Saturday, July 23, 2022

George Gascon Releases Another Violent Felon, This Time a Murderer Serving 50-Year Prison Sentence


Disgraced Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon has made another destructive decision by releasing a reputed gang member and convicted murderer from prison.

"According to court documents, in March of 2015, Andrew Cahcu was 17 years old when he helped murder 41-year-old Louis Amela in Palmdale, California, during a robbery. Cachu was sentenced to a 50-year prison sentence, beginning in juvenile detention, according to Fox News Digital.

"The murderer was released in November 2021–after serving just six years–following Deputy District Attorney Alissa Blair, a close Gascon ally, declining to present evidence at a hearing to decide whether Cachu should remain in custody after turning 25, since he would be out of the juvenile detention facility where he was being held,

"Jonathan Hatami, a child abuse prosecutor and child victim/survivor advocate, posted a thread on Twitter, with a timeline of the release details:"...

This is outrageous; people are fed up with Gascon’s pro-crime and soft-on-crime approach. He has harmed many residents and families in Los Angeles County and should be held accountable. In fact, a recall in November is not enough–he should be prosecuted for all the damages his policies have caused.

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