Monday, July 25, 2022

Soros Backs O’Rourke’s Bid for Texas Governor With $1 Million

Shouldn't America expect O'Rourke to resign on principle, seeing the damage Soros DA's are doing to American society? Beto, how many deaths are attributed to Soros and his money?  TD

 MSN "(Bloomberg) -- George Soros is throwing his financial support behind Democrat Beto O’Rourke as he seeks to become the next governor of Texas.". . .

. . ."Soros donated $1 million to the underdog’s Beto for Texas political action committee last month, according to filings released Tuesday by the Texas Ethics Commission. It’s tied for the largest-ever contribution to O’Rourke, along with $1 million donations each from Austin-based philanthropists Simone and Tench Coxe. 

"Soros, a 91-year-old billionaire who frequently supports progressive causes, has been active in Texas politics before, for example contributing $500,000 last year to defeat a ballot initiative in Austin that would have forced the city to hire hundreds of police officers. Republicans including Governor Greg Abbott often paint him as an outsider seeking to impose liberal values on a deep-red state.". . .

Beto, The Beatable Beta - Grrr Graphics - Ben Garrison Cartoon

"‘Beto’ is a Mexican nickname, but the Irish O’Rourke is not rejected for such cultural appropriation. After all, he looks vaguely like RFK, and that buys him a lot of tolerance. Expect him to do more silly things such as recording his dental exam or skateboarding across a stage. President Trump made fun of Beto’s habit of wildly waving his arms while speaking. As for the border walls, Beto wants to tear down those already in existence. Yes, he’s a lefty nut job and if you don’t vote for him, the world will end in 12 years.". . .

A new terror for the left: Catholic hospitals

Those rioting over Dodds; do they also riot for no-kill animal shelters?

 Andrea Widberg  "The AP has a hair-raising horror story for leftists still reeling from the Dobbs decision returning the question of abortion to the states: Catholic hospitals are on the rise! Even in states in which abortion will remain legal, there are some regions in which non-Catholic hospitals are going under and the only thing left is those “eeeevil” abortion-free, contraception-limiting Catholic healthcare providers.

The article, entitled “Catholic hospitals’ growth impacts reproductive health care” focuses on Connecticut, where Covenant Health, a Catholic hospital system, is planning to merge with a non-Catholic hospital and healthcare system that’s unable to remain open on its own. For Democrats, the fact that Covenant Health won’t provide abortions is a problem:. . .

. . ."Even the AP must concede, though, that Catholic hospitals are not so dogmatic that they’ll let women die rather than perform an abortion. As Sister Mary Haddad, the CHA president explained in an email to the AP, if the mother “suffers from an urgent, life-threatening condition during pregnancy, Catholic health clinicians provide all medically indicated treatment even if it poses a threat to the unborn.' ”

Sunday, July 24, 2022

10 Biggest Adjustments Fleeing Californians Have To Make In Their New States |

  Babylon Bee  Quoting:

Quote: Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing California for states like Texas and Florida, but it's not always easy to adjust to life in an American state.

Let's look at the 10 biggest adjustments fleeing Californians have to make in their new states:

Strange wet stuff falls from the sky once in a while. Try not to drive your car into a pole when this happens. Take a deep breath. You will get through it.

People don't say "The" in front of highway names. If you're driving on I-10 in Texas, you'll feel the urge to say "The 10," but don't do it. It's wrong.

You can't wear flip-flops to church. Not even your "nice" Vans flip-flops. Put on shoes like an adult.

There's no need to call the police if you see someone with a gun strapped to their hip. It's OK. The guns can't jump out and hurt you, no matter what Newsom told you back in California.

"Bless your heart" doesn't mean "bless your heart." Well, it might mean "bless your heart," but it's a safer bet that it means "that person's weird," or "you're an idiot," or "I don't like you." Or, it's a simple ending to a statement you've made about someone that you don't want to feel bad about.

No one cares about your preferred pronouns. Go ahead and tell an old farmer in Oklahoma that you go by "they" pronouns. The look on his face will be worth it.

Man-buns are unacceptable in a professional setting. Or any setting.

You have to go into buildings without any kind of official warning that something inside there might cause cancer. You will just have to take the chance. Be strong.  (My personal favorite.TD

The weather cycles from hot to cold and back again on an annual basis. Do not be alarmed. These are called "seasons."

You might have to make your own choices and take responsibility for your actions without the government taking care of you. This is the most difficult adjustment for Californians to make when they move to America, but with time, prayer (also acceptable in red states), and willpower, you can do it!

Those are just a few of the many adjustments ex-Californians will have to make. If you've thought of any others, please leave them in the comments below to help these poor communists to enjoy capitalism away from their homeland.  End quote.

Joe’s and the Dems’ (almost) perfect out on Hunter

 American Thinker  "When life gives you Hunter, make Hunter aid you. 

"Some may say that Hunter was not born that way, but rather created by the same poor family environment that created a hyper-sexualized, sex- and drug- addicted daughter. Created or born --  whatever. (I am willing to bet that a deep dive into Biden’s dead son, Beau, would reveal interesting behaviors, too.) ". . .

. . .Hunter will have to do time.  

"Remember that part where no one can save him? Well, actually, that is not quite possible. Joe can save him after Hunter does a teeny, tiny amount of time.  

"Step Three is Joe pardons Hunter. A president can pardon someone who committed a federal crime and is being punished. Incarceration is punishment. Joe tells the nation that as a kind, loving (though sick In the head) father he has chosen to help his son at the expense of his 2024 presidential run. What else could a father do? 

"This scenario allows: 

  • Joe to leave office without the disgrace of losing the election, crapping his pants on the campaign trail, and holding his head up high for choosing family over career 
  • The Dems to jettison him and apply their resources to the election(s) and not defending and covering for Joe 
  • The Dems to sanctimoniously disagree with his pardon but being understanding of it, i.e., distance themselves without dissing Joe 
  • The critical points are to have this political theater elevate Joe, harshly punish Hunter, have Joe pardon him and free the Dems of the Biden millstone. 

"It is winners all around unless you wanted true justice done re: Hunter. In which case you are a racist."

New Billboard in Times Square Trolls ‘Elite Pete’ Buttigieg — ‘Let Them Drive Electric Cars!’


Cartoons - American Thinker
New Billboard in Times Square Trolls 'Elite Pete' Buttigieg — 'Let Them Drive Electric Cars!' (

"A new billboard is popping up in Times Square to troll Biden’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for believing that people who are struggling at the gas pump should buy expensive electric vehicles instead.

The billboard was purchased by the Job Creator’s Network, [a] small business advocacy organization launched by Bernie Marcus, the co-founder and former CEO of Home Depot.


"It features Buttigieg’s image with a crown and scepter.

"During a hearing on Tuesday, Buttigieg, once again, said that people who can’t afford Biden’s sky-high gas prices should just buy an electric vehicle.

“ 'he more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicles,” Buttigieg said.

"This isn’t the first time he has made this type of comment.

"During an appearance on CNBC’s Squawk Box to discuss gas prices earlier this month, Buttigieg said, “I’m still astonished that some folks seem to really struggle to let go” of their gas-powered vehicles in favor of electric vehicles. ". . .

How Did Democrats Become So Out of Touch With the American People? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "Either they have no clue how bad their policies are or they just don’t care."

Mark your calendar for Liz Cheney's downfall

 American Thinker

Lurking in the background to all of this is a widespread weariness of endless political theater.  Meanwhile, we are suffering from a profound lack of competent governance. 


. . ." Burdensome taxes and inflating prices are taking a serious toll on our standard of living.  Swarms of vagrants are despoiling our towns and cities.  Rampant lawlessness is further damaging the general quality of life.  I could go on and on, but you already know the drill.

"Meanwhile, back to ol' Liz.  Why would a Wyoming people's representative go so far out of her way to enrage her constituents?  According to Byron York, not only is Liz not of Wyoming, but she's not even from Wyoming.  Born in Wisconsin, she has spent most of her life on the Virginia side of the Metro D.C. swamp.  In spite of her surname's pedigree, she has no background in ranching, mining, or living by your wits.  In some ways, she's a textbook example of the pervasive defect in American politics: reliance on the superficial rather than the substantive.

"Public-sector malfeasance has become the new normal.  As this is being written, the major Pacific port of Oakland has been shut down for the last week because the villains in Sacramento have outlawed independent owner-operator truckers from picking up and delivering freight containers  — unless they incorporate or surrender to the Teamsters union and become employees.  There can be little doubt that generous campaign donations were involved.". . .

Woke Baseball’s All-Star Game Draws Worst TV Audience Ever

Right Wire Report

 Newsbusters   "Major League Baseball showcased its very best talents in Tuesday’s All-Star Game, and the viewing public said nah, not interested. Television ratings for a fast declining woke league were at rock bottom in the history of all-star game viewing. 

"Broadcast by Fox Sports, the 2022 all-star game drew just 7.5 million viewers with a lowly 4.2 rating, and Sports Business Journal documented this being the poorest television showing ever for the Midsummer Classic. That’s a 10-percent ratings drop compared to last year’s controversy-dogged game. 

"Not only is MLB losing popularity for its wokeness, but last year it badly damaged the integrity of the all-star game by removing it from Atlanta for political reasons. The Georgia legislature had enacted new laws designed to protect election integrity. Democrats cried “voter suppression,” MLB bought into the lie and moved the 2021 all-star game to Colorado. It was a woke, bone-headed move that sent baseball’s favorability into a free fall. 

"Warner Todd Huston’s Breitbart story describes the debacle this way: ". . .

Few Watch Political Organization Baseball Game Called “All Star Game” ( . . ."As for this year’s MLB All-Star Game, it kicked off in a city beset by troubles as L.A. has suffered a soaring crime rate, a wave of homelessness, economic despair, and drought.

"The city’s plight- especially where it concerns crime- was highlighted last week with the shocking murder of NASCAR driver Bobby East, who was attacked and killed by a criminal already on parole.

"Meanwhile, voters are so fed up with the area’s soft-on-crime, George Soros-funded DA, George Gascón, that they are in the midst of a recall effort as residents sick and tired of his refusal to prosecute criminals try to kick him out of office.". . .

Saturday, July 23, 2022

'Ohio Man' Rapes 10-Year-Old

    Unfortunately, our media are too busy reporting on apocryphal gang rapes by the Duke lacrosse team and “frat boys” at the University of Virginia to bother mentioning the epidemic of child rape by immigrants from peasant cultures pouring into our country by the million.

 Ann Coulter - Unsafe (   I, for one, am tickled pink that our ruling class has finally come out against child rape. This is something new. For several decades now, the position of government officials, both political parties, think tanks, the Bush family, district attorneys and the entire media has been: We’re going to foist primitive, peasant cultures on America and then lie to the public about how this is changing our country.

Ohio Man

" We recently found out about one big way that third-world immigrants are enriching us. Soon after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the media began talking nonstop about a “10-year-old rape victim” who couldn’t get an abortion in Ohio and had to travel to Indiana. The “10-year-old rape victim” was discussed on a loop on MSNBC and even made it into a speech by President Joe Biden.

     "But then, a bunch of spoilsports started questioning whether “10-year-old rape victim” existed. The attorney general of Ohio said on July 12 he had no evidence of a 10-year-old rape victim, despite the reporting of such a crime being mandatory.

     "With their backs against the wall, the pro-abortion crowd broke longstanding strictures against mentioning the rapey-ness of our “New Americans” by producing the rapist: Gerson Fuentes, 27, an illegal alien from Guatemala.

     "Oh, now I see.

     "The abortion ladies thought they could get away with revealing the child rape victim, while refusing to reveal the child rape perpetrator. When that failed, they wantonly defied the rest of their coalition and told the truth about one of the Democrats’ pets, an illegal immigrant.

    "Once the pro-abortion crowd identified the rapist, nothing about the story was surprising. It has all the earmarks of an immigrant child rape:. . ."

George Gascon Releases Another Violent Felon, This Time a Murderer Serving 50-Year Prison Sentence


Disgraced Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon has made another destructive decision by releasing a reputed gang member and convicted murderer from prison.

"According to court documents, in March of 2015, Andrew Cahcu was 17 years old when he helped murder 41-year-old Louis Amela in Palmdale, California, during a robbery. Cachu was sentenced to a 50-year prison sentence, beginning in juvenile detention, according to Fox News Digital.

"The murderer was released in November 2021–after serving just six years–following Deputy District Attorney Alissa Blair, a close Gascon ally, declining to present evidence at a hearing to decide whether Cachu should remain in custody after turning 25, since he would be out of the juvenile detention facility where he was being held,

"Jonathan Hatami, a child abuse prosecutor and child victim/survivor advocate, posted a thread on Twitter, with a timeline of the release details:"...

This is outrageous; people are fed up with Gascon’s pro-crime and soft-on-crime approach. He has harmed many residents and families in Los Angeles County and should be held accountable. In fact, a recall in November is not enough–he should be prosecuted for all the damages his policies have caused.

Knucklehead Of The Week: AOC Is Really Bad At Pretending To Be A Criminal

When decision-making time comes during our weekly exercise to determine who to recognize for exceptional stupidity, it seems that the incomparable Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is virtually always a candidate. Aside from President Joe Biden, no one has received the honor more than AOC. . .
Our bubble-gummer

Knucklehead Of The Week: AOC Is Really Bad At Pretending To Be A Criminal - The Blue State Conservative

"Winner: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was thrilled to be arrested but disappointed she wasn’t handcuffed; so, she took matters into her own hands.

"When we were young kids, many of us would engage in ‘pretend’ play with our friends or siblings. We might pretend to be sports stars, or perhaps soldiers or sailors, or we might even pretend to be astronauts. But there’s perhaps no role that is more acted out by children pretending than that of a policeman and/or criminal. Spend some time with a child from today’s generation and you’ll see that the tradition continues, as they emulate characters from the children’s show Paw Patrol.

"Yet, while we’ve documented several of AOC’s flaws in the past, one that we haven’t covered yet is this one: the New York congresswoman must have been really bad at playing pretend when she was a kid.

"On Wednesday, she joined several other congressional clowns to participate in a pro-abortion rally in Washington D.C. before being arrested for “Crowding, Obstructing or Incommoding” by Capitol Police. As she was being led away by the cops, she put her hands behind her back as if she was handcuffed. But she clearly wasn’t because only moments after beginning her walk with the officer, she raised her right hand to wave to the crowd before quickly putting it back in place again. If you haven’t seen the footage, watch it here:. . .

There is so much idiocy with this incident, that it’s difficult to cover it all. – We have the smirk by AOC as she’s being led away, and it couldn’t be clearer that she and her comrades were fully intent on being arrested. They wanted the photo op, and they got it.– We have her mindset on display. She thinks it’s heroic to be protesting for the right to kill unborn babies, and she/they couldn’t be prouder.


Media Puzzled by ‘Ninja Kitty Self-Defense Keyring’ Wielded by Man Who Attacked Lee Zeldin

If you watched Antifa in America's streets this past two years, you know Democrats are capable of murder. TD

What Was The Weapon Wielded by Lee Zeldin's Attacker? ( 

 In the aftermath of the Thursday attack on the Republican candidate for governor of New York, Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), there was some confusion identifying the weapon wielded by the attacker as he attempted to stab Zeldin.

"The Monroe County Sheriff’s report of the incident read, “A male from the crowd climbed up on the stage and approached Zeldin. The male had a weapon in his hand, swung it towards Zeldin’s neck.”

"Zeldin was luckily unharmed in the attack. Initial reports indicate that the attacker may have been a veteran.

"The report identifies the assailant as David G. Jakubonis and says he was charged with attempted assault, a felony, and released on his own recognizance.

"Some on the far-right, like conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson, were quick to call the weapon a “knife.”. . .

Faulkner, who introduced the segment noted that Zeldin’s attacker was “holding a sharp object and told Zeldin, ‘You’re done.’”. . .

 Pinkerton: Lee Zeldin Channels Teddy Roosevelt, Deflects Would-be Assassin, Finishes Speech, and Hoses Liberalism (  "If you want to see grace under pressure, Lee Zeldin is your man.

"Making a speech, having somebody attack you with a blade, deflecting said blade, and finishing your speech—that’s about as grace-under-pressure-ish as you can get. It’s exactly what Ernest Hemingway had in mind when he used those words, “grace under pressure,” to describe the essence of courage. 

"Furthermore, if you think that liberal anti-law and anti-order policies are a farce, the attack on Zeldin, a Republican member of Congress now running for governor of New York, is your proof. 

"As Breitbart News’ John Binder wrote of the Empire State’s turn ‘em loose policies, “New York’s no-bail law, every day, helps free an array of accused criminals.” Fact check: True. The “array of accused criminals” now includes Zeldin’s attacker. ". . .

Tenney: Zeldin Attacker Committed a Federal Crime, Where Is Merrick Garland? (

Tenney said, “First of all, why was this person charged with attempted assault? It was attempted murder. He said, ‘You’re done.’ … And he had a dangerous weapon in his hand. And then also, Lee Zeldin, my colleague…is also a sitting member of Congress. There is a federal statute…that covers that. This is a felony under federal statutes. Where is [Attorney General] Merrick Garland? Where are the local [U.S. Attorneys] in New York State…the FBI? Why aren’t they protecting this Congressman whose life was threatened at a rally, at a public rally? And also spurred on by Kathy Hochul, our Governor, who urged people to come and protest and stand up to Lee Zeldin, much the way Maxine Waters and other Democratic operatives have done.” 

I discussed this in detail on today’s episode of America First Report. Kathy Hochul is not alone. Prominent Democrats like Maxine Waters, Rashida Tlaib, and Eric Swalwell have used similar language as Hochul in prompting their supporters to get “aggressive” with MAGA supporters. It has resulted in multiple incidents over the past six years where America First patriots have been assaulted for something as harmless as wearing a red hat.

Did Hochul Inspire Zeldin's Attacker? Some Say Yes. – PJ Media  . . ."The Democrats may or may not be inspiring violence, but with no bail laws and their turn-a-blind-eye approach to their brownshirts, they sure are making it easy.". . .

Alleged Lee Zeldin attempted attacker charged with felony, immediately released just as congressman predicted | Fox News


What is the Shelf Life of a Useful Idiot?

Having their empty figurehead in place, the behind-the-scenes operatives (Ron Klain? Susan Rice? Valerie Jarrett? Obama himself?) went to work. They immediately dismantled everything Trump had done regarding border security. . .

What is the Shelf Life of a Useful Idiot? - American Thinker  “ 'President” Biden is often described as a useful idiot. The term originated during the Cold War and is defined as a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders. The phrase has since broadened from non-communists being manipulated to do PR bidding by communists to mean anyone who is being unwittingly duped into furthering a cause of which he has no big-picture comprehension.

"Biden is the dictionary definition of the current meaning of useful idiot: someone who has no clue that he’s being used to promote an extremist agenda that he doesn’t actually understand. When Joe Biden was in his prime as a senator -- such as that ever was -- he at least had some general idea of the major issues of the day and their implications. He took sides based on their potential political and personal payoff, but at least he did it intentionally. In a singularly undistinguished Senate career that began in 1972, Joe Biden has consistently made the choices that redounded to his maximum personal benefit. At a bare minimum, he had the awareness to put himself first. 

"That is no longer true. Biden has no awareness or understanding of complex issues. He reads what he’s told to read. He walks -- stiffly and unsteadily -- where he’s told to walk. His cognitive impairment is so blatantly obvious and advanced that there’s no need to even recount all the examples here.

"None of this is a surprise to Democratic operatives. Everyone knew this all along, but the “get Trump out” movement was so strong that Biden’s dementia just didn’t matter at all.". . .