Saturday, February 3, 2018

Tim Allen Takes on Political Correctness in New Documentary

Legal Insurrection

"Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager have partnered to make a documentary film about political correctness and the danger it presents to comedy and free speech, particularly on college campuses. 
"The film is called “No Safe Spaces” and will be released this fall.

"This is a very real issue, as we’ve pointed out in countless other posts. The environment on college campuses has become so toxic that many famous comedians will no longer perform at them.

"The cast of the film was recently joined by conservative comic Tim Allen. He’ll fit right in.

"Marisa Schultz reports at the New York Post:
Tim Allen joins docudrama taking down PC culture
Actor Tim Allen has joined the cast of new movie aimed at disrupting the liberal and PC culture in Hollywood, on college campuses and in comedy.
Allen’s “Last Man Standing” sitcom was canceled last year and outraged fans believe ABC pulled the plug because the family comedy highlighted conservative values. ABC denied it was over politics.
Allen has signed onto the docudrama “No Safe Spaces” that’s expected to hit theaters in the fall.
Fellow comedian Adam Carolla and conservative radio show host Dennis Prager are making the movie to promote free speech at a time they say the entertainment industry, media and college campuses too often shut down or blackball controversial viewpoints.
“Nothing kills comedy quite like people who are constantly offended,” Carolla told the Post. “It’s impossible to be funny if we’re not allowed to poke fun at each other and that’s what’s happening with a new generation of people who seem to be offended for a living.
"Here’s a clip from the film:" . . .

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