Most three-star and four-star positions require combat experience; at the end of FY 1993, there were 114 three-star and four-star admirals and generals in the four combined services. None were women. Further, contrary to the proposed reservation, women cannot volunteer for military service without restriction, as women are precluded from certain designated combat positions."
Fully expect the PC Democrats to go along with this because ideology trumps wisdom and intelligence.