Saturday, December 3, 2016

After Two Days Of Wisconsin Recount…Trump Gains 2 More Votes On Clinton

Weasel Zippers


"So far it’s just showing how accurate the count truly was.
"Via Hot Air:
[Jill Stein’s] team argued for a statewide hand recount in order to bypass the machines that they claim were manipulated. They have provided no evidence at all of such tampering, and a state judge rejected the request because of that lack of evidence. If the federal court winds up rejecting the recount because of the differing methods of counting ballots in each county, that will be quite the Catch-22, and it may force Wisconsin to create a uniform statewide process for recounts in the future.
It won’t make much difference either way. As predicted, the recounts show almost no changes to the outcome, and in fact demonstrate a remarkable degree of Election Night precision:
Numbers released by the Wisconsin Elections Commission on Friday showed little change to the vote totals here so far.
That’s true in the state’s largest city, said Neil Albrecht, the head of the Milwaukee Election Commission. He estimated that one-quarter of the city’s ballots have already been processed.
After two days, more than 500 precincts around the state have completed their recounts, about one-seventh of the total. Excluding those in the city of Milwaukee*, where absentee ballot recounts have not yet been completed (and are conducted centrally rather than in the precincts), the overall change thus far has been to add five votes to Trump’s totals and three to Hillary Clinton’s. Stein has picked up 24 votes, mostly from one county that had left off her vote total in error on its tally sheet. At this rate, we’re looking at an overall shift of less than 100 votes in Trump’s lead of 22,000 — and in his favor, not Hillary’s, and certainly not Stein’s.

A WWII Russian prisoner of war remembers the Americans who helped him survive

Youtube  "A Russian World War 2 vet wishes the world to know how a group of American prisoners of war risked their lives to help him and his comrades."

A ‘cold anomaly’ is coming

Jack Hellner  "The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has published a map of predicted temperatures the next few days that has one meteorologist saying he “cannot remember last time they have seen such a cold anomaly forecast across almost entire USA.”

"As the great Anthony Watts notes:
The only state not showing a cold anomaly is Hawaii, the southernmost parts of Florida and Texas are also spared.


"You see, when cows are responsible for constant warming, they obviously also cause cold anomalies and polar vortexes.  Sometimes the CO2 and methane just bury themselves in the bottom of the ocean for a while, such as from 1945 to 1976.  When it is colder, not warmer than normal despite rising CO2, industrialization, population growth and fossil fuel use must be hiding.
"We can also see that hurricanes are more frequent and stronger than ever, except that no Category 3 hurricanes have hit the U.S. for eleven years.
"I believe we all can understand how politicians around the world can manipulate the temperatures, sea levels, and storms from now until forever if we the people will just give them trillions each year.  We can trust them.  They can't get their economies to grow despite zero interest rates and massive government spending, but they can control temperatures within one degree one hundred years out.
"Now everyone should just stop breathing, and we will stop that darn increase in the clear, innocuous CO2.  Oh, and we'd better spend more money than $6 billion a year on atmospheric computer models so we can find one that matches the real weather."

Trump’s Charm of Not Being Obama

The new White House won’t fail to embrace the jobs that fracking and pipelines can bring.
 The president at the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in Washington, D.C., Dec. 1.

WSJ  "Barack Obama will retire a president personally popular with the American people yet who served them (and himself, and his party) badly.
He fretted in 2012 that he would lose the election just in time for Mitt Romney to get credit for an Obama recovery. That long-delayed recovery is finally coming in the last months of his administration—the economy finally broke 3% growth in the third quarter—and now Mr. Trump will get the credit.
"He may even deserve a bit, witness the outbreak of Trumpian optimism in the stock market and small-business hiring plans.
"Mr. Obama came in saying fossil fuels were running out and prices were destined to rise, and instead got the fracking revolution, whose related employment boost was arguably a factor in his re-election victories in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Yet he couldn’t stop looking this gift horse in the mouth.
"Unshrewdly, in the name of satisfying his climate-change constituents, he needlessly launched a regulatory war against coal as cheap natural gas was already doing the job for him. " . . .

BQI: Making America Great Again

The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the otherChristianity is the companion of liberty in all its conflicts — the cradle of its infancy, and the divine source of its claims.  Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)

Black Quill and Ink    "For years Trump and non-Trump conservatives have witnessed a precipitous downturn in America. Things that were virtually unheard of and certainly seen as out of the mainstream if not completely unacceptable just 10 years ago are now literally main stream in America. Today Democrats, with power and influence from the White House, have managed to push an extreme agenda onto American life; including things like the legalization of gay marriage to now concerted efforts to institutionalize all bathrooms as transgender or gender neutral. Unfettered abortion, including partial birth abortion and infanticide, are being accepted by many Americans including some so called Christians. Many Americans, including Christians, who may not agree with these new lifestyles will generally remain silent for fear of physical and/or verbal retaliation, mocking and intimidation; all efforts to silence people into inaction. Christians who do stand on their faith are targeted, fined; threaten with physical harm and often times run out of business, all for exercising their Constitutional right of freedom of religion and standing up for their Judeo/Christian values. 

We have members of violent black radical groups like Black Lives Matter being given legitimacy by accepting invitations to and visiting the White House to meet with the president. You have Christians around the world being targeted by Islamic terrorist; who are hung and crucified and yet our president does nothing to help but instead dictates that Muslims in war torn nations be allowed to immigrate to America and given preferential treatment. 

"So with the nation virtually imploding you have a new political star in Donald Trump offering to fix these issues and in doing so “make America great again”. So what or how does Trump plan to make America great again?" . . .
. . . 
So what did de Tocqueville see as good in America[?] In his writings he stated:
I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbors…; in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of learning. I sought for it in her democratic Congress and in her matchless Constitution.

Chip & Joanna Gaines’ Pastor Responds to Buzzfeed’s Public Shaming

Todd Starnes via Modern Reformation

EXCLUSIVE: Chip & Joanna Gaines’ Pastor Responds to Buzzfeed’s Public Shaming

"It’s not exactly clear why Buzzfeed chose to publicly shame Fixer Upper hosts Chip and Joanna Gaines. Nor do we know why the online publication attacked the Christian couple’s church.
"Maybe author Kate Aurthur got a speeding ticket while driving through Waco, Texas? Or maybe she dislikes shiplap? Or perhaps Buzzfeed simply employs virulent, anti-Christian bigots?
"We may never know. Regardless, their ugly attack on the Gaines family and Antioch Community Church in Waco cannot be undone.
“ 'The real shame is not on the Gaines family, but on this media inquisition of Christianity,” National Religious Broadcasters president Jerry A. Johnsontold me.
Earlier this week, Buzzfeed raised  questions about the Gaines family church and its position on same sex marriage.
“ 'And their pastor, Jimmy Seibert, who described the Gaineses as ‘dear friends’ in a recent video, takes a hard line against same-sex marriage and promotes converting LGBT people into being straight,” Buzzfeed breathlessly reported.
“ 'So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage?” the writer demanded to know. “And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers?”
"Why is that the business of Buzzfeed? Do they expect Chip and Joanna to inquire about the sexual proclivities of potential clients?" . . .

Remember the leftists at the 2008 Obama inauguration?

What we might expect from today's snowflakes at the Trump inauguration. Those that leave their safe spaces, anyway.
Say, aren't these the children of those who spit on our servicemen just back from Vietnam? Oh, wait! are Ben and Jerry in the crowd? I just love their ice cream; it's just to die for! Oops, that could have been a micro-aggression. I'm so sorry!

Friday, December 2, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: Only Five New Clinton Foundation Donors In Third Quarter

“ 'A lot of questions have been raised, and I think donors are understandably cautious about getting involved with this deeply troubled charity,” Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst and philanthropy expert, told TheDCNF." . . .

"Cleta Mitchell, a Washington, D.C., attorney who specializes in nonprofit foundations, told TheDCNF, “Since the Clinton Foundation was all built on influence peddling with, by and for the Clintons, in order to enrich them, the question is: who will the Clintons now be able to influence? What will the influence seekers now get for their money?' ” . . .

Terrorists Are People, Too

David French at NR  "Not all of them want to die, and they hope we’ll tire out before they do.
"There will come a time when our nation can fairly evaluate George W. Bush’s strategy and record in fighting terrorism. Perhaps that time can start now. A new book by James Mitchell, a man who questioned 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed contains an extraordinary revelation.

"It turns out that those who believe that al-Qaeda attacked the U.S. in order to draw us into an Afghan quagmire are wrong. Terrorists attacked America expecting that we’d respond as we traditionally had, by treating terrorism primarily as a law-enforcement problem, with the military response limited to cruise-missile attacks like Bill Clinton’s ineffective 1998 strikes in response to the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Instead, Bush chose a different course."

On Drafting women into the military

The chair of the committee is John McCain, and he had no comment yesterday, as a spokesman said President Obama supports requiring women to register for the draft.
Image result for women in the combat units cartoons

Althouse  . . . "Registering for the draft is a symbolic ritual... until the draft becomes real. Is the symbolism of equality worth it? The government, if it ever reinstates the draft, can opt only to call up the males on the list. So why not go for equality in the symbolism? Perhaps the better question is: Why put young people through this symbolic ritual? Or: Why discriminate against men, subjecting only them to the ritual?

"As for an actual draft, compelling men and women into service, I have never been able to picture Americans accepting forcing their daughters into combat. But if you allow women in combat and you force women into service, would we tolerate a system in which, when it comes to combat, women have a choice and men do not? "

But I have learned from watching Hollywood action movies that women can physically dominate men twice their size. They are in charge of most tactical operations, ordering units about with authority and putting sexist males in their place with devastating remarks and exhibitions of superiority - all while maintaining their hairstyle and plucked eyebrows. 

Recount for low-information candidates

Recount Scam
Legal Insurrection here.
On the recount, Dr. Stein is not a serious person  . . . "Either way, the Stein recounts are a colossal waste of money and energy when there is not a shred of credible evidence of fraud or error and when the final vote in these three states likely will not change very much.
"Stein’s quixotic moralizing damages the credibility of the very institution she claims to protect -- the sanctity of the ballot box. It could even put Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes at risk if the recount isn’t completed by the time the Electoral College meets in December to officially confirm Trump’s election. Stein wants a hand count of ballots, and sued on Monday to try to force a reluctant state government to do that.
"Hillary Clinton’s campaign should have stayed far away from this nonsense. Instead, her campaign is participating in the recount."

Michigan Attorney General Attempting To Stop Recount  "This is just coming out via Politico, and it’s an interesting turn of events in the (ridiculous) election recount saga started by Jill Stein and endorsed by many Democrats and liberals." . . .

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

After a mere 25 years, the triumph of the West is over

"Had we not earned a restful retirement?  At the time, I argued that we had earned it indeed, but a cruel history would not allow us to enjoy it. Repose presupposes a fantasy world in which stability is self-sustaining without the United States. It is not. We would incur not respite but chaos.

Charles Krauthammer  "Twenty-five years ago — December 1991 — communism died, the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union disappeared. It was the largest breakup of an empire in modern history and not a shot was fired. It was an event of biblical proportions that my generation thought it would never live to see. As Wordsworth famously rhapsodized (about the French Revolution), “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive/But to be young was very heaven!”

That dawn marked the ultimate triumph of the liberal democratic idea. It promised an era of Western dominance led by a preeminent America, the world’s last remaining superpower.

And so it was for a decade as the community of democracies expanded, first into Eastern Europe and former Soviet colonies. The U.S. was so dominant that when, on Dec. 31, 1999, it gave up one of the most prized geostrategic assets on the globe — the Panama Canal — no one even noticed.

"That era is over. The autocracies are back and rising; democracy is on the defensive; the U.S. is in retreat. Look no further than Aleppo. A Western-backed resistance to a local tyrant — he backed by a resurgent Russia, an expanding Iran and an array of proxy Shiite militias — is on the brink of annihilation. Russia drops bombs; America issues statements.