Friday, January 1, 2021

Soros-Backed D.A. Sued By L.A. Prosecutors Over Reducing Sentence Enhancements

Neon Nettle

George Gascón announced radical changes earlier this year

The newly installed George Soros-backed District Attorney George Gascón is being sued by The Association of Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA) of Los Angeles County over his recent order to ban prosecutors from enhanced prison sentences, and declining prosecutions for various crimes.

"Gascón announced radical changes earlier this year, including eliminating cash bail.  
"Soros donated $1.5 million to the California Justice and Safety PAC, which backed Gascón.
"Gascón issued a ban on the death penalty and a prohibition on extended sentences for exacerbating circumstances, such as belonging to a gang or using a gun.
"Ongoing cases were affected by the new rules, like one involving a suspect charged with a double murder, which included that of L.A. Sherrif’s Deputy Gilbert Solano." . . .

How Much Voter Fraud Was There?

Tony Branco

 Power Line  "Voter fraud is a large and growing problem in the United States, and there is good reason to think that it exploded in 2020 on account of (among other things) unprecedented numbers of mail-in ballots and deliberately lax controls in many states. John Lott has now produced a statistical analysis that suggests substantial voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Lott’s conclusion is that his analysis suggests a total of more than 55,000 fraudulent votes in those two counties. Lott’s paper is embedded below, and his statistical calculations are laid out in detail. You can evaluate them for yourself.

"Lott’s method is simple and rather elegant: he compares absentee votes in precincts in Fulton County, for example, with adjacent precincts in neighboring counties. He also controls for demographics. Since voting is done at the precinct level, while counting was done at the county level, and since there is no evident reason why precincts across the street from one another should show significantly different results, the approach makes sense." . . .

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof (Oct 13)  . . . "So now that we know voter fraud is a serious issue, what are some solutions to this problem? States like Michigan have Poll Challenger programs, where observers from both parties may be present at voter check-in tables at precincts. They check each voter’s ID against a database of registered voters for that precinct to ensure the person attempting to vote is actually legally qualified to vote in that precinct. If there’s a discrepancy, the poll challenger may officially challenge the ballot. Other states should implement similar programs.

Earl of Taint

"States should sponsor initiatives to remove dead voters and correct the registrations of people registered in multiple states (make them choose just one state). Since many local jurisdictions are reluctant to clean their voter rolls, federal or state oversight with teeth may be necessary.

"Further, voter ID laws, such as the one implemented by North Carolina, but (wrongly) struck down by three liberal judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit— one appointed by Bill Clinton and the other two appointed by President Obama—are needed to ensure there’s no cheating with votes. States should continue to press the issue regardless of recent setbacks by liberal activist judges."...

Suggested New Name For DC Football Team:

Legal Insurrection’s Most-Viewed Posts of 2020

Legal Insurrection

"This was a boom year for Legal Insurrection in many ways, including website traffic. For 2020 we clocked in at 29,977,000 page views, an increase from 21,031,600 in 2019, and 16,793,600 in 2018."

VIDEO: Woman Driver Crashes Car While Flipping the Bird at Trump Supporters  "A woman crashed her car after she leaned out the window to flip off a MAGA corner rally.

"Yes. This woman was driving her car, took her hands off the steering wheel, leaned out the window, and flipped off a bunch of strangers. They were not in her way or bothering her."

Warren rails against oil and gas companies profiting from “pollution,” but it would appear she has no problem at all doing the same thing, even if it’s on a much smaller scale.  Maybe a reporter should ask her at what financial point profiting from pollution becomes unacceptable?  And in what way she thinks it acceptable for her to try to transfer “pollution” profits to her children just as she’s making a national name for herself as a green justice warrior?

Sen. Hirono Walks Out of Hearing After Refusing to Denounce or Criticize Antifa

Hirono is a well-documented nutter who thinks anti-Catholic smears (she attacked a federal judicial nominee for being part of the Knights of Columbus) are totes fine and that religious freedoms are part of “alt-right” ideology (she accused Sen. Sasse of embracing the alt-right).

 Much more here

2020: The Year In Rebuke - Part Three

Stilton's Place

"Unsurprisingly, we voted for Trump (and against the Democrats). Since this apparently made us fascist members of the Nazi party, we had to reflect on what we were actually voting for:

• To keep the Supreme Court a judicial rather than legislative body.
• To keep racists from gaining even more political power.
• To keep our future votes from being disenfranchised by the addition of new Democrat "states."
• To free Black Americans from their liberal prison plantations by increasing their access to
    education and opportunity.
• To stand in solidarity with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
• To clean up the FBI, the CIA, and the DOJ.
• To keep socialism from devouring our economy and work ethic.
• To have legal citizenship actually mean something.
• To improve everyone's access to quality, affordable healthcare.
• To ensure equal rights to all regardless of race, color, faith, or sexual orientation.
• To fight against "cancel culture."
• To protect our cities from those who would burn them down without fear of legal
• To resist the control of all information and speech by giant media conglomerates.
• To support police agencies and the communities which they serve.
• To maintain a viable economy during the pandemic rather than embrace systemic failure.
• To allow political dissent and the free exchange of ideas.
• To drain the Washington swamp.
• To keep our military strong.
• To put America first.

. . . 

"Biden and his gang of retreads from the largely unsuccessful Obama-Biden Administration aren’t running against Trump anymore. So now what?"

 Conrad Black  "There is substantial danger that the approaching Biden Administration will enter office determined to execute a 180-degree policy course change in almost every field, partly out of the spiteful and irrational antagonism that swiftly arose in opposition to Donald Trump, and partly from the perversity, obsolescence, and reactionary contrariety of current Democratic policy thinking. 

"Inevitably, the Democrats suffer from the polyglot composition of the contending factions that now compose that party. The African Americans within the Democrats are more militant than ever: President Trump raised the Republican percentage of African American votes by approximately half, and earned widespread credit for his promotion of Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina’s Enterprise Zone program, which incentivized heavy job-creating investment in disadvantaged areas. This and other Trump policies, especially the drastic reduction in unskilled illegal immigration, effectively eliminated black unemployment for the first time since World War II. 

"As it is now becoming practically impossible for the Democrats to retain their lock on the African American vote—approximately 11 percent of the country’s total—by simply dismissing Republicans as fat-cat, white, country club devotees afflicted by complacent whites’ racial indifference or bigotry, the black Democratic leadership is now reduced, in a phrase from the O.J. Simpson trial, to “dealing the race card off the bottom of the deck.”  

"The charge that Trump is a racist was completely unfounded and debunked by his success in improving the lot of the ethnic minorities, and Trump has shaken the Democratic hold on the African American vote with his charges that the Democrats’ polemical pandering to sentiments of racial anger and even self-pity, while doing nothing to reduce the dependence of many African Americans on the welfare system and drug addiction, or to alleviate the inordinate levels of incarceration of African Americans (and other minorities), are just hypocrisy. " . . .

Sowell or Biden: which has the wisdom to govern a nation?



FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Implied Thomas Sowell Was Racist For Opposing Affirmative Action  . . . "The exchange occurred during the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Nominee Robert Bork in 1987. Sowell attended the hearings to testify on behalf of Judge Bork and was given 10 minutes to make a case for his character. It was during this hearing that Democrats, including then Sen. Biden, slandered Bork and failed to confirm him in a 42–58 vote. 

"Biden pushed Sowell on his public opposition to affirmative action, implying that Sowell, a black man, is racist for his opinion on the policy.

“I gather from your comments about MIT and Harvard that you don’t think there’s enough blacks out there who are qualified to fill the number of vacancies, allotted for them in those schools, is that right? My point is, you believe there’s not enough black women and men out there that are the same as white women and men go through Harvard and MIT? You’re saying factually there are not enough?” Biden asked.

"Sowell previously explained that affirmative action sets up many black Americans for failure due to race-based quotas.

“ 'They are systematically mismatched with universities and the admissions process,” Sowell said. “That is if Harvard feels that it must have X percent of blacks. And the pool is such that they can’t get X percent of blacks at the same level as the rest of the Harvard students, they’re going to take those blacks who would have succeeded in some state university and bring them to Harvard where many of them will fail.” . . .

Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2020

Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2020   "Tiresome (adj): Causing fatigue or boredom. Exhausting the patience or attention; wearisome; tedious.

"If there’s one word to define 2020, it’s “tiresome.” Let’s face it, this garbage year pretty much exhausted our patience by March. And this is due in large part to a hell of a lot of tiresome people.

"Every year when I put together Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People list, I have a tough time winnowing it down to ten. But for 2020, it took me weeks to do the winnowing. I started putting together the Ten Most Tiresome People of 2020 back in November. And trust me, all ten earned their place on the list.

"But for the fact that I limit it to ten, I could easily find another twenty who earned a position here as well.

9. Michelle Obama   "I’m sure you’ll go through the ten and think to yourself “But what about ….?!” then proceed to name some real ******** *** LOSERS. But this isn’t the Ten Biggest ******* and Losers list. I always stick with the most tiresome — those who overstayed their welcome and exhausted our patience. And while the Venn diagram of “********/Losers” and “Tiresome” may intersect, not all ******** and losers are tiresome.

"I give you this caveat every year. But it never seems to stop the “But what about….?!” replies in the comments section.

After failing to make the ten most tiresome people list last year for the first time since I began it, Michelle Obama is back on the list.

I blame it entirely on whoever thought it was a good idea to give her a podcast in 2020.

For nearly two years I didn’t write about this wretched woman. Then Michelle was given a podcast from which to bitch and moan. And here we are all over again.

Because if there’s one thing that is exhausting beyond the telling, it’s Michelle “Multi-Millionaire” Obama whining about what a hard-knock life she has.  . . .

8. Kamala Harris..."America would be stuck with a President and Commander-in-Chief with the intellectual depth of an Inspiration-a-Day calendar and the international gravitas of a vapid beauty contestant." 

7. Joe Biden ... "It isn’t so much Joe himself that’s tiresome as it is the puppet masters pulling his strings."...

3. Nancy Pelosi..."To say Nancy Pelosi is tiresome is an understatement.
"Nancy is loathsome and she doesn’t care if we know it.

"In fact, Nancy gets a certain amount of pleasure out of being a raging C-word.

"Like her childish stunt at this year’s State of the Union Address when she ripped up the President’s speech while the cameras were rolling.

"For someone who claims she is super devout and prayerful, Nancy revels in her nastiness. It’s like mother’s milk to the old broad.

. . . "After yucking it up on late night TV and showing off her $13-dollar a point ice cream while Americans were losing their jobs and businesses due to these lockdowns, are we really supposed to tolerate her sanctimonious lectures?

"Something tells me with “Devout Catholic” Biden in the White House, Nancy’s “I’m a Prayerful Catholic” schtick is going to become even more insufferable than it already is." . . .

Grapes of Wrath in reverse

Rich Terrell

COVID-19 Pushes Iconic Rose Bowl Game From Pasadena To Arlington  . . . "Notre Dame and Alabama will face off at AT&T Stadium on Friday afternoon.

"Game officials decided to move the Rose Bowl after the state of California denied two requests to allow certain spectators to attend in person, according to a press release.

“The decision to move the game is based on the growing number of COVID-19 cases in Southern California along with the inability to host player and coach guests at any game in California,” the press release states.

. . . "The mayor bemoaned losing the game and its perennial companion, the Tournament of Roses Parade, for the first time since World War II when both were cancelled because the west coast was deemed unsafe after the Pearl Harbor bombing. That year, the game was played in Durham, North Carolina.

“ 'It’s very sad that the parade and the game will not occur in Pasadena this year,” Gordo said. “The people of Pasadena and beyond, including those in college football, should understand clearly that the Rose Bowl Game, contractually, will be played in the Rose Bowl Stadium on Jan. 1 going forward, absent some world pandemic or world war type of conditions." . . .

Rose Bowl move adds spice to California-Texas tug-of-war  . . . The California-Texas rivalry has taken two surprising twists: The Rose Bowl will be played near Dallas while the gap between the two state’s jobless rates reached a 14-year low.

"Pasadena’s annual college football classic is taking a pandemic-era detour amid California business limitations so the teams can face off in front of fans. This follows a string of Texas “victories” such as key California corporations relocating their headquarters to the Lone Star State not to mention 297,000 more Californians leaving for Texas than arriving during the past decade.

"Efforts to quell the coronavirus have been one of 2020’s biggest business debates. Critics of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s lockdowns and the state’s long-perceived anti-business bias frequently cite low-regulation Texas as a prime example of how governments should handle their economies.

"Take California’s refusal to relax rules so families of the two Rose Bowl teams could watch in person. The college football gods opted to move the New Year’s Day game to a stadium in Arlington, Texas, where up to 16,000 people will be allowed to attend. By the way, Pasadena’s signature Rose Parade has long been canceled due to similar restrictions on crowds." . . .

Joe Biden to have new Secret Service team amid concern about Trump loyalty

 UK Guardian

"Joe Biden is expected to receive Secret Service protection with a new team that is more familiar to him and replacing some agents amid concerns that they may be politically allied with Donald Trump.

In a changing of the guard as well as the man to be guarded at the White House, Biden’s security detail will undergo some staffing changes, the Washington Post reported on Thursday.

Several “senior” Secret Service agents are poised to return to the president-elect’s protection team and Biden knows these agents well because they guarded him and his family during his time as vice-president, according to the article, echoed in a report by CNN, citing a law enforcement source.

Re-assignments and promotions are common during transition periods between presidential administrations and are meant to increase comfort and trust between a president-elect and his security team, who shadow the commander-in-chief closely, including during private moments and sensitive discussions.

Although staffing changes are typical, several incidents reportedly contributed to the heightened concerns from Biden’s allies that some agents and officers might be loyal to Trump.

Some members of the president’s detail reportedly urged their colleagues not to wear masks during trips, for example – despite the federal government’s official guidance on Covid-19 – as Trump himself disparaged mask-wearing and held out for months before being seen wearing one in public.

In what was described as an “unprecedented” move, the Secret Service had permitted former detail leader Anthony Ornato to temporarily leave his role and serve as White House deputy chief of staff.

Ornato was among the coordinators of the June photo op for which Trump marched through Washington DC’s Lafayette Square to stand with a Bible – after peaceful protesters were forced from the area by troops on federal order, sparking uproar in political circles as well as among the public.

Ornato also assisted in the planning of many Trump campaign rallies even as Covid-19 tore through the US and gatherings were being discouraged or banned outright. In addition to members of the public, many Secret Service members contracted coronavirus or were exposed." . . .

Well, then there is this....

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Accused Of Swimming Naked In Front Of Female Secret Service Agents. Media Dismissed The Claim.   "Allegedly, former Vice President Joe Biden’s awkwardness with women goes beyond mere unwanted touching and into unwanted skinny dipping.

"Writing in the Washington Times, Ronald Kessler recalled how several Secret Service agents told him when researching his book, “The First Family Detail,” that Joe Biden stands second behind Hillary Clinton in the ranks for worst assignment to protect – from his penchant for rapidly changing schedules to his, well, “bizarre” swimming habits.

" 'Mr. Biden’s lack of consideration was even more stunning when it came to female agents, who were offended that the vice president bizarrely swam naked in front of them often daily at his pools at the vice president’s residence in Washington and at his home in Delaware,” Kessler wrote.

"Though this alleged behavior of Joe Biden has been circulating the web as far back as 2014, it has seen a revisited in recent days in light of Tara Reade’s allegation of sexual assault against him. But when news of Biden’s aquatic nakedness first broke, it barely became a major story mostly because left-wing media outlets dismissed the allegation as mere speculation while trashing the source." . . .

I believe that's Joe now......

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Files Federal Complaint Against Biden, Charging He 'Abused His Power'

 PJ Media

Donald Trump was impeached by House Democrats for suggesting that the corruption of Burisma and the Bidens ought to be looked at by Ukraine. Shokin’s filing gives Republicans even more ammo to say that Hunter Biden is a relevant witness for the impeachment trial. In fact, I think it’s quite clear that if more witnesses are ultimately called, Viktor Shokin should be brought in too.

"Multiple sources have confirmed a report by French news site Les Crises that former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has filed a complaint with Ukraine’s National Bureau of Investigation this week demanding an investigation be launched against  Joe Biden, who successfully pressured the Ukrainian government to fire him and protect Burisma Holdings, the company his son Hunter sat on the board of, making $83,000/month, despite having no experience related to their business.

"Shokin alleges in his filing that Biden orchestrated his ouster as prosecutor general in order to prevent the completion of his investigation of the notoriously corrupt natural gas company, Burisma Holdings.

During the period 2014-2016, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine was conducting a preliminary investigation into a series of serious crimes committed by the former Minister of Ecology of Ukraine Mykola Zlotchevsky and by the managers of the company “Burisma Holding Limited “(Cyprus), the board of directors of which included, among others, Hunter Biden, son of Joseph Biden, then vice-president of the United States of America.

"Shokin contends the investigation was “carried out in strict accordance with Criminal Law” and under his “personal control as the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.”

Owing to my firm position on the above-mentioned cases regarding their prompt and objective investigation, which should have resulted in the arrest and the indictment of the guilty parties, Joseph Biden developed a firmly hostile attitude towards me which led him to express in private conversations with senior Ukrainian officials, as well as in his public speeches, a categorical request for my immediate dismissal from the post of Attorney General of Ukraine in exchange for the sum of US $ 1 billion in as a financial guarantee from the United States for the benefit of Ukraine.    Full article and additional links here . . .

 Joe Biden listed as criminal suspect in Ukrainian court  "This is a story you won't find discussed in American mainstream media very much for obvious reasons."

Ukraine busts $6M bribe scheme for gas company that hired Hunter Biden  "The bribery case has no connection to Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Ukrainian investigators said Saturday at a press conference that revealed the scheme." 

 Joe Biden was in charge of US policy toward Ukraine at the time his son was hired to sit on Burisma’s board.

 Ukraine found no evidence against Hunter Biden in case audit: former top prosecutor

Unwittingly caught up in the impeachment row last year, Zelenskiy has said Ukrainians are “tired” of the issue and does not want Ukraine being dragged into the 2020 presidential race.

The 10 Worst Legacy Media Abuses in 2020

 PJ Media  "From the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic to the riots to the 2020 election, the left-leaning legacy media has twisted, subverted, and outright suppressed the news it is supposedly tasked with reporting. It is impossible to cover every instance of media bias against President Donald Trump, for Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., or propping up the far-Left’s increasingly stifling orthodoxy, but I have compiled what I believe to be the ten most egregious examples from 2020." .  .  .

Media Suppression of 8 Key Stories 'Stole This Election' for Joe Biden  

WaPo Gushes Over Kamala Harris' Marriage After Slamming Mike Pence's Commitment to His  "Only a few years after slamming Vice President Mike Pence for his unwavering commitment to his marriage, the Washington Post is now gushing over Kamala Harris’ relationship with her husband.

"Because, as we all know by now, there are a whole other set of rules for Democrats.

"Fresh out of actual news to report, and blinded by their own bias, the Post ran this headline over the weekend regarding Harris and her marriage to Doug Emhoff: “Kamala Harris’s marriage inspires so many of us still searching for our Dougs.” . . . 

Related: Egg on Their Faces: 10 Climate Alarmist Predictions for 2020 That Went Horribly Wrong   
Long before Beto O’Rourke claimed the world only had 10 years left for humans to act against climate change, alarmists had spent decades predicting one doomsday scenario after another, each of which stubbornly failed to materialize. It seems climate armageddon has taken a permanent sabbatical." . . .

Year-in-Review: The 2020 List of the 10 Worst Governors in the Nation

 "Brown is not just a Worst governor; she’s a straight-up piece of work."

Jennifer Oliver O'Connell   "So, there was no way that I could do a “Top 10 Worst Mayors” list without creating a similar list for the nation’s governors. Governors are the people who are most responsible for our state of being, our economic viability, and our safety, especially during this pandemic. Since this is a “Worst Of” list, we all know that the majority of them are failing miserably in all those areas.

"One Republican made the list. In this era of NeverTrumpers and RINOS, this should come as no surprise. If it was a list of 20, there would have been a few more.

"My determining factors, beside the dictator bloodlust, were:

  • How quickly does he/she run to the cameras?
  • How much gleam and glee is in his/her eyes when they talk about lockdowns?
  • How much joy does he/she exhibit when sticking it to Salon Owners, barbers, fitness center owners and small businesses?
  • How much does he/she blame President Trump?

"And my final determinant:

  • If he/she got run over by a truck how much would their constituents cheer?

"Without further ado, here is my list of the Top 10 Worst Governors in the Nation: . . ."

Here they are...