Friday, January 1, 2021

Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2020

Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2020   "Tiresome (adj): Causing fatigue or boredom. Exhausting the patience or attention; wearisome; tedious.

"If there’s one word to define 2020, it’s “tiresome.” Let’s face it, this garbage year pretty much exhausted our patience by March. And this is due in large part to a hell of a lot of tiresome people.

"Every year when I put together Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People list, I have a tough time winnowing it down to ten. But for 2020, it took me weeks to do the winnowing. I started putting together the Ten Most Tiresome People of 2020 back in November. And trust me, all ten earned their place on the list.

"But for the fact that I limit it to ten, I could easily find another twenty who earned a position here as well.

9. Michelle Obama   "I’m sure you’ll go through the ten and think to yourself “But what about ….?!” then proceed to name some real ******** *** LOSERS. But this isn’t the Ten Biggest ******* and Losers list. I always stick with the most tiresome — those who overstayed their welcome and exhausted our patience. And while the Venn diagram of “********/Losers” and “Tiresome” may intersect, not all ******** and losers are tiresome.

"I give you this caveat every year. But it never seems to stop the “But what about….?!” replies in the comments section.

After failing to make the ten most tiresome people list last year for the first time since I began it, Michelle Obama is back on the list.

I blame it entirely on whoever thought it was a good idea to give her a podcast in 2020.

For nearly two years I didn’t write about this wretched woman. Then Michelle was given a podcast from which to bitch and moan. And here we are all over again.

Because if there’s one thing that is exhausting beyond the telling, it’s Michelle “Multi-Millionaire” Obama whining about what a hard-knock life she has.  . . .

8. Kamala Harris..."America would be stuck with a President and Commander-in-Chief with the intellectual depth of an Inspiration-a-Day calendar and the international gravitas of a vapid beauty contestant." 

7. Joe Biden ... "It isn’t so much Joe himself that’s tiresome as it is the puppet masters pulling his strings."...

3. Nancy Pelosi..."To say Nancy Pelosi is tiresome is an understatement.
"Nancy is loathsome and she doesn’t care if we know it.

"In fact, Nancy gets a certain amount of pleasure out of being a raging C-word.

"Like her childish stunt at this year’s State of the Union Address when she ripped up the President’s speech while the cameras were rolling.

"For someone who claims she is super devout and prayerful, Nancy revels in her nastiness. It’s like mother’s milk to the old broad.

. . . "After yucking it up on late night TV and showing off her $13-dollar a point ice cream while Americans were losing their jobs and businesses due to these lockdowns, are we really supposed to tolerate her sanctimonious lectures?

"Something tells me with “Devout Catholic” Biden in the White House, Nancy’s “I’m a Prayerful Catholic” schtick is going to become even more insufferable than it already is." . . .

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