Friday, June 21, 2024

Why Does Joe Biden Keep Nominating Monsters Like This to the Federal Bench?

 Matt Margolis – PJ Media

"Joe Biden's vetting process for judicial nominees is either ridiculously bad or he just doesn’t care how bad his nominees are as long as they check off the right diversity boxes.

"Last month, Joe Biden nominated Maine Superior Court Judge Julia Lipez to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. I suspect she wasn't nominated because of her record because just last year she reduced the sentence of Michael Smith, a man who molested two young girls, aged four and nine, by half.

"According to the Lewiston Sun-Journal, Judge Lipez suspended half of Smith's 12-year prison sentence and  remarked during the sentencing that Smith is "a person who has a lot of good in him."

"Sen. John Kennedy expertly called her out on Thursday.

“ 'Mr. Smith molested a 4-year-old girl, didn’t he?” Kennedy asked her.

“ 'Senator, he was convicted after trial of unlawful sexual contact under Maine law,” she responded.

“ 'That’s a nice way of putting it,” Kennedy mocked.

"Kennedy then asked about the nine-year-old, and Lipez responded with the same lame remark.

“ 'Senator, again, he was convicted of unlawful sexual contact against two children,” Lipez told him. “In that case, I did impose the sentence the state requested.”

"After describing what Smith did to the two girls, he noted, “Now where I come from, we call that sexual abuse,” Kennedy responded. “You can pretty it up all you want to, judge." . . .

And this:..... . ."Soccer moms in flyover country were given a lot of credit for Biden's success in 2020.   They apparently bought into the kindly grandpa fiction, despite the fact that Joe Biden has always been the guy you didn't want within 500 yards of your daughter.

. . ."Joe Biden's Supreme Court pick, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, was similarly criticized for having a pro-pedophile record. Judge Jackson once handed down the bare minimum sentence to a man guilty of sexually torturing babies.

The Post endorses Albany DA David Soares — who was right that Dems would increase crime

 Post Editorial Board (

"In the race for Albany County District Attorney, The Post endorses incumbent DA David Soares as a voice of reason.
"Twenty years ago, Soares, then a Soros-backed progressive, ran for district attorney as a reformer denouncing the tough Rockefeller drug laws that established mandatory-minimum sentences for narcotics crimes.
"In office, he’s developed innovative alternatives to incarceration that have helped defendants while protecting public safety.
"Today, Soares has come under fire from progressives because he keeps telling the truth about how recent, ill-conceived “criminal justice reforms” (like no-bail and Raise the Age) are disasters for the larger community, especially poor and minority communities.
"Soares has repeatedly blasted Gov. Hochul and state lawmakers over their failure to fix the reforms, which he believes have “normalized” violence." . . .

WATCH: James O'Keefe EXPOSES Disney's Discriminatory Hiring Practices Against 'White Males' With Stunning Undercover Footage

DC Enquirer 
From comments to this video:  "Bet you didn't know the disney song at the beginning of each movie is "When you wish apon a star...makes a big diiference who you are....When you wish upon a star, you caaaaannntt beeee Whiiiiiiiiiite!' "

"Undercover Footage On Thursday, investigative journalist James O'Keefe released an explosive undercover investigation into Disney's discriminatory hiring practices, which exclude white males from roles. The O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) investigation is based on undercover footage of meetings with Disney's Vice President of Business Affairs, Michale Giordano.

 "Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they're not considering any white males for the job," Giordano said to the OMG undercover journalist. "There's no way we're hiring a white male."

 "I'm guessing that there are acceptable code words and buzzwords that are used to explain what they're looking for," the Disney executive explained. "They might say something like, 'We're not looking at the usual suspects for this job.' So it's not like a legally actionable thing. But everyone knows what it means. They, you know, the writers and actors...You hear all the time, you know, 'I'm looking to hire writers and actors that bring diversity. I'm not looking to bring on any more clients who are white.'" 

"Giordano also explained that the Disney Corporation awards bonuses to executives who promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives throughout their departments." . . .

Zero Palestinian Refugees in America

  American Greatness (  Choice: protect our homeland or surrender to the borderless globalists?

"So, reject leftist “America last” policies that destroy our national sovereignty, endanger our streets, and jeopardize our economy. In the case of Palestinians, insist that the wealthy regimes of the Mideast manage this issue."


"For three years now, America’s sovereignty and safety have already been vaporized enough by Biden
"But the leftists, predictably, want even more. Now, they pine for a mass importation of Palestinian refugees into America. Fire alarm-pulling Congressman Jamaal Bowman of New York declared that “the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine.”
"Following the horrific terror attacks upon Israel from Hamas and the resulting swift Israeli Defense Forces response, American globalists ascertain yet another opportunity to import a wave of unvetted migrants likely to bring violence and social discord to our already frayed republic.
"In response, we patriotic populists should channel Michael Corleone responding to Senator Geary’s bribe demands in “The Godfather II.” Our answer on new Mideast refugees is this: nothing. Zero. Not one Palestinian refugee belongs here in America.
"The reasons: Mideast alternatives, dangers to American society, and the U.S. economy.

Middle East problem
"The wealthy Arab friends and Iranian regime foes of the United States must handle any refugee issues in their region. After decades of constant intervention in the Middle East, from Presidents George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama, common sense Americans smartly turn to an America First foreign policy of realism and restraint.
"Our nation spent trillions of dollars and lost some of the best and brightest young citizens fighting in the misbegotten adventures concocted by the globalist interventionists of Foggy Bottom, defense contractors, and Beltway think tanks. For these giant sacrifices of blood and treasure, the American people were “rewarded” with a region that is less stable, and every bit as hostile to American interests.
"So, it is well past time to insist that the nations we protected, the kingdoms that benefitted from decades of petrodollars into their coffers, assume real regional leadership. Palestinian refugees must head to Dubai, not Des Moines. They must flee to Kuwait, not Kansas." . . .


You knew the minute the words came out of Joe Biden’s mouth that his mass-amnesty announcement for illegal aliens was pure politics. “Folks, I’m not interested in playing politics with the border or with immigration, he said. “I’m interested in fixing it.” As usual from this president, that’s the opposite of the truth.

You will not like the latest DA Bragg outrage!


OUTRAGE: DA Bragg Drops Charges on Nearly All the Columbia Rioters Arrested – RedState   "No one is above the law — unless you are a friend of the Left in New York. While Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg digs up years-old misdemeanors and makes them into phantom felonies for his political opponents, he washes the slate clean for 31 of the 46 violent protestors arrested in the Columbia University riot. 
"The protestors were charged with trespassing and burglary after they stormed Columbia University and barricaded themselves within the college. Even though they were found (and filmed) inside the building and removed by police from the building where they trespassed, Bragg dropped the charges due to "lack of evidence." 
"Prosecutors largely cited lack of evidence, such as security video footage, that could tie the students or staff to the building takeover for leaving them free and clear without even a slap on the wrist.

"What more evidence do we need to see that the judicial system — and Alvin Bragg — are wholly corrupt and using the system for their own political whims? " . .  .

 Alvin Bragg drops all charges against Columbia's pro-Hamas vandals who took custodians hostage - American Thinker 

 Obviously, this is as political a move as any he's done against President Trump. Have the correctly leftist politics and Bragg couldn't prosecute you if he wanted to, he will always find a reason not to. Have the wrong politics, and you'll get hit with 41 felonies, no matter how invented the case or how creative the interpretation of the law.

Meaning this piece of work was rejoicing over Hamas doing this in Israel:

Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to families at an Israel bus stop! As we saw
 on US college campuses, Hamas murdered families and their children with glee! 
 "Momma, I killed ten people with my bare hands!"

 By what standard have these offscourings of society...bad choice of words; these whatever-they-are appear to be the cream of our college society. TD

"Cheapfake" That word caught the eye of the Babylon Bee satirists


KJP Claims Video Where She Said Biden Video Was A Deepfake Was Also A Deepfake | Babylon Bee  "In an awkwardly contentious exchange with reporters today, Karine Jean-Pierre claimed the video where she said embarrassing videos of President Joe Biden were deepfakes was also a deepfake.

"Confusion arose this week after Jean-Pierre alleged that Biden had been the victim of a smear campaign by right-wing extremists to circulate doctored videos that make the president appear incompetent and feeble, though she now claims the video of her doing so was also a deepfake.

" 'That's clearly not a real video of me," said the black and gay White House Press Secretary, who is gay and also black. "These far-right conspiracy theorists will stop at nothing to spread their dangerous propaganda. Any evidence that allegedly shows me saying video clips depicting the president as unfit to serve were deepfakes is clearly a deepfake."

"Members of the White House press corps proceeded to play a clip of the video from a day earlier, which appeared to show Jean-Pierre labeling the negative Biden clips as deepfakes. "This is you," said one reporter. "We were here. We listened to you say it." . . .

Reparations Are a Drag on Reality

 Jim Thompson – RedState 

 Juneteenth is again behind us, but the call for reparations is not. In fact, it seems that June 19th is now a demarcation for silly people to make silly demands – like this woman:

      Tiktoker calls on White people to give money to Black people as a form of       reparations in honor of Juneteenth

"California used to be known for its majestic coastline and the movie industry. Now it seems, that every stupid idea has its genesis in California, or metastasizes into a greater cancer in Gavin Newsom’s state. 

"Another reparations bill has now moved through the California State Assembly. Because Democrats hold a supermajority, there is nothing to stop whatever absurdity Democrats invent. The latest reparation iteration would create an “agency” to help track black family lineage in preparation for reparations. Although California is swimming in red ink, it’s barreling toward reparations for Californians who were never slaves and who are several generations removed from a slave ancestor. 

"Senator Steven Bradford championed the agency idea. Although California wasn’t a slave state, Bradford thinks its citizens should pay for a sin they never committed.

“If you can inherit generational wealth, you can inherit generational debt,” Bradford said. “Reparations is a debt that’s owed to descendants of slavery.”  

"No one “inherits” the sins of their long-since-dead ancestors. I don’t owe anyone alive or dead for slaves my ancestors never owned. 

"Two years ago I wrote about my ancestor, Robert Thompson. He volunteered in 1861 to fight in the Civil War. During the Battle of Kinston, he was wounded and left on the battlefield. He was captured by Confederates and spent the rest of the war as a POW. He ended up at the infamous Andersonville prison. 

"Robert was the direct and actual victim of the injury he suffered. He left Andersonville weighing less than 100lbs. Crippled for life, he was awarded a pension. $12 a month. The demand for reparation for ancestors of slaves has never made sense to me. FDR sent thousands of Americans to internment camps because their ancestors were Japanese. They were proud Americans and suffered direct injury. Japanese Americans who suffered deserved every cent of reparation they got, and more. They suffered an injury." . . .