Saturday, February 3, 2018

Kathy Griffin Is Still Waiting For Her Big Comeback

Hot Air

"Say, whatever happened to Kathy Griffin? Following the rather unfortunate, um… decapitation incident, she’s been almost completely invisible in the United States and remains persona non grata with most of her former Hollywood pals. But according to the Hollywood Reporter, the self-proclaimed D-list celebrity has been raking in some serious cash taking her act on the road in Australia, New Zealand and across Europe in countries where people apparently don’t mind the idea of someone chopping the president’s head off.
"Still, it clearly stings to be shut out of her former social circles back home. In the linked interview from her amazingly posh mansion (and yes… it’s an actual mansion she bought in cash a few years ago) the comedian opens up about her situation. As you might expect from her previous appearances, Griffin can’t seem to stop finding things or other people to blame for her downfall. Among the many “slights” coming her way was the choice of her former friend Andy Cohen to replace her on CNN’s New Year’s Eve special. She responded with a YouTube video claiming he had offered her cocaine backstage. But that didn’t’ work because… (wait for it) she’s a woman.

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