Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Conservatives Strike Back At Media Matters For Tucker Carlson Hit Job

"MMFA declined to attack MSNBC host Joy Reid, who repeatedly wrote homophobic comments and peddled conspiracy theories on her personal blog in the 2000s. Reid apologized for some of the posts but also claimed with no evidence that some of them were written by hackers." 

Daily Caller  "Conservatives struck back at Media Matters for America (MMFA) late Sunday and early Monday in response the organization’s recent hit job on Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

"Critics of MMFA noted the organization never fully assumed accountability for its president’s own old blog posts — in which he used words like “trannies,” “homos” and degraded “Bangladeshis” — and it never seems to call for the ousting of liberals caught saying similarly dubious things, like Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and MSNBC host Joy Reid. 

MMFA routinely targets the advertisers of Fox News media hosts and digs through decades of media history in an attempt to get conservative pundits and reporters fired from their jobs.

Donald Trump Jr. told The Daily Caller that MMFA’s selective outrage is “disturbing,” explaining, “The anti-Tucker outrage mob is so clearly acting hypocritically and in bad faith for purely partisan political reasons.”
. . . 
“I think this story goes nowhere because the outrage appears selective,” Concha told the Caller. “If you’re Media Matters, you can’t omit any coverage of Joy Reid and then in the same breath demand Carlson be removed from the air. Anyone looking at this situation objectively can see that.”

"MMFA declined to attack MSNBC host Joy Reid, who repeatedly wrote homophobic comments and peddled conspiracy theories on her personal blog in the 2000s. Reid apologized for some of the posts but also claimed with no evidence that some of them were written by hackers."   (Emphases in the original)

"I thought the NYTimes couldn't get worse, but it has"

Phyllis Chesler

The Times is only one example - and a thoroughly reprehensible one - of the rampant, toxic anti-Semitism sweeping the entire world.

Photos added by TD
"Anti-Semitism has toxically penetrated and infiltrated the world’s every nook and cranny. Blood Libel propaganda is now far more dangerous than it was in Hitler’s time. Today’s barrage of genocidally intentioned propaganda against the Jews is intense, brazen, and increasingly being normalized on university campuses, in national and international government bodies, in the media, and in demonstrations—and in every language on earth 24 hours a day, seven days a week -- courtesy of the internet and the airwaves.
"Nearly twenty years ago, I wrote that that Anti-Zionism was, in part, now the “new” and acceptable anti-Semitism; it’s also what I believed almost fifty years ago, when I first began collecting signatures to oppose the Zionism=Racism resolution at the United Nations. As Daniel Pearl’s father, Judea, has said: “Zionism does not =Racism—Anti-Zionism=Racism.”
"The very Homeland to which Jews returned in flight from persecution in Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and European countries has, in the 21st century, rather diabolically become the excuse for again persecuting Jews both around the world and in Israel.
"Jews have been beaten up, kidnapped, tortured, terrorized, and murdered in Europe; Jewish cemeteries have been vandalized; Nazi graffiti has increasingly appeared on synagogue walls even in the United States, where newly elected officials have engaged in brazen hate speech against the Jews and against Israel.
"Every single day, I read biased articles against Israel and against Jews in the newspaper most revered by its Jewish readers: The New York Times." . . .

Fake Outrage Over Tucker Carlson

So what did Tucker (Referred to by Rush Limbaugh as Chatsworth Osborne Jr.) do? Shame on Fox News if they do not stand up for Tucker Carlson. TD

Media Matters trying to silence Tucker Carlson, but he fights back with epic response
"Because the Left knows that it loses the argument anytime the merits of its policies are discussed, it has weaponized selective outrage in order to silence the most effective voices against it. Sunday night, timed to make headlines and generate Twitter storms as the new week began, Media Matters, the Soros-funded nonprofit whose donors receive tax deductions, launched an attack intended to drive advertisers away from Tucker Carlson’s prime time show on Fox News Channel. Their purported evidence:" . . .
. . . "Last night, Tucker responded in the opening segment of his show, well-worth almost 7 minutes of your time, refusing to play the outrage game, and calling out the effort to silence voices that the Left cannot defeat with fact and reason:"

As you can imagine CNN was happy to cover both Carlson as well as Judge Jeanine Pirro. Naturally CNN's Tucker title was, "Fox News’ Tucker Carlson refuses to apologize for his misogynistic remarks". 

Tucker Carlson: We will never bow to the leftist mob's attempts to silence us, no matter what  . . . "As anyone who has ever been caught in its gears can tell you, the great American outrage machine is a remarkable thing. One day you're having dinner with your family, imagining everything is fine. The next, your phone is exploding with calls from reporters. 
"They read you snippets from a press release written by Democratic Party operatives. They demand to know how you could possibly have said something so awful and offensive, and ask something like, "Do you have a statement on how immoral you are?" It's a bewildering moment, especially when the quotes in question are more than a decade old." . . .

No, Tucker Carlson Shouldn’t Apologize Because We All Know The Left's End Game Here  . . . "Apparently, Media Matters, a left-wing outlet, decided to comb through years of radio clips for some reason in order to execute a hit job against Tucker Carlson. The Left hates him. So, he has to go. He shreds liberal narratives daily on his show on Fox News. And because he has differing opinions—he must be destroyed. This is progressivism in 2019 (via WaPo): . . ."

The Culture of Fake Outrage Comes for Tucker Carlson  "Ideological search-and-destroy missions are worse for America than shock-jock interviews."  
. . . "I don’t like what Tucker said, but here’s what is far, far worse for our nation and our culture than a pundit saying shocking things to a shock jock: the creation and sustainment of an outrage industry that spends millions of dollars (and countless man-hours) in the quest to destroy the lives and careers of the people it dislikes.

"Here’s the way it works. If you’re a conservative or a Republican who attains any kind of prominence at all, then the hunt is on. Media Matters has its rolling list of allegedly bad or silly things I’ve said and written, for example. And the more prominent you are, the more diligent the hunt. People will listen to hundreds of hours of radio shows or podcasts. They’ll watch tapes of cable news until their eyes glaze over. They’ll scan through hundreds of thousands of written words — letting the sum total of the person’s worldview and body of work wash over them — looking for that “gotcha” moment, the word or phrase that proves “the bad man really is bad.' ” . . .

(CNN's) Joan Walsh of The Nation joined the George Soros-funded attack on Tucker Carlson for using the C-word  . . . "She should have stayed on the porch because she defended Samantha Bee for calling Ivanka Trump the C-word on a taped, scripted show that Time-Warner censors approved." 
"That was on the company's TBS channel. Walsh works for Time-Warner's CNN channel." . . .

Congressional Mean Girls in Congress: "Queen Bees and Wannabees" *

Hey Ilhan! Hey Alexandria! Venezuela's democratic president wants you to come to Venezuela to see some socialism
So much of what is strangling Venezuela now is precisely what leftists such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ilhan Omar are proposing. It's no surprise that the pair of them are among the few people out there still defending monstrous socialist regime. 
Venezuelan Expat Shreds Ocasio-Cortez And Other Democrats For Promoting Socialism  “ 'Socialism is what destroyed Venezuela. There’s nothing for free in the world. Somebody is going to have to pay for it. The people who will have to pay for it will end up being us — young people, millennials,” said Martino." . . .

"Martino was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. He moved to the United States in 2016 and is studying economics at Indiana University and Purdue University Indianapolis." . . .
Tony Branco

The Plague of the Good Little Girls in Congress  . . . "But I do not think that we are giving congresswomen like Sandy O, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib enough credit. To me they are perfect products of our lefty educational system. Ask yourself: If you went to school and college in the United States today and believed everything your teachers taught you, how would your worldview be different from Sandy O, Omar, and Tlaib?
. . . "Okay, #NotAllWomen. Some of them are like Becky Sharp of Vanity Fair, and had to grow up fast. And then there are the Michelle Malkins and the Camille Paglias of the world. Thank God for them." . . .

Ilhan Omar: Thank you to Fox News for standing up for me against Jeanine Pirro
. . . "If Pirro wants to broach interesting conflicts between religion and politics, she’d do better to ask how Omar reconciles her faith’s view of traditional gender roles with her identification with the Democrats’ progressive wing." .  . .

Still, the biggest headaches are coming from the progressives, Omar and Ocasio-Cortez in particular:

Fmr. Miss USA Contestant Tears Down AOC: ‘Not the Boss of the American People’

When you send your child to college, you are playing Russian roulette with their character.

. . . It is a sad rule of life that whatever the Left touches, it ruins; music, art, literature, religion, late-night TV, the Academy Awards, sports, economies, the family structure, the Boy Scouts, and race relations are just a few examples. It also ruins people — their character and their happiness."  . . .

Dennis Prager   . . . "For left-wing parents, this may be a blessing, but for parents who are not leftist — not to mention those who are conservative — it is often painfully jolting.

"It is jolting because their beloved child now holds America in contempt; prefers socialism to capitalism; regards all white people and police as racist; believes the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism are not only nonsense, but dangerous nonsense; no longer believes that men and women are inherently different — or even that male and female objectively exist; is uninterested in getting married and having children; believes the president of the United States is a fascist, as are all those who voted for him; and supports the suppression of speech that he or she regards as “hate speech.”

MAGA Hat Attacks: Hate Crimes? Or Something Else?

RedState  . . . "Those who assault Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats are not motivated by a hatred of one’s immutable or religious characteristics; they are driven by their animus towards a political ideology that conflicts with their own. Political preference is not one of the factors determining what constitutes a hate crime.

"The other reason is why we should not be so quick to pull out the hate crime card is because there is no such thing as a hate crime. Murder is murder. Assault is assault. The thoughts one holds in their minds does not have any bearing on the severity of the crime they are committing. A victim who is hospitalized during a bar fight is not somehow less injured than he would be if the person who struck him hated the victim because of his skin color.
"So where did I get this radical idea? From conservatives! Right-leaning Americans have always argued that the notion of hate crimes is invalid. Indeed, it appears to have become nothing more than a political weapon that folks on the left can use when they feel like engaging in some good ol’ fashioned race baiting." . . .

Monday, March 11, 2019

Debra Messing Shares Photo Of Vagina Cupcakes For International Women’s Day, Forced To Apologize To Transgender Women

Weasel Zippers
"What will she post for International Men’s Day?

Actress Debra Messing tripped herself up on Saturday after tweeting a photo of vagina-shaped cupcakes (you can see the NSFW image here) in honor of International Women’s Day.
As a result, Messing faced heavy backlash on social media because she didn’t include transgender women without a vagina in her tribute to women.
Messing’s original post simply featured the photo of the cupcakes along with the caption “Happy International Women’s Day! Powerful, beautiful, and sweet.”
The “Will & Grace” star apparently received a deluge of comments criticizing her for assuming all women have a vagina, and implying a vagina symbolizes all of womanhood, so she expounded on her original post with an apology.

Long Before Ilhan Omar, Politicians Could Get Away With Murder As Long As They Were Democrats

Omar's words sting at home, threatening to strain ties of Jewish and Somali Minnesotans  "When Somali refugees arrived in Minnesota, starting in 1993, Jewish leaders saw echoes of their forebears who faced virulent anti-Semitism as newcomers to the state more than a century before. The communities developed strong ties, joining to fight hunger and illiteracy and raising money for one another in response to discrimination and threats of violence.

"Then came the election to Congress last year of Ilhan Omar, a Somali immigrant . . . "
The Federalist
Prior to Rep. Ilhan Omar's emergence on the national scene, the message was already clear, an d tragic: It matters not what you say or do, but rather to which groups you belong. 
. . . "I was twelve and sixteen on the days Bill Clinton was elected then reelected president. The infamous blue dress became a national topic of conversation when I was a senior in high school. All my life I’ve watched with interest as the label “Democrat” has insulated individuals from reprehensible behavior. Women who claim to care about women and their struggles as a sex rallied around Clinton for years, knowingly protecting a womanizer––and, more importantly, a man credibly accused of rape––because he was a warrior in their crusade to continue killing the unborn.

"My interest in politics emerged and blossomed when I was in my twenties. At that time, two men sat in the Senate chamber whose pasts should have, and would have, prevented them from being elected to public office had they not had a (D) attached to their name. I am speaking of former senator Ted Kennedy and former senator Robert Byrd.

"Kennedy had been dead for nearly a decade before anyone dared tell the truth about Chappaquiddick via film. He was a Kennedy and a Democrat, and thus he had a long career in the U.S. Senate pretending, alongside Clinton, to be a crusader for women despite having left one to drown in his car while he scurried away to craft a story that might save his political career." . . .

Nikki Haley calls out Rep. Clyburn over his defense of Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism

"When Democrats considered a resolution condemning Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) recent anti-Semitic remarks, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) invoked a bizarre defense of Omar this week that had fellow South Carolinian Nikki Haley calling him out."

Ilhan Omar Continues Her WAR on America.   "In just a few short months, the Muslima from Mogadishu who somehow represents the 5th congressional district in Minnesotastan, has made her stance perfectly clear: she hates Jews with the insouciant, casual fervor of a true Musselman. She hates the country of America-as-founded and, like her compatriots on the increasingly Marxist Left, would like to see it repealed and replaced with something else. For now, she is in an alliance of convenience with the politicians formerly known as "liberals." But when the geriatric leadership, in the form of Maerose Prizzi (whose brother, Roosey, by the way, was once arrested for statutory rape and somehow skated -- his father was the mayor of Baltimore at the time) attempted to rein in Ilhan Omar over her anti-Semitic tweeting, enough Democrats -- including the Congressional Black Caucus -- refused to support Pelosi's boilerplate resolution against Jew hatred that it morphed into a generic resolution against "hate" of all kinds, including "Islamophobia." There's a word for this in Yiddish: chutzpah. There's also a word for it in Arabic: taqiyya." . . . 

From Roy Rogers to Infanticide

Noisy Room

"I learned that the Roy Rogers Museum in Branson, MO closed its doors forever. Roy Rogers was a bit before my time. Still, the closing of his museum triggered something in me. My late black dad, Dr. Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus was a big Roy Rogers fan. I remember Roy Rogers as a good guy cowboy on TV who always did the right thing. Roy’s character was very much like my dad’s. No, I am not going to get sappy, reminiscing about a time when TV role models taught kids right from wrong. Suggest that some behaviors are right and some behaviors are wrong — how corny, judgmental, intolerant and old fashion is that?

"America has moved on. Democrats, Hollywood, and fake news media say America no longer wants white guys like Roy Rogers on TV, infecting our kids with Christian morals and family values.

"America has moved on from the biblical teaching that there are only two genders. NYC recognizes 31 different genders. Facebook gives customers 56 gender options. Leftists believe they are far more sophisticated and intelligent than Bible believers and Americans living in flyover country.

"Leftists say determining a baby’s gender by its genitalia at birth is idiotic. They say we must allow the child to evolve into the gender it wants to be. This insane child abuse has led to hundreds of kids as young as four years old identifying as transgender and changing their sex. 

"American College of Pediatricians president Dr. Michelle Cretella wrote, “Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.” Dr. Cretella also stated, “No one is born transgender.”

"America has moved on from children respecting their father and their elders. There I go sounding like an old guy. My sister, three brothers and I were raised respecting our dad, answering him with yes or no sir. Dad was fun and easy to talk to. But we understood that he was not our peer. Hollywood routinely portrays fathers as idiots whose kids give them zero respect." . . . By Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The Face of the Left

Totally brainwashed, Sandy O’s army believes it is inarguable that childbirth destroys the planet. Therefore, they have moral authority to murder babies before and after birth. Meanwhile, Sandy O's army passionately defends the lives of sea turtles. God said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it.” (Genesis 1:28)
Tony Branco
Lloyd Marcus  "Years ago, a white friend told me her son came home from middle school in tears, overcome with guilt. He was taught that his white ancestors were responsible for horrible things done to native Americans, blacks, and women. Today, her son is a young adult communist. He hates America and believes white men are the greatest source of evil in the world. He actually said he will not have children because he does not want to bring more of his kind into the world.

"Leftists teaching children to hate the race that God made them is evil. White students as young as six years old are outrageously taught that they are born racist, should feel guilty for their “white privilege” and have a responsibility to pay back blacks. Black students have been taught the same leftist lies which has created in them victim mindsets, a sense of entitlement and hatred for fellow Americans who are white. Democrat presidential candidates further white guilt and the lie that blacks are still victims of racist America. They absurdly want to pay $100 billion in reparations to blacks as payback for slavery." . . . 
. . . "We've allowed leftists to dumb down students regarding their constitutional rights and American history. Man-on-the-street interviews shockingly revealed that students from high school to college did not know George Washington was our first president. They thought Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat.
"Allowing public education to dumb down our “yutes” has produced numerous disturbing consequences. Four out of ten adults favor socialism over capitalism. 
"Sadly, our kids are taught that we are the villains of the world. They believe the lie that other countries are suffering from having too little because America stole from them and consumes too much. The truth is countries are suffering because of their lack of capitalism." . . .
AO-C's Early Life and Education   "Born to a working-class Puerto Rican family in the Bronx, New York, Ocasio-Cortez graduated from Boston University, majoring in economics and international relations, and worked for Senator Ted Kennedy's office where she focused on immigration issues while in college.
"After graduation, she returned home and became a community organizer. However, with the recession taking hold, along with the financial issues her family faced after her father's death in 2008 from cancer, Ocasio-Cortez took multiple low-wage restaurant jobs to help keep them afloat."

Update: Wallowing in stupidity  
Now that we now that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her friends are running the Democratic Party, or wielding a veto power over the party leaders, attention must be paid. Attention comes at a cost, for her musings present an extended case study in stupidity. She spouts stupidity in stream of consciousness form. How long before we are treated to a little red book compiling quotations from Chairman AOC?
Quoting AOC: . . . "And this idea of like 10 percent better from garbage, is, shouldn’t be what we settle for, it’s like this like it feels like moderate is not a stance it’s just an attitude toward life of like hmmm.”

"Her metaphorical use of the term “garbage” is jarring. Our present condition is somehow represented as garbage, or slightly better, while the lucky beneficiaries of her preferred policies are literally eating garbage in Venezuela. I am quite sure that what we have here is a textbook case of projection." . . .
Dogging AOC:  I am not sure who is behind the Job Creators Network; New York businesspeople, presumably. But that group has Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in its sights. It initially paid for a billboard in Times Square, criticizing Ocasio-Cortez for cheering the demise of Amazon’s New York development: