Friday, January 1, 2021

Sowell or Biden: which has the wisdom to govern a nation?



FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Implied Thomas Sowell Was Racist For Opposing Affirmative Action  . . . "The exchange occurred during the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Nominee Robert Bork in 1987. Sowell attended the hearings to testify on behalf of Judge Bork and was given 10 minutes to make a case for his character. It was during this hearing that Democrats, including then Sen. Biden, slandered Bork and failed to confirm him in a 42–58 vote. 

"Biden pushed Sowell on his public opposition to affirmative action, implying that Sowell, a black man, is racist for his opinion on the policy.

“I gather from your comments about MIT and Harvard that you don’t think there’s enough blacks out there who are qualified to fill the number of vacancies, allotted for them in those schools, is that right? My point is, you believe there’s not enough black women and men out there that are the same as white women and men go through Harvard and MIT? You’re saying factually there are not enough?” Biden asked.

"Sowell previously explained that affirmative action sets up many black Americans for failure due to race-based quotas.

“ 'They are systematically mismatched with universities and the admissions process,” Sowell said. “That is if Harvard feels that it must have X percent of blacks. And the pool is such that they can’t get X percent of blacks at the same level as the rest of the Harvard students, they’re going to take those blacks who would have succeeded in some state university and bring them to Harvard where many of them will fail.” . . .

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