Saturday, February 3, 2018

Ann Coulter, NBC’s fun idea of a rape victim

Washington Times:  ANALYSIS/OPINION:
"One of NBC’s latest “Law & Order: SVU” episodes showed a horric rape scene of a conservative pundit who coincidentally happened to look like Ann Coulter, who coincidentally happened to talk about “liberal snowakes” in a speech, who coincidentally happened to talk about deporting so-called “Dreamers.”

" If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, right? It’s fun to rape conservatives — that seems to be NBC’s messaging on this one. 

"Wonder when all those pink-hatted, female genitalia-wearing women’s rights’ groups will be marching on NBC? White suit, black dress, oh what to wear this time? Perhaps red makes more sense. Red, rape, blood-red — it’s alliteration and imagery, all in one.

"The “Law & Order” episode’s particularly pointed when the detectives investigating the ctitious rape are shown talking about the victim’s political views, wondering in somber detectivey voices if politics could have played a part in the crime. 

"Apparently, this Coulter-like character, Martha Cobb, believed in policies that would “close down Planned Parenthood and deport the Dreamers,” according to one of the show’s detectives. And that — like women who wear short skirts — makes her somewhat culpable. She should’ve known better. She’s just lucky she didn’t wear her MAGA cap. 

"The suspect, in this television case, turned out to be an antifa thug who used his protest sign to assault Coulter-Cobb. 

"But then the episode twists and turns to rope in a “Grand Wizard” of the Patriots for the American Way group who wants to Make America Great Again, and ultimately ends with Coulter-Cobb’s attorney calling for a dismissal.  

“ 'I am sure that the perpetrator of this crime will never be known to a legal certainty,” Coulter-Cobb’s attorney tells the court, as Breitbart notes. 

"Yep, it’s fun to rape conservatives. 

"Coulter — the real Coulter — responded to the show on a Fox News appearance with host Laura Ingraham, pointing out the utter absurdities of a left that tucks itself neatly behind gated communities to avoid illegals, while all the while pointing ngers, shaming and decrying those who want to secure borders and keep America safe from foreign criminals and terrorists.

"Make that, pointing ngers, shaming, decrying and now, thanks to NBC, apparently raping. Way to go, NBC. Way. To. Go." . . .

This was not a one-off; conservatives have been hated by these people for years. Case in point:

"Law & Order": another TV show that sucker-punches half the American population
"We began watching a 2009 episode of "Law and Order" entitled "Fed" last night and I had to shut it off at the start. We saw people like ourselves - TEA par-tiers, portrayed as rifle-toting, hateful bigots. Only Hollywood is capable of inspiring dislike and outrage by the simple means of the skillful acting of those who portray people like you and me as despicable and violent. They give us the same treatment they give to pharmaceutical  and insurance companies.

"May God bless all courageous conservatives in our country trying to stem the socialist tide sweeping America because the left has such massive force to bring against them. And the propaganda is being spoon-fed to the American public. How do we stand a chance?"

TEA-Partier on the right, naturally.

"On Law and Order" Tea Party Protesters are Like Terrorists Murdering Capitalists

CBS Uses Justin Bieber to Smear Tea Party

"Law & Order" & conservatives
I just surfed past "Law and Order, SVU" last evening and heard only the words "conservative bigot" spoken by Richard Belzer in the role of Munch. So I searched the words "conservative bigot law and order". Links included here are some of what came up.

Law [and] Order: Conservative Victims Unit  "This isn't the first time Law [and] Order writers have fantasized about murdering outspoken conservatives.  Last October, The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck was left shaken when an episode of Law [and] Order: SVU featured a character that was raped twice and then murdered by a serial killer.  The victim's name was Elizabeth Hassenbeck."

John Kasich Continues Feeding His Giant Ego On Late Night

"Governor Sour Grapes has become so toxic to Republicans in Ohio that his own Lt. Governor has distanced herself from him, as Jazz previously wrote." . . . 

Rachel Mullen  "John Kasich continues putting John Kasich above all other interests. While many politicians use their current positions as launching pads onto the next, John Kasich has spent a fair duration of his second term as Ohio’s Governor campaigning for President.

"He continued his sanctimonious tour this week on Late Night with Seth Meyers. Claiming he wants to give people hope, Kasich continued feeding his own ego and pontificating for applause from the New York audience.
"Much like the Democrats he appears to be courting with his shift to the left, Kasich still can’t seem to accept the fact that Donald Trump is President. He is quite proud of the fact that he didn’t attend the Republican National Convention that he helped lure to Cleveland.
“I didn’t go. It was in my own state!” the twice-failed Presidential candidate told Seth Meyers.
"As a Republican who lives in the Cleveland area, I can tell you this is an incredibly sore spot with many of us. Rather than head to the convention, Kasich showed up to outside activities to court delegates from early primary states. His continual mention of this is like rubbing salt in his self-inflicted wound.
"Kasich told Seth Meyers he doesn’t believe in calling people names. That’s comical. During a stream of consciousness in front of a large audience, the man called a police officer an idiot for pulling him over. In 2016, an Ohio elected official said to me, “Who is this nice guy running around the country pretending to be John Kasich.”
"The braggadocious interview below should be a playbook on how not to court Republican voters."

"I understand Republicans who don’t support President Trump. I’m not someone who demands complete devotion to any politician. But Kasich’s opposition appears to be more about his own ego rather than opposing the current Administration."

Kathy Griffin Is Still Waiting For Her Big Comeback

Hot Air

"Say, whatever happened to Kathy Griffin? Following the rather unfortunate, um… decapitation incident, she’s been almost completely invisible in the United States and remains persona non grata with most of her former Hollywood pals. But according to the Hollywood Reporter, the self-proclaimed D-list celebrity has been raking in some serious cash taking her act on the road in Australia, New Zealand and across Europe in countries where people apparently don’t mind the idea of someone chopping the president’s head off.
"Still, it clearly stings to be shut out of her former social circles back home. In the linked interview from her amazingly posh mansion (and yes… it’s an actual mansion she bought in cash a few years ago) the comedian opens up about her situation. As you might expect from her previous appearances, Griffin can’t seem to stop finding things or other people to blame for her downfall. Among the many “slights” coming her way was the choice of her former friend Andy Cohen to replace her on CNN’s New Year’s Eve special. She responded with a YouTube video claiming he had offered her cocaine backstage. But that didn’t’ work because… (wait for it) she’s a woman.

Things Your Professor Didn’t Tell You About Climate Change. (Quite technical)

John Kudla

"Other than a propensity for believing everything they are told, why are these people so agitated?
"If you look at climate change predictions, almost all of them are bad. Critics refer to these views collectively as climate alarmism. Alarmists believe the Earth’s climate is warming because greenhouse gases are being added to the atmosphere through human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels. They claim unless the buildup of greenhouse gases is stopped, global temperatures will begin to rise exponentially, which will have terrible consequences, such as major flora and fauna extinctions, coastal inundation caused by melting ice caps, heatwaves, drought, famine, economic collapse, war, and the potential for human extinction.
"The basis for many of these predictions are the reports issued by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). One of the functions of the IPCC is to model the Earth’s climate to predict changes in global temperature. Although the Earth is warming a bit, their models always seem to bemore enthusiastic about warming than the Earth appears to be. In fact, a recent study from the UK suggests climate models factor in too much warming." . . .

Thank God That Trump Won; And three cheers for Devin Nunes.

Timothy Bishop

"The media, apparently believing it is above the law (and I guess it is), has been working hand in glove with the HRC campaign to ensure that the GenSec of the Democrat/MSM Party could not lose the election of November 2016. Yet somehow, the GenSec, Madame Mao, Jing Qing (or however the hell it’s spelled) lost to a man who should never in a million years come even close to winning. So now the DNC/MSM coalition has had to go into the highest possible gear to cover up the failed conspiracy against the nation.

"Instead of trying to get the big news out, the DNC/MSM apparatus worked like demons to bottle up the news. But now the news is out: The DNC/MSM Gang illegally spied on Trump. They didn’t use a bunch of burglars at the Watergate. They used the courts and they succeeded. They actually used a Russian or Russian friendly ex-spy, gossip, and bought paid for lies to violate the election laws and the civil rights of Americans.

"Still, the media tries to make light of it. 

"Can you in your wildest dreams imagine if the GOP had done that to Mrs. Clinton? Can you imagine the blood in the eyes of the media pooh-bahs if they found the GOP doing exactly what HRC and the media did?

"Thank God that Trump won. Otherwise, this deeply disturbing behavior of the DNC/MSM/Deep State/Russia cabal would go utterly unnoticed and we would continue to snooze as the left emasculated the Constitution." . . .Full article here.

Main Image

Tim Allen Takes on Political Correctness in New Documentary

Legal Insurrection

"Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager have partnered to make a documentary film about political correctness and the danger it presents to comedy and free speech, particularly on college campuses. 
"The film is called “No Safe Spaces” and will be released this fall.

"This is a very real issue, as we’ve pointed out in countless other posts. The environment on college campuses has become so toxic that many famous comedians will no longer perform at them.

"The cast of the film was recently joined by conservative comic Tim Allen. He’ll fit right in.

"Marisa Schultz reports at the New York Post:
Tim Allen joins docudrama taking down PC culture
Actor Tim Allen has joined the cast of new movie aimed at disrupting the liberal and PC culture in Hollywood, on college campuses and in comedy.
Allen’s “Last Man Standing” sitcom was canceled last year and outraged fans believe ABC pulled the plug because the family comedy highlighted conservative values. ABC denied it was over politics.
Allen has signed onto the docudrama “No Safe Spaces” that’s expected to hit theaters in the fall.
Fellow comedian Adam Carolla and conservative radio show host Dennis Prager are making the movie to promote free speech at a time they say the entertainment industry, media and college campuses too often shut down or blackball controversial viewpoints.
“Nothing kills comedy quite like people who are constantly offended,” Carolla told the Post. “It’s impossible to be funny if we’re not allowed to poke fun at each other and that’s what’s happening with a new generation of people who seem to be offended for a living.
"Here’s a clip from the film:" . . .

Friday, February 2, 2018

Politifact Exposed

“ 'A fact-checking outfit hiring Alan Grayson is like a church hiring Charlie Sheen to run their youth group,” National Review columnist Dan McLaughlin tweeted."

"PolitiFact is a liberal “fact checking” operation that serves the Democratic Party by pretending to be credible and non-partisan. To further its mission of providing unbiased “fact checking,” it hired former Florida representative Alan Grayson, perhaps the most despicable Congressman of modern times. It didn’t end well:
PolitiFact announced it hired former politician Alan Grayson to critique its work in an effort to improve trust and credibility on Thursday…but that decision lasted about three seconds.
“It has become clear our choice of Alan Grayson did not meet that threshold to many,” PolitiFact executive director Aaron Sharockman tweeted on Thursday after the initial tweet that he was hired received an onslaught of criticism from respected media members.
“A fact-checking outfit hiring Alan Grayson is like a church hiring Charlie Sheen to run their youth group,” National Review columnist Dan McLaughlin tweeted.
Politico’s Jake Sherman asked, “Is this a joke?”
The liberal firebrand once said the GOP health plan was to hope people die quickly.
Former U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called for him to drop out of a Senate race in 2016 when the New York Times reported that Grayson promoted his international travels, some with congressional delegations, to solicit business for a hedge fund he controlled.
“His actions aren’t just disgraceful to the Democratic Party, they disgrace the halls of Congress,” Reid said at the time.
"If Harry Reid thinks you’re a disgrace, you know you are in trouble. We have written about Grayson over the years, for example here, in a post titled “Greatest. Democrat. Ever.' ” . . .  Keep reading.

Democratic Leaders, Why Do You Find Patriotism Divisive?

David Limbaugh  "Did you ever think you'd see the day when a prominent political party would accuse the president of being divisive and exclusionary for saying "America" too many times during his State of the Union speech? 

"The American Civil Liberties Union made that very complaint. No, the ACLU is not the Democratic Party, but their positions on such matters are virtually indistinguishable. Besides, many prominent Democrats and media liberals made similar objections after the speech. 

"MSNBC host Joy Reid brazenly trashed traditional American values and institutions with her tweet accusing President Trump of trying to force the normalization of himself by using "terms of the bygone era his supporters are nostalgic for" -- namely, church, family, police, military and the national anthem. 

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called Trump's unapologetically pro-America speech, which was widely approved by the American people in flash polls immediately afterward, "dangerous." 

"Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., who recently compared Trump's presidency to a time "right after the 1932 elections when Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor," took umbrage at Trump's statement that Americans, like the immigrants whose parents brought them here illegally as children, "are dreamers, too." 

"Fox News analyst Juan Williams was deeply disappointed by the speech, saying that this was an opportunity for Trump to reach across the aisle and bring us together but he didn't take it. More bizarrely, Williams said in response to Trump's statement that "Americans are dreamers, too," "David Duke and the KKK would love that." Seriously? " . . .

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Quick Thoughts on The Nunes Memo

National Review  "Here’s my quick takes on the “Nunes Memo” that was just released: 
"1. Like basically everything that has come out of Congressional investigators the past 229 years, this is a partisan document – written by partisans, in the context of partisan controversies, and contested to the extent possible by by the opposing partisans for partisan reasons. (Notably, the Democratic responses so far have suggested that the memo misleadingly omits important facts, but there has – thus far, and this may change – not been a similar effort to claim that the factual assertions in the memo are themselves inaccurate). Readers should view it with appropriate skepticism. That said, the media drumbeat of downplaying the memo in advance on the basis of it being a partisan product is just wildly hypocritical, as reporting on the work of Democratic investigators during the Bush (both), Reagan, and Nixon presidencies was never prefaced with things like this:
. . .
"If Democrats take over one or both Houses of Congress in 2019, expect the media to go back to headlines that focus on the merits of their findings, not how partisan the people presenting them are. Indeed, the entire point of the Nunes Memo is that information derived from a partisan source (the Steele dossier, an opposition research product financed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign) should have been met with more skepticism and labeled as such." . . .

Andrew C. McCarthy: House Memo Details Use of Steele Dossier to Spy on Trump Campaign Adviser
. . . "What we have long suspected (see, e.g., here and here) has now been confirmed: The Obama Justice Department and the FBI used the unverified Steele dossier to convince a federal court to issue a warrant authorizing surveillance of a Trump campaign adviser. Confirmation came in the much-anticipated memorandum released today by the Republican-controlled House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The memo states that the Obama administration concealed from the court that the dossier was commissioned and paid for by the political campaign of Donald Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. Nor was the court informed that the dossier’s author, former British spy Christopher Steele, told a senior Justice Department official that he was “desperate” to prevent Trump from being elected president." . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Inside a Public School Social Justice Factory

Weekly Standard
"The city of Edina has changed the way it approaches public education, putting social justice above learning. The results will shock you."


"For decades, the public schools of Edina, Minnesota, were the gold standard among the state’s school districts. Edina is an upscale suburb of Minneapolis, but virtually overnight, its reputation has changed. Academic rigor is unraveling, high school reading and math test scores are sliding, and students increasingly fear bullying and persecution.
"The shift began in 2013, when Edina school leaders adopted the “All for All” strategic plan—a sweeping initiative that reordered the district’s mission from academic excellence for all students to “racial equity.”
“ 'Equity” in this context does not mean “equality” or “fairness.” It means racial identity politics—an ideology that blames minority students’ academic challenges on institutional racial bias, repudiates Martin Luther King, Jr.’s color-blind ideal, and focuses on uprooting “white privilege.” . . .
"As a result, the school system’s obsession with “white privilege” now begins in kindergarten.

Even Worse Than You Thought: FBI Knew Dems/Hillary Behind Dossier, Didn’t Tell Court In Getting Warrants, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, Boente All Implicated

Washington Examiner via Weasel Zippers

"And this is why they didn’t want anyone to see it. This is killer and they should all go to jail, especially Comey. And Democrats can’t argue any of this away. And this is why Andrew McCabe was removed.
The House Intelligence Committee has released its controversial memo outlining alleged abuses of secret surveillance by the FBI and Justice Department in the Trump-Russia investigation. Here are some key points:
* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.
* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.
* The four FISA surveillance applications were signed by, in various combinations, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, and Rod Rosenstein.
* The FBI authorized payments to Steele for work on the dossier. The FBI terminated its agreement with Steele in late October when it learned, by reading an article in Mother Jones, that Steele was talking to the media.
* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.
From the comments to this post:


Nunes Memo Alleges FBI Used Dossier to Get FISA Warrant on Trump Campaign Member

I'm sure Hollywood celebrities will see the light and turn away from their support for Hillary. John McCain, of course will not.

Legal Insurrection
The dossier “formed an essential part of the [Carter] Page FISA application.”
"We finally have the memo written by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA). It alleges that the FBI did in fact use the disputed dossier to receive FISA warrants to spy on members of then-candidate Donald Trump’s team." . . .

Full article here.