Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Are progressives really smarter, as Jimmy Kimmel claims?

Steve Deace

Jimmy Kimmel

"Newly appointed progressive prophet Jimmy Kimmel said this week, “It just so happens that almost every talk show host is a liberal and that’s because it requires a level of intelligence.”
"Want to test that theory? Is it true that being a progressive makes you smarter, as Kimmel claims? Fair enough. By their fruits you will know them.
"So let’s look at their fruits.
"*Comedian Sarah Silverman said during a telethon to support abortions — hosted by something called Lady Parts Justice — that a pro-life conscience law “would make her want to eat an aborted fetus.” Such a MENSA-level comment was made during a super smart game called “abortion charades,” which featured a woman wearing a vagina costume. Because apparently cannibalism is the new four-dimensional chess.
"*MSNBC “reporter” Katy Tur made it condescendingly clear that “choice” is a theory you only get to use for killing babies, not having them. " . . .
"*A man dressed as woman harassed a woman who was defending sexual assault victims, and the weird dude was awarded the win from the SJW cult. Actress Rose McGowan, who helped call out Harvey Weinstein, was speaking about her new book when a trans-splainer interrupted her and told her that wearing a dress when you have a penis is a much tougher cross to bear than being raped.  . . .

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