Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Georgia Lawmakers Demand Removal Of Coca-Cola Drinks In Latest Boycott Over Voting Law

Forbes "A group of Georgia lawmakers are demanding that Coca-Cola products be removed from their office suite after the company’s CEO panned Georgia’s new voting law, the latest boycott called by Republicans to retaliate against companies they claim are contributing to an “out of control cancel culture.”

On Saturday, a group of Republican state lawmakers who share an office suite sent a letter to Kevin Perry, president of the Georgia Beverage Association, calling for all Coca-Cola products to be pulled from their office space “immediately.”

“Given Coca-Cola’s choice to cave to the pressure of an out of control cancel culture, we respectfully requisition all Coca-Cola Co. products to be removed from our office suite immediately,” they wrote, adding they would reconsider if Coke were to “accept their role in the dissemination of mistruths.”

State Reps. Victor Anderson, Matt Barton, Clint Crowe, Stan Gunter, Dewayne Hill, Lauren McDonald III, Jason Ridley and Marcus Wiedower signed on to the letter.

Republican lawmakers also slammed Delta Airlines and Major League Baseball last week for voicing opposition to the new Georgia voting law.



Maybe Coke Should Be Cancelled for Its Nazi Past

One would think that a company so dedicated to rooting out “white supremacy” that it forces its white employees into racial re-education training seminars would first want to take a hard look at its own rather awkward historical relationship with actual white supremacists intent on building a world-dominating “master race.”  That’s what “racial justice” requires, right — the punishment of one generation of Americans for the sins of generations past?  So why should Coca-Cola’s questionable corporate history be off-limits when it goes out of its way to demonize white Americans for no other reason than the color of their skin?


Thomas Sowell: Biden is America's point of no return

Thomas Sowell Channel
"Thomas Sowell discusses the consequences of what very possibly could happen to America now that Biden is president. "This could be America's "point of no return' ".

Monday, April 5, 2021

DNC chair says party needs to 'battle the damage' that has been done to it by movements like defund the police to win over rural voters

Daily Mail  "The head of the U.S. Democratic National Committee has admitted the party's brand has suffered 'damage', and argued that Democrats could be more attractive to rural voters with better messaging.

" 'I think what we have to do as a party is battle the damage to the Democratic brand,' DNC chair Jamie Harrison, who ran against Senator Lindsey Graham in South Carolina last year, said on Daily Beast's New Abnormal podcast.

" 'I experienced it on my own race, Lindsey and his crew of dark money effectively labeled me as somebody who believed in defunding the police,' he continued. 

'My grandfather on my stepfather's side was in the Detroit police department for 40 years. So I don't believe in that. But they were able to do it because the Democratic brand had been so tarnished in South Carolina that people would believe anything,' said Harrison. "  More...

“The City Council Are Raging Idiots – Ignore Actual Facts on Crime and Policing in Favor of Radical Leftist Fantasy” – Portland Police Go Off in Exit Interviews

“The City Council Are Raging Idiots – Ignore Actual Facts on Crime and Policing in Favor of Radical Leftist 

...The City of Portland, Oregon has lost 115 police officers since July 2020. 74 retired and 41 resigned.  The situation for police officers in Portland is so bad that nearby Spokane, Washington is advertising for cops in Portland in a very public billboard campaign. ...

‘60 Minutes’ Ignores Democrat Governors’ Scandals, Invents One About DeSantis

 Mollie Hemingway

As with the pushing of anti-Bush forgeries, CBS News continues to push partisan propaganda at the expense of the truth.

"Rather than cover actual scandals involving Democrat governors and their botched responses to COVID, CBS’ “60 Minutes” tried to invent a scandal involving Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ distribution of vaccines. To push the false narrative and protect its favored governors, “60 Minutes” refused to interview people who disputed its false narrative, selectively edited video to hide facts, and omitted data that debunked its thesis and accurately describe Florida’s success.

"It’s not that “60 Minutes” couldn’t have reported on real scandals involving governors and COVID, if it wanted to. New York’s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a media darling despite his many failures, sent COVID patients into long-term care facilities full of vulnerable people, and then covered it up.  California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom has imposed draconian lockdown measures that have crushed his state’s economy, its schools, and the entire population of the state. He’s currently facing a recall attempt from citizens livid at his handling. 

"To protect these men, the Democrat-allied news show instead targeted Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, widely recognized for his leadership during the pandemic. Unlike most political leaders, DeSantis has balanced the health concerns from the pandemic with the public and societal health concerns of harsh lockdowns that destroy economies, children’s lives, the ability of people to provide for their families, and the right of people to worship and live their lives." . . .

We Are Governed by People Who Suck

Article here...   Read more on spectator.org

"Let’s face it: Joe Biden sucks.

Everything about him sucks. He sucks as a messenger, his economic policies suck, he completely sucks as a truth-teller. He sucks in the integrity department.

And people suffering from the debilitating effects of old age can tell you that absolutely sucks. You are not the person you used to be, and you can’t do the things you used to do.

Joe Biden sucked before he became increasingly, cruelly incapacitated by the decline of his faculties. Thursday’s Potemkin sham of a press conference, in which pre-written questions and scripted answers replaced an honest dialogue with the American people over the state of our union, made that clear.

"That press conference sucked. It wasn’t a press conference; it was a book report.

"We shouldn’t have been forced to embrace Biden’s suck.

Biden’s family sucks for putting him, and us, through what’s going to obviously get much worse over time.

"This man has the toughest job in the world, and it’s obvious he’s not up to the task. If you can’t answer questions off the cuff from an almost universally friendly press corps, it means you suck at the job.

"We’ve had presidents who have sucked before. But not since Woodrow Wilson had a stroke in office and finished his second presidential term as an invalid, mostly comatose, with his wife running the country as a proxy president, have we had a situation sucking as badly as this one clearly will.

What’s worse is even now, we really don’t know who’s running the country. It’s supposed to be the guy we elected. The president is supposed to be in charge.

"Is Joe Biden in charge? He doesn’t even know what he’s doing here. He says it all the time.

"That sucks. And the world is watching." . . .

Chris Christie Says Biden’s ‘Lying to Cause Racial Divisions’ Over GA Election Law: ‘He’s a Liar and a Hypocrite’  A Democrat brought up the Biden lie about "no water in line".

Chris Wallace Falsely Claims New Georgia Law Bans Drinking Water While In Line For Voting

Georgia Voting Law Does Not Forbid Access to Water, As Long As It's 'Self-Service...From an Unattended Receptacle' . . . "On Friday, President Biden told reporters that Georgia "passed a law saying you can't provide water for people standing in line while they're waiting to vote. You don't need anything else to know that this is nothing but punitive, designed to keep people from voting. You can't provide water for people about to vote? Give me a break."

"But that's not what the law says.

"The law says:

No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector [a voter], nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast:" . .  .

Donald J. Trump: Joe Biden’s Best Friend

 Victor Davis Hanson

The myth of Biden the healer, and Trump the cruel divider, got Biden elected. But the fantasy that Biden had the answers to problems that Trump created is a far greater—and more dangerous—delusion.

"The Pavlovian “Trump did it!” sums up Joe Biden’s fallback excuse when faced with any embarrassment.  

"His own completely optional, self-created, illegal immigration disaster? Trump somehow caused it, despite leaving office with a stable and secure border.  

"Vaccination rates soaring? There would be even more if not for Trump’s mere 1-million-a-day vaccination rate, mere weeks after the rollout of the “experimental” vaccinations that supposedly would take “years” to develop. 

"Chinese aggressiveness? Trump’s provocations again due to all his paranoid talk of travel bans, and a lab-escaped virus. 

"European unwillingness to confront the Chinese? Yep, Trump’s the cause again, with jawboning our friends into paying $100 million more for their own defense.  

"In truth, Trump’s atmospherics were chaotic, but not just due to his incessant tweeting and candid ad hoc outbursts—or even media hatred that led to 90 percent negative coverage by the networks, newspapers, and online social media. (Notice how few, Left or Right, use any more the adjective “left-wing” or “liberal,” since to do so is a redundancy: “the media” is now accepted as a synonym for “left-wing media.”)  

"Instead, what enraged the elite was Trump’s unapologetic effort to fire up the economy to benefit Americans through massive deregulation, tax reform and reduction, encouragement of returning investment to the United States, and expansion of energy production, exploration, and delivery. The result was that on the eve of the pandemic, there was a trifecta of record-low minority unemployment and near-record peacetime low unemployment, record energy production, and strong GDP growth." . . .  

Boycott boomerang: Genius Dems start to realize Georgia boycott will cost them votes in the Peach State

Barack Obama Cheers MLB for Moving the All-Star Game  Cheers the man who once led the Free World, gave pallets of cash as ransom for his sailors and most of the Middle East to the Russians and ISIS.


Boycott boomerang: Genius Dems start to realize Georgia boycott will cost them votes in the Peach State    "Democrats thought they had a brilliant plan to force Georgia to permit widespread voting fraud by getting their woke pals in corporate America to bully the state into repealing its brand-new voting integrity law that mandates voter ID and other common-sense measures. Two Atlanta-based corporate giants, Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines, denounced Georgia’s new voting integrity bill, and Major League Baseball announced it was moving the All-Star Game away from Atlanta.


"Guess who gets hurt in the estimated $100 million impact from the loss of the MLB showcase. That would be the little guys who work at hotels and restaurants, who are vendors at the game, and who work in other service industries. The local Dem pols realized this quickly. Last Friday, Laura Ingraham reported:

[T]he blowback against this is growing, which forced even liberal Georgia Sen. Jon Ossoff to put out a statement last night saying, "I absolutely oppose and reject any notion of boycotting Georgia." But then he said that look,  corporations that are disgusted, like we are with this voter suppression bill, should stop any financial support for the Georgia Republican Party.   . . .

Do Springsteen or other rockers have concerts scheduled for Georgia? Better avoid that, because if you do, they will be your master and owner. Dare to offend them in any way and they will cancel on you just as Bruce did to North Carolina, costing millions of dollars. TD

Fact Check: Major League Baseball Moves All-Star Game over Law that Expands Some Voting  . . . "VERDICT: FALSE. The new Georgia law actually expands some voting, contrary to claims by Democrats and the media.

"MLB became the latest victim of a hoax about Georgia’s voting law when it announced Friday that it would move the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state. In a statement, MLB said it supports voting rights and “opposes restrictions to the ballot box.”

"Major corporations based in Atlanta, such as Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines, have also criticized the new law harshly. But as the Wall Street Journal noted in an editorial Thursday, “They’re denouncing Georgia’s election law, but have they read it?”

"Fact-checkers have already taken President Joe Biden to task for false statements about the law, as Breitbart News noted:" . . .

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Axios declares CEOs 'the new lawmakers'

 Monica Showalter   . . . "This is why the corporate state is so hard to get rid of. And why, with its hooks in, leads to underdevelopment. Democrats, CEOs, and activists want this, of course. Axios and others write about this like it's a good thing and not a naked threat to America. Corporate state to them all means power. The only people left out of this cruel immutable structure are the people.

"Trump's call to boycott these corporations to force them return to their market orientation and pay attention to their buyers might just be more important than it looks."

The Woke-Military-Complex


The Woke-Military-Complex  . . . "Recently, Fox News show host Tucker Carlson  committed the sin of scrutinizing the military’s general embrace of a “woke” perspective. “So we’ve got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits,” he said, referring to updated Army and Air Force hair regulations. “Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It’s a mockery of the U.S. military.” Put simply, he believes the Pentagon has the wrong priorities—and he’s right. Consider that since 2016, the military has also spent roughly $8 million on hormone therapy and surgical treatments for 1,500 transgender troops. How does this prepare America for a seemingly inevitable confrontation with China?

"Tough questions like these don’t seem to sit well with official mouthpieces and sensitive senior military personnel." . . . 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Black Americans Debunk Democrat Claim that Voter ID Is 'Racist'

 Neon Nettle

People left stunned by 'ignorant' leftist talking point about voter ID requirements

"As the Left pushes misleading claims about voter ID laws being "racist," black Americans were stunned to hear talking points being pushed by Democrats to support the narrative.

"Democrats are continuing to push back against Republican efforts to tighten election security by requiring voters to produce identification before submitting their ballots.

"For years, the Left has been claiming that voter ID laws are racist by alleging that black Americans lack access to the Internet, are unable to contact the DMV, and have a general lack of knowledge about how to obtain identification.

"These claims have recently been renewed in the wake of Georgia passing new voter integrity laws to tighten the security of future elections.

"However, on-the-street reporting from 2016 by Ami Horowitz has again become relevant.

"Horowitz took to the streets of Berkeley, California, to ask white liberals about their views on voter ID, and, unsurprisingly they all parroted the same talking points by claiming the requirement was racist."  . . .

The Georgia House Went on the Offensive - Now the Georgia GOP Needs To Follow Suit

The saying has been that when you died, no matter if you were bound for Heaven or Hell, you had to go through Atlanta first. TD

PJ Media

"The Georgia House went on the offensive on Thursday, pushing back against the CEO of Delta, Ed Bastian, who criticized the election security law passed and signed into law by Governor Brian Kemp. The Georgia House revoked Delta’s millions in tax credits before they adjourned for the year. Sadly, the Georgia Senate, led by Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan, failed to do the same before the body adjourned.

"Delta is never going to abandon its Georgia hub because they have successfully prevented a regional airport like Midway in Chicago. Through predominantly Republican support for big business in the state, Delta has held the metro Atlanta hostage to the airport they practically own, despite the electorate’s preference for a regional option. Now, Delta bites the hand that feeds them, and Duncan did nothing. Another consideration for 2022." . . .

The Morning Briefing: Biden and His Idiot Supporters Are Trying to Cancel Georgia

The kicker here is that Atlanta is the Democratic stronghold in Georgia. The cancel animals are so rabid that they don’t care that they are advocating for the economic punishment of their political comrades. The woke scolds continue to redefine absurdity.

So MLB is fine with ball games in Cuba and training in China, but Georgia is the human-rights problem  . . . "Can they explain for us why they recently held a ball game in brutal totalitarian military dictatorship of Cuba? A place Cuban ball players flee from to freedom, which in come cases includes MLB salaries made possible only by living in a free, democratic society that exists already? They aren't fleeing to a hellhole, which is what MLB is now claiming about Georgia.

"Can they explain to us why they hold a training camp in China, home of the Uighur slave-labor laogai and the broken-treaty de-democratization of Hong Kong?" . . .

So baseball has joined the NBA and NFL in their wokeness. Politics has contaminated every form of entertainment in our country  . . . "Meanwhile, I am glad I am old.  I don't know how much more of this  I can take."

"Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R-GA) is not backing down in the face of woke corporations and activists who are critical of the common-sense voter reform bill that he recently signed into law. Georgia-based corporations including Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola have spearheaded the outrage about the bill, claiming that the provisions will suppress voting accessibility."  . . .
Georgians - and all Americans - should fully understand what the MLB's knee-jerk decision means: cancel culture and woke political activists are coming for every aspect of your life, sports included. If the left doesn’t agree with you, facts and the truth do not matter.

 Trump Calls for Major League Baseball Boycott for Caving to 'Radical Left Democrats'

The Atlanta Braves responded to the MLB’s decision to remove the events from the state by saying it was not the Braves’ decision “nor our recommendation and we are saddened that fans will not be able to see this event in our city.”

“Unfortunately, businesses, employees, and fans in Georgia are the victims of this decision,” the team added.

Facebook wipes all trace of Capitol attacker Noah Green's Facebook profile

 The Post Millennial   "Facebook removed the profile of Capitol attacker Noah Green earlier today. Luckily, journalists were able to see the account and take screenshots before it was removed by the tech giant."

Joe Biden Fails to Condemn Capitol Attacker   "Soon after reports started spreading on social media about the attack on the Capitol Friday that left one U.S. Capitol Police officer dead, many rushed to the conclusion that the attacker was a white, QAnon-following, Trump supporter, and condemned the attack. Of course, the attacker was none of those things, and all those who jumped to politically convenient conclusions about the attacker wound up with egg on their faces.

"One person who waited until more information was available was Joe Biden, but, unlike those who condemned the attack after assuming a pro-Trump motive behind it, Joe Biden couldn’t find it in himself to condemn the suspect.

“ 'Jill and I were heartbroken to learn of the violent attack at a security checkpoint on the U.S. Capitol grounds, which killed Officer William Evans of the U.S. Capitol Police, and left a fellow officer fighting for his life,” Biden said in a statement. “We send our heartfelt condolences to Officer Evans’ family, and everyone grieving his loss. We know what a difficult time this has been for the Capitol, everyone who works there, and those who protect it.”

“ 'I have been receiving ongoing briefings from my Homeland Security Advisor, and will be getting further updates as the investigation proceeds,” Biden continued.

"Not a single word condemning the attacker, Noah Green." . . .