Wednesday, February 7, 2018

New FBI Texts Implicate Obama. You can tell you've struck his nerve when he says........

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Rush Limbaugh  "RUSH: We now have more evidence via the text messages from Strzok and Lisa Page that this is all about Obama. That everything here is about protecting Obama, not just Hillary, in order to protect Obama. And I’m talking about the corruption that was the Obama presidency and specifically the corruption of the intelligence agencies and the FBI, well, the entire DOJ.

"And I think one of the primary reasons they all wanted Hillary to win was to make sure we never knew any of what we now do know. That was the primary goal of having Hillary Clinton win was to be able to continue to mask and cover up and hide what Obama and his administration had been doing."
Chris Wallace is interviewing Obama. Question: “Some people are worried that the decision how to handle the case…” This is the Clinton email story. “Some people are worried that the decision how to handle the case will be made on political grounds, not legal grounds. Can you guarantee to the American people, Mr. Obama…? Can you direct the Justice Department to say Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes. She will not be in any way protected?”
OBAMA: I can guarantee that. And I can guarantee that not because I give, uh, Attorney General Lynch a directive. That is institutionally how we have always operated. I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, uh, and always have maintained it through this, previous presidents.
WALLACE: So just to button this up —
OBAMA: I guarantee it.
OBAMA: I guarantee you that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case.
WALLACE: And she will be —
OBAMA: Full stop! Period!
WALLACE: And she will be treated no differently?
OBAMA: Guaranteed. Full stop. Nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department because nobody is above the law.
WALLACE: Even if she ends up as the Democratic nom —
OBAMA: How many times do I have to say it, Chris?* Guaranteed.
RUSH: Right. How many times did he say it? All right. Now let’s go to the next bite. Same show, April 10, 2016, Wallace says, “Last October, you said that Hillary Clinton’s private email server did not jeopardize national secrets. Since then we’ve learned that over 2,000 of her emails contain classified material. Twenty-two of the emails contained top secret information. Can you still say flatly that she did not jeopardize America’s secrets?”
OBAMA: Here’s what I know: Hillary Clinton was an outstanding secretary of state.
. . . 
OBAMA: She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy.
. . . 
OBAMA: And what I also know because I handle a lot of classified information, uh, is that there’s classified and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret —
. . . 
OBAMA: — and there’s stuff that is being presented to the president or the secretary of state that you might not want on the transom, uh, or, you know, going out over the wire but is basically stuff that you could get in open source.
"RUSH: Okay. So let’s put this all together. Strzok texts, her to him, “We gotta get Comey fully up to speed because POTUS wants to know everything.” Meanwhile, Obama said, “Nah! There’s never, never any crossover. I never tell the DOJ what to do. I don’t care! I never interfere. There’s a line that we don’t cross. Guaranteed we don’t cross it. We never do cross it. I never tell Lynch; I never do anything.” But yet Lisa Page tells Strzok, “We gotta be thorough. POTUS wants to know everything.' ”

All text above from The Rush Limbaugh Show

 *Obama does not like to be challenged. One tell he has when an interviewer irritates him is to begin his answer with "Look......" 

Schiff-ty Politics
Tony Branco

Up until the present moment, Barack Obama has been missing in all the discussions of surveillance misbehavior. And most curiously, Obama has been almost invisible, staying quiet, and not using his expensive Washington, DC mansion (shared with [Valerie] Jarrett) as a base for leading the opposition to President Trump, as many of us expected him to do. 

Are progressives really smarter, as Jimmy Kimmel claims?

Steve Deace

Jimmy Kimmel

"Newly appointed progressive prophet Jimmy Kimmel said this week, “It just so happens that almost every talk show host is a liberal and that’s because it requires a level of intelligence.”
"Want to test that theory? Is it true that being a progressive makes you smarter, as Kimmel claims? Fair enough. By their fruits you will know them.
"So let’s look at their fruits.
"*Comedian Sarah Silverman said during a telethon to support abortions — hosted by something called Lady Parts Justice — that a pro-life conscience law “would make her want to eat an aborted fetus.” Such a MENSA-level comment was made during a super smart game called “abortion charades,” which featured a woman wearing a vagina costume. Because apparently cannibalism is the new four-dimensional chess.
"*MSNBC “reporter” Katy Tur made it condescendingly clear that “choice” is a theory you only get to use for killing babies, not having them. " . . .
"*A man dressed as woman harassed a woman who was defending sexual assault victims, and the weird dude was awarded the win from the SJW cult. Actress Rose McGowan, who helped call out Harvey Weinstein, was speaking about her new book when a trans-splainer interrupted her and told her that wearing a dress when you have a penis is a much tougher cross to bear than being raped.  . . .

New Evidence Suggests Coordinated Effort Between Clinton Camp, State Dept on Dossier

Fox News Insider  Video at the link. "New reports show there may have been a circle of contact involving the Clinton campaign, Obama state department and figures involved in the Trump-Russia dossier.

"Martha MacCallum and Ed Henry reported that a foreign source gave information in the dossier to an unnamed Clinton associate, who gave it to the Obama administration, who passed it on to Steele, and "around and around."

"Judge Andrew Napolitano said he keyed-into an otherwise unremarkable reference in the FISA Memo, which referred to former MI6 Agent Christopher Steele as a "longtime FBI asset."

"Steele, the former British spy who is said to have compiled the Trump-Russia dossier, could have an "interesting problem," according to Napolitano.

"Napolitano said that at that time, the FBI was "conducting a fraudulent and deceptive investigation" of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified emails." . . .

Gonzo Overkill

Why does every silver lining have a cloud in front of it?

Newly-released Strzok-Page lovebird text messages: 'potus wants to know everything we're doing'. Plus the punking of Adam Schiff.

After this, what could possibly stop liberals from feeling shame over their party's actions? If President Trump became polite and tender toward them, would that make any difference to Democrats? TD
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Thomas Lifson  "Tick, tick, tick… we’re getting closer and closer to the “What did the president know and when did he know it?” moment in the biggest political scandal in American history. What looks like a sitting president authorizing the use of the vast spy apparatus of the federal government on the opposing party candidate for president would, if proven, be far bigger than Watergate – a mere burglary intended to spy on the opposition. Pay attention because you may want to tell your children or grandchildren what it was like watching this all unfold in 2018.

"Up until the present moment, Barack Obama has been missing in all the discussions of surveillance misbehavior. And most curiously, Obama has been almost invisible, staying quiet, and not using his expensive Washington, DC mansion (shared with Valeire Jarrett) as a base for leading the opposition to President Trump, as many of us expected him to do. He is the only president I can remember who didn’t get out of DC when his term in office expired, yet he has been as invisible as if he were Truman retired to Independence or Eisenhower retired to Gettysburg. He hasn’t even spoken out about the opposition to his presidential monument planned for public park land in Chicago, My optimistic guess is that he realizes his peril and is dummying up.
"In a move calculated to infuriate the Democrats, the latest batch of text messages between senior FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page was leaked to Fox News first, and there are some striking revelations." . . .

Schiff Photo added, TD
Adam Schiff, gullible fool  "The easiest marks are the desperate ones, the ones who want something so bad it they lose their common sense, becoming putty in the hands of their manipulators.
"So here we have Rep. Adam Schiff, easy mark for a phone prank tailored especially for him by Russian comedians, pushing all his right buttons. Here is the audio, and man is it stupid. According to Roll Call:
Audio of Russian radio comedians prank-calling Democrat Rep.Adam Schiff shows the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee asking for details about the naked photos of President Donald Trump they were offering.
"It sounds like something out of the old Saturday Night Live, with Schiff joining the Czechoslovakian brothers in the great quest for ... naked photos. Schiff's got egg all over his face now, and more to the point, has now exposed the double standards of Democrats out to Get Trump." . . .

Gulag Bound has it's own take on this: Adam Schiff Gets Punked By Russians Who Told Him They Had Naked Pics Of Trump  . . . "The was made a year ago. Two Russian comedians nicknamed ‘Vovan’ and ‘Lexus’, who have spoofed other Democrats, were the pranksters here. They are famous for making phony phone calls to high-ranking American officials and celebrities, including UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and Elton John. Juvenile… yep. Telling… even more, yep. This was first dug up by The Atlantic, but they didn’t disclose how Schiff’s staff member went about pursuing the information after the call. Schiff’s office said the congressman suspected the call was ‘bogus’ from the beginning and reported it to authorities afterward. Really? Because it sure doesn’t look that way. In a recording of the eight-minute conversation, Schiff seemed to take the call seriously – or at least played along convincingly – and emails from the Democrat’s staff to the fake politician afterwards said he had found it ‘productive’. "
Photos, video and story at the UK Daily Mail.

Book Review: Fake News Follies of 2017

Legal Insurrection

"West Virginia’s prognosticating pundit Don Surber offers the first in what is likely to be his 8-edition series!"

. . . "Surber, a recovering journalist with over 30 years of experience, has been cataloging the #FakeNews that has been regularly offered as serious analysis of President Donald Trump’s actions, policies, and opinions. He has brought his enormous collection together in the longest, most serious book he has yet written: Fake News Follies 2017.
"Surber’s detailed look at the continuing media meltdown over Trump’s victory begins with the definition of “Fake News”.
In 2017, the media and Democratic Party officials defined Fake News as websites that look like news sites but disseminate information that is false or misleading. They included satirical sites.
President Trump and his supporters defined Fake News as news organizations that deliberately disseminated false stories. They did not include satirical sites. I define Fake News as the fog of war.
In 2017, much of the political media chose to go to war with Donald John Trump. They did not choose wisely.
"Surber’s clarity and wit make the study of the media’s blatant misrepresentations engaging and informative. He hits many #FakeNews gems that have been nearly forgotten the the avalanche of more recent, specious coverage of the memo release and immigration battle.
"Some chestnuts that he dusted off include:
"One, particularly fascinating aspect of Fake News Follies 2017 is the background of Jeff Zucker, the President of CNN. Surber deftly details why Zucker has had his team focus the destruction of President Trump…when they aren’t wondering about black holes.
"I suspect CNN will remain a leading source of Surber’s upcoming editions of Fake News Follies.
"In conclusion: If you like a great, informative read that offers hard data blended in with crisp analysis, Surber’s book is a must-have. For those of us who follow the American press, it will be a wonderful reference to own.
"I can’t believe how much #FakeNews I had already forgotten!"

Plus these gems from a previous post in the Tunnel Wall:  The Media; always speaking nonsense to power

Democrats and the SOTU

Chris Matthews: Republicans Attack Nancy Pelosi Because She’s An ‘Ethnic Sort Of Person’

American Lookout  "Is Nancy Pelosi an ethnic person? MSNBC’s Chris Matthews seems to think so. He recently claimed on the air that this is the reason why Republicans attack her. Does Matthews know something the rest of us don’t?
"Truth Revolt reports:
"Chris Matthews: GOP Picking on Nancy Pelosi Because She’s an ‘Ethnic Person’
"Matthews and his panel were discussing the pushback from the GOP and President Trump against the California Democrat for having such a sour face during the State of the Union as well as her jabs at the tax reform bill. Instead of brushing it off as politics as usual, Matthews one-upped even himself by finding a far more nefarious reason Pelosi is being attacked:“ 'Picking on somebody from one of the coasts, usually ethnic, and making them the poster person of the Democratic Party is old business for the Republicans. They did it with — way back — to some guy from the Bronx back in the 40s; they did it with Bella Abzug from the west side of New York City; they did it to Tip O’Neil; they did it to Teddy… Kennedy, and now they do it after Nancy Pelosi. They love to get an ethnic sort of person from one of the coasts and make them the bad person.' ”

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Bible Thumping Pro-life Fundamentalists

Mike Adams  "Last week, I ran a column urging pastors to do more than simply tell their congregants to be bold in their faith. I also urged pastors to be specific by taking a stand themselves on specific issues. The example I gave was defending the unborn. In the process, I suggested that pastors needed to teach congregants how to defend the unborn from a scientific and philosophical perspective. This provoked several angry emails from Christian readers who insisted that we need to defend the unborn solely from scripture. I write today in response to those misguided critics.

"My pro-life Christian critics understand why human life has value. The fact that we are made in the image of God makes us all valuable from the point of conception. There is simply no need to explain this to someone who is truly seeing the world through the lens of a Christian worldview. But Christians sometimes need help understanding how pro-abortion choice advocates view the world. I can help to do that because I work with such people daily.

"Put simply, the pro-abortion choice advocate is usually a secularist who believes that human beings are the ones charged with assigning value to other humans. In other words, they think our rights come from man rather than God. This position creates a necessary tension with one of the secularist’s other professed values. Christians need to know what those values are before they engage important issues with these secular opponents." . . .     Full article...

Judge rejects demand that baker make 'gay' wedding cake; At issue: 'Sincerely held religious beliefs about marriage'



"A California judge has refused to advance a social agenda in his state that targets Christians who refuse to endorse homosexuality through their work.
"In this case it was baker Cathy Miller of Tastries Bakery who was put in a state bull’s-eye because she refused to use her artistic talents to promote the “wedding” of two lesbians.
"The state asked Superior Court Judge David Lampe to issue a preliminary injunction ordering Miller either to create wedding cakes for same-sex duos or be barred from serving anyone.
"But Lampe recognized that the issue is not about discrimination against same-sex couples.
“ 'The state is not petitioning the court to order defendants to sell a cake. The state asks this court to compel Miller to use her talents to design and create a cake she has not yet conceived with the knowledge that her work will be displayed in celebration of a marital union her religion forbids. For this court to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech guaranteed under the First Amendment,” he wrote.
"The same issue is before the U.S. Supreme Court in a case brought by Colorado against Masterpiece Cakeshop baker Jack Phillips, who refused to make a wedding cake for two homosexuals at a time when same-sex marriage was illegal in the state.
"The Supreme Court is expected to announce a verdict within the next few months." . . .

Some Activists Want to Turn ‘LGBT’ Into ‘LGBTQQICAPF2K+’ for Inclusion

"Adding ‘kink’ renders it meaningless."

National Review  "According to an article in The Gay UK, some people want to use “LGBTQQICAPF2K+” instead of “LGBT” — adding a “K” to represent “kink.” 

“There is now a K to add to the ever-growing LGBT+ acronym – and apparently, it stands for ‘kink,’” states the piece, which defines all of the letters in “LGBTQQICAPF2K+” in the following way: 

L – lesbian
G   gay 
B – bisexual 
T – transgender 
Q – queer Q – questioning 
I – intersex 
C – curious 
A – asexual 
A – agender
A – ally
P – pansexual
F – friends and family 
2 – two-spirit 
K – kink 
. . .

This is the left - Democrat voters- in America. Why would anyone want these people to govern our nation?

Jemele Hill: Trump’s Defense of National Anthem Is “Racial Pornography”…
"Hill goes on to claim protesting the national anthem is the “most patriotic thing that you could do.' ”

Thomas Lifson: #BLM protestors shut down light rail line in Minneapolis to protest a game in which black millionaires predominate
. . . "Think Progress reports:
The protesters explained their rationale in a statement:
Activists are using this moment to stand with athletes who have protested throughout the past two football seasons calling attention to the murder of Black people by police and to the City of Minneapolis’ banning city residents from using public transit without a Super Bowl ticket.

Dems go despicable as the Russia Collusion plot to impeach Trump explodes in their faces  Video    . . . "Note that Deutsch lately has taken to using dehumanizing language to describe Republicans, calling them “cockroaches” – creatures that ought to be exterminated. It echoes the slogan of the Symbionese Liberation Army: “Death to the fascist insect.' ” . . .

Yet Again Clinton Blames Election Loss On Misogyny And Sexism…
Another video. Will she never tire?  Then at the same session, she spreads more blame:  Hillary Clinton Says Global Warming Is Sexist, “Women Will Bear The Brunt Of The Burdens Of Climate Change…  
"I’m shocked this woman wasn’t elected president… no, not really."

Kaepernick raises $20K in celebrity donations for group honoring convicted cop-killer    "Assata’s Daughters named for FBI most-wanted terrorist Assata Shakur"

Students hate Trump SOTU quotes, but they're Obama’s  . . . "Campus Reform headed to John Jay College in NYC to talk to students who disapproved of the speech by asking them to react to a few select quotations. Almost unanimously, the students found each of the quotes to be “warmongering”, “aggressive,” and “immature.”
"What the students didn’t know was that all the quotes given to them were taken from President Obama’s State of the Union addresses.  ' . . .

Democratic Congressman Claims Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan Is An ‘Outstanding Human Being’  "Democratic Illinois Rep. Danny Davis defended Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as an “outstanding human being” on Monday.
"Farrakhan is known for embracing radically anti-Semitic and anti-white views, as even the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center has acknowledged. Farrakhan’s history of racially extreme comments includes blaming Jews for the September 11 attacks, saying white people “deserve to die” and praising Adolf Hitler as a “very great man.' ” . . .

The photo that never saw the light of day: Obama 
with Farrakhan in 2005
Obama wasn't the only Democrat liking Farrakhan:

Elected Democrats Show Up On Stage At Nation Of Islam Convention
. . . "Farrakhan said in his speech on Sunday. “But I am here to announce today the end of his world and the beginning of a brand new reality that all human beings will enjoy peace, freedom justice and equality under the rule of Allah.”"Farrakhan also said, “I want to disabuse the Jews today of the false claim that you are the chosen of God — that Israel or Palestine belongs to you.”"Farrakhan has a long history of spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories." . . .
This should be enough for today. The Tunnel Dweller