Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Have no doubt the HuffPo is just another MSNBCNN. See their content

List of S&P 500 companies Read the list and you may see companies in which you yourself have $500 to $1500, including companies that MSNBCNN find reprehensible. Maybe even funds Jim Acosta, Don Lemon and Mr. and Mrs. Morning Joe  have a mutual fund stake in. Imagine Donald Trump lusting for a 500-1500 dollar investment! That might just be enough to buy a new faucet handle for the Trump mansion. TD

Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report
"The president has repeatedly touted the anti-malaria drug as a coronavirus treatment despite a lack of medical evidence."
The story begins with these statements:
"President Donald Trump reportedly owns a stake in a company that produces hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug he has repeatedly touted as a coronavirus treatment even though his experts say there’s no strong evidence it works. 
"Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, The New York Times reported Monday.
"In addition, Sanofi’s largest shareholders include a mutual fund company run by major Republican donor Ken Fisher, the paper said. Trump’s three family trusts, as of last year, each had investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding was Sanofi, according to the Times. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross also had ties to the drugmaker, the Times reported." . . .
Then read on down to the finish and learn this:
. . . "The financial news site MarketWatch and The Washington Post later estimated Trump’s stake to be worth between about $100 and $1,500, though the Post noted his trusts may have amassed other investments since his most recent disclosure. “He does look to have more than that modest sum invested in Sanofi, because, unmentioned in the Times report, his trusts also hold broader European stock-market index funds,” MarketWatch pointed out." . . .
. . . "John Dillard, a spokesperson for Fisher Investments, called the Times article a “false report” and said Sanofi “is neither a material holding of Fisher Investments nor of Ken Fisher personally.” He also took issue with the characterization of his boss as a Republican donor, saying Fisher also had contributed to Democrats in the past."

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