Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Congressional Mean Girls in Congress: "Queen Bees and Wannabees" *

Hey Ilhan! Hey Alexandria! Venezuela's democratic president wants you to come to Venezuela to see some socialism
So much of what is strangling Venezuela now is precisely what leftists such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ilhan Omar are proposing. It's no surprise that the pair of them are among the few people out there still defending monstrous socialist regime. 
Venezuelan Expat Shreds Ocasio-Cortez And Other Democrats For Promoting Socialism  “ 'Socialism is what destroyed Venezuela. There’s nothing for free in the world. Somebody is going to have to pay for it. The people who will have to pay for it will end up being us — young people, millennials,” said Martino." . . .

"Martino was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. He moved to the United States in 2016 and is studying economics at Indiana University and Purdue University Indianapolis." . . .
Tony Branco

The Plague of the Good Little Girls in Congress  . . . "But I do not think that we are giving congresswomen like Sandy O, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib enough credit. To me they are perfect products of our lefty educational system. Ask yourself: If you went to school and college in the United States today and believed everything your teachers taught you, how would your worldview be different from Sandy O, Omar, and Tlaib?
. . . "Okay, #NotAllWomen. Some of them are like Becky Sharp of Vanity Fair, and had to grow up fast. And then there are the Michelle Malkins and the Camille Paglias of the world. Thank God for them." . . .

Ilhan Omar: Thank you to Fox News for standing up for me against Jeanine Pirro
. . . "If Pirro wants to broach interesting conflicts between religion and politics, she’d do better to ask how Omar reconciles her faith’s view of traditional gender roles with her identification with the Democrats’ progressive wing." .  . .

Still, the biggest headaches are coming from the progressives, Omar and Ocasio-Cortez in particular:

Fmr. Miss USA Contestant Tears Down AOC: ‘Not the Boss of the American People’

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