Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Brittney Griner discovers a love of country after her ordeal

 Cory Franklin (  "Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde once wrote that ”life imitates art far more often than art imitates life.” A perfect illustration of that aphorism is the story of WNBA star Brittney Griner, with its enriching theme about patriotism rediscovered.

"In 2019, Griner, a seven-time WNBA All-Star and two-time Olympic gold medalist, made news when she ventured outside the sports pages and opined that the WNBA should stop playing the national anthem before games.

"To highlight a veiled critique of America, she vowed not to leave the locker room when the anthem was being performed. In an interview with The Arizona Republic, she said, ”I honestly feel we should not play the national anthem during our season. I think we should take that much of a stand.”

"The story took an unexpected turn last year, when she was arrested at the Moscow airport for having a vape cartridge containing hashish oil in her luggage. After languishing for almost 10 months in a Russian prison, she was returned to the U.S. as part of a prisoner swap, controversial because she was traded for a notorious Russian arms dealer.

"That is life; where is art?

"While Griner was in the Russian prison, her plight resembled that of a fictional character, Philip Nolan, the protagonist of an 1863 short story by Edward Everett Hale, ”The Man Without a Country.” In the story, which is an appeal for national unity during the Civil War, Nolan is an Army officer who becomes involved in an 1807 plot to overthrow the U.S. government. Captured, tried and convicted of treason, Nolan excoriates the assembled crowd in the courtroom before being sentenced, ”Damn the United States! I wish I may never hear of her again!”

"The judge takes Nolan at his word, literally, and sentences him to spend the rest of his life aboard Navy warships, banning him from ever setting foot in the country again. The crew of every ship Nolan shuttles between is ordered not to mention the United States to him and to cut out every article about America in the newspapers and books provided to him. Each time he inquires about the United States, the men on the ship must remain silent.

"For the next 55 years, Nolan is a man without a country, something akin to Griner's situation before the prisoner swap saved her from a nine-year sentence in a tiny, miserable Russian cell." . . .

The footage shows Griner, 32, inside a warehouse at the IK-2 female penal colony in Mordovia. She was moved to the penal colony, which is located roughly seven hours from Moscow, in mid-November.
Brittney Griner Seen Working in Russian Penal
Colony in New Footage

FLASHBACK: Biden Promised to Use His Power to Prevent Trump From Returning to White House –

  PJ Media

Habba noted that targeting “a leading political opponent is the type of thing you see in dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela,” where it is “commonplace there for rival candidates to be prosecuted, persecuted and put into jail.”

"As Donald Trump faces charges from the Biden administration over his possession of classified documents, many of his supporters and advocates have pointed out how the administration’s actions parallel corruption long associated with third-world dictatorships.

And yet, during a press conference last November, Joe Biden actually promised he would do exactly that when asked about Trump’s possible return to the White House.

“So the entire genesis of that G7 conversation was tied to your predecessor, who is about to launch another campaign. So how do you reassure them, if that is the reason for their questioning, that the former president will not return or that his political movement, which is still very strong, will not… once again take power in the United States?” a reporter asked Biden.

“Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run,” Biden said. “I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next president again.” . . .

Ill-advised indictments weaponize federal government against Trump - Washington Times

Grassley: Burisma Exec Has Audio Recordings With Joe Biden

“The Justice Department and FBI must show their work,” wrote Grassley. “They no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt.” 

 The Federalist "Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed during an explosive U.S. Senate floor speech Monday that the Burisma executive behind an alleged Biden pay-to-play scandal allegedly kept 15 audio recordings of conversations between him and Hunter Biden and two recordings of conversations between him and then-Vice President Joe Biden as an “insurance policy.” 

"According to Grassley, the revelations are a redacted reference in the FD-1023 form. That form, which the FBI attempted to hide from the House Oversight Committee, summarizes a “highly credible” confidential human source’s allegations that then-VP Joe Biden engaged in a $5 million criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national in exchange for influence over U.S. policy decisions. "

Senator Grassley Reveals FBI Confidential Human Source Alleging Biden Bribes Has Recordings of Himself Talking to Joe Biden - The Last Refuge  "Things are certainly getting interesting on the Biden bribery story. Apparently, in the unclassified interview with the Confidential Human Source, the FBI redacted the source alleging he has audio recordings of himself speaking to Joe Biden.

"Senator Chuck Grassley revealed this little bit of information today from the security of the Senate floor."

Nets Spend 291 Minutes On Trump Indictment, 0 Seconds On Biden Burisma Bribery

  Newsbusters  "On Thursday June 8, two massive political stories broke, but ONLY one of them got covered by the broadcast networks. 

"On June 8, former President Donald Trump was indicted by the Special Counsel in the classified documents case. That very same day it was reported that President Joe Biden had allegedly received $5 million dollars from an executive of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, the same company in which his son Hunter was involved. 

"Guess which one was exhaustively covered and which one was completely covered up by the networks? 

"Over four days (June 8-June 12) the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) broadcast networks predictably crammed their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows with a total of 291 minutes of coverage dedicated to the Trump indictment.

"But how much did the Biden/Burisma alleged bribery scheme receive? 

"Zero seconds

"The double-standard is breathtaking. 

"George Stephanopoulos’s introduction, on the June 9 edition of ABC’s Good Morning America, was representative of the tone of network coverage of the Trump indictment. The moderator of ABC’s This Week, co-anchor of Good Morning America and former Bill Clinton hack, shamelessly greeted his audience this way: "

PRIDE: Goeth before a fall

. . ."So parents who don’t like what the schools might want to impose on their children are bad, but parents who want to permanently cut off their child’s genitalia are cool."  Nick Arama  

 Understanding the import of Biden’s White House ‘pride’ bash - American Thinker  . . ."We’ve been inundated with unseemly images showing Joe Biden’s decision to turn the White House into a prop for a “pride” celebration. Taken together, the images show we are witnessing a cultural coup that is as noteworthy as the slow-mo lawfare coup being carried out against Trump and his supporters. Still, there are heartening signs of rebellion." . . .

So, what does all this mean? This means that we are looking at the New World Order. After all, you can tell what a culture is by what its leadership celebrates. What this leadership is celebrating is sexual excess, deviant sexual behavior, child grooming, and profound body mutilation. And while Joe may be a semi-senile, highly corrupt buffoon, he is still the most prominent, public face of the American nation.

 A must-see: Karine Jean-Pierre Flounders While Addressing the Topless Trans Incident at the White House – RedState    . . ."Does that behavior really not reflect the event, though? Because from where I’m sitting, cases of indecent exposure seem to be commonplace at “pride” events all over the country. I’m not going to pretend that isn’t the case and that they are normally family-friendly. They aren’t, and that’s one big problem with the entire idea of “pride” month.

"This person didn’t just show up at the White House. He was invited, and while Jean-Pierre is correct that this hasn’t happened before, that’s the problem. It had not happened before, and it only happened under the tutelage of Joe Biden. Shouldn’t we all be asking why that is? Is there something intrinsic about “pride” celebrations and left-wing transgender orthodoxy that lead to these disgusting displays?"

I love the way this site describes the person: DISGUSTING! Biden Hosts Trans-Activist Who Goes Topless On White House Lawn [VIDEO] (   . . ."Rose Montoya, a trans activist, took photos with Biden chatting with him before taking off his dress top and baring his breast implants. Twenty-Seven-year-old Montaya grabbed his implants and shook them up and down as onlookers called out, “Are we topless at the White House?” A few other trans-activist joined Montoya taking off their tops and revealing their mastectomy.

"Montoya said, “Trans rights are human rights” while posing with Biden. Montoya took to social media in an attempt to justify her grossly indecent behavior." . . .

Joe Biden To Group of LGBTQ+ Supporters: This Is the Most Courageous Group "I've seen at any time in the recent past"...Forgets 13 US Troops Who Were Slaughtered After Staying Behind In Hostile Afghanistan With No Support [VIDEO]

Joe Biden’s veneer as a friendly old man is over. He’s senile, but when he has moments of lucidity, he’s vindicative, cantankerous, and seems willing to use the power of his office to punish his political enemies.

President Joe Biden faced backlash Monday evening after a video from over the weekend went viral that showed a transgender activist taking his top off during a White House after meeting the president. Activist Rose Montoya, a man who identifies as a woman, met with Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, at the White House on Saturday during the administration’s celebration of Pride Month.Video shows Montoya meeting with the Bidens before standing on the White House lawn with his top off and hands covering his chest. The incident drew widespread condemnation online. “This is what happened at the White House pride event,”

“BREAKING: In the middle of Pride Month, Starbucks BANS Pride decorations in stores across the United States,” the group tweeted, saying that workers had already begun to share the news via social media.

. . ." They attributed the apparent change in policy to the recent backlash and boycotts aimed at retail giant Target over PRIDE displays that featured “coming out” greeting cards and “tuck-friendly” and “binding” swimwear for trans-identifying children and suggested that Starbucks was trying to avoid a similar drop-off in market capitalization."

A year and a half in, first lady Jill Biden’s favorability is mixed


Jill Biden's ex-husband accuses her of having affair with Joe Biden (   "Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.

"Bill Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Joe and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.". . .

A year and a half in, first lady Jill Biden's favorability is mixed | CNN Politics  "First lady Jill Biden’s favorability rating is narrowly positive, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Thirty-four percent of Americans hold a favorable opinion of her, 29% an unfavorable opinion and 37% are unsure.

"Her husband, President Joe Biden, has a favorability rating of 36%, but his unfavorable rating is much higher at 54%.

"Those with a positive opinion of Jill Biden fall primarily down party lines – 67% of Democrats hold her in favorable esteem, while just 5% held an unfavorable opinion. The first lady also did well with Black Americans (47% favorable) and women (39% favorable).

"Biden’s unfavorable rating is largely unchanged since the last CNN poll that asked about the then-incoming first lady, in January 2021. At that time, she stood at 28% unfavorable.

"Traditionally, first ladies are uniformly admired, and Americans tend to have a higher opinion of them than they do of the president. The position is unelected and normally uncontroversial. Yet Biden’s numbers are indicative of the trend America is reflecting in their views on the President. " . . .

After What Jill Biden Said at a Fundraiser, You Have to Wonder What World Is She Living in (

...Just now at a fundraiser, via pool: First Lady Jill Biden framed the 2024 election as a choice between "corruption and chaos" under former President Trump or calm stability under Joe Biden. "We cannot go back to those dark days... and with your help we won't go back." . . .

 . . ."Jill, dirty Joe’s laundry is being aired. And stop acting like this is a time of economic bliss and stability. The world is on fire. We’ve lost count of how many embassies were forced to close. The real estate market is on the brink of collapse, the banking system is unstable, and inflation is still high. Under Trump, we have peace and prosperity." 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Byron Donalds Goes Off On CNN Panel, Claims Two Tiers of Justice

Explain America

. . .“ 'Hillary Clinton’s documents, her emails, were subpoenaed by the Oversight Committee, she destroyed them. Joe Biden took classified document material as a united states senator, I’m a United States congressman. I am not allowed to remove classified documents. He took them as a United States senator. They were all over the place. That is a violation, actually of the Espionage Act. And so there has been no talk, no dissemination, no investigation of any of those things. Yet Jack Smith moves at warp speed against Donald Trump, he said.

“ 'There is a special counsel investigation into the current president and his handling of documents. I think if you want to look at the differences from what we know now and you have made this point in the past and it’s fair, we don’t know what is going on with the special counsel’s investigation but we know that the president — the current president appeared to have voluntarily turned over documents which I think is a pretty stark difference in this case specifically,” the anchor said." . . . 

Left-wing billionaire and philanthropist George Soros's passing of the torch of his $25 billion empire to his son, Alex Soros, is poised to have major ramifications in future elections and the liberal donor sphere.

 Meet Alex Soros, the 37-year-old successor son to the $25 billion George Soros empire (  . . ."George Soros's left-wing dark money empire wields massive influence over the Biden administration and progressive congressional leaders," Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust, a conservative watchdog, told the Washington Examiner. "Now, with his 'more political' son Alex as the heir-apparent to the multibillion-dollar network, we can expect to see more extreme and dangerous policies backed by the Soros family, including funding weak-on-crime prosecutors and job-killing environmental policies."

"Alex Soros, who is on the investment committee for Soros Fund Management, which oversees the Soros fortune and also OSF's finances, described himself in an interview published over the weekend with the Wall Street Journal as "more political" than his 92-year-old father. The younger Soros appeared to suggest OSF could play a role in the 2024 presidential election, noting, "As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too."

. . ."The transition to leadership for Alex Soros comes as he gains influence with top Democratic lawmakers. He's poured about $5.7 million into Democratic campaign coffers and liberal PACs since 2018, including $2 million that year to a committee tied to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), according to campaign finance records. Alex Soros has also met with Schumer at least nine times since 2018 and has been photographed with other lawmakers on various occasions, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the Washington Examiner reported.". . .

Alan Dershowitz: THIS is the ONLY way to STOP George Soros | iHeart    "Despite it potentially making him even more ‘unpopular,’ lawyer Alan Dershowitz tells Glenn he has ZERO plans to stop condemning billionaire George Soros (and his recent, scathing op-ed about Soros proves it). Dershowitz, Host of ‘The Dershow,’ explains why Soros’ money is incredibly dangerous to America, why the media refuses to call him out, and the ONLY solution to ending Soros’ harmful influence within the Western world…"

Flashback: The One-Year Anniversary of the Assassination Attempt on SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh

 Legal Insurrection

Though the alleged perpetrator is so far being held to account, the powerful Democratic figures, pro-abortion dark money groups and activists who fanned the flames and stoked the woke outrage mobs that swarmed the conservative Justices’ homes have not been.

"One year ago today, news broke that a gunman had been arrested outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the midst of the “protests” that had been taking place outside his home and that of the other conservative Justices in the aftermath of the purposeful May 2022 leak of the draft opinion that indicated the court was likely about to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

"What we learned about the alleged perpetrator, 26-year-old radical leftist Nicholas John Roske, and his plans were nothing short of stunning. According to the Criminal Complaint and Supporting Affidavit, Roske’s suitcase and backpack contained “a black tactical chest rig and tactical knife, a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, screwdriver, nail punch, crow bar, pistol light, duct tape, hiking boots with padding on the outside of the soles, and other items.”

Also, per the Supporting Affidavit, Roske admitted that “he was upset about the leak of a recent Supreme Court draft decision regarding the right to abortion as well as the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.” And because he wanted to “give his life a purpose,” he decided he wanted to murder Kavanaugh “after finding the Justice’s Montgomery County address on the Internet.”

"A month later, we learned from an FBI warrant that Roske allegedly intended to kill a total of three Supreme Court Justices.

" 'Yeah but I could get at least one, which would change the votes for decades to come, and I am shooting for three,” Roske allegedly posted on online platforms. “Shooting for three.' ” . . .

It’s Time to Cancel Pride Month -

"So the pressure comes from the financial elite, and it turns the corporations woke, and the woke corporations saturate the market with queer advocacy in pursuit of the fascist ESG social credit score it’s demanded that they satisfy. And Pride Month turns into not a celebration at all but rather an exercise of political and cultural dominance on the part of people nobody voted for."
Trick or Treat!

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   "Recently, a nasty Pride Month meme was shared by a single woman of my acquaintance, who commonly complains that there are no good men out there, on social media:

I wouldn’t have even bothered to notice, as this is just one more in an endless series of social media items making the rounds. But when it was shared several dozen times, it struck me that the attitude behind this obnoxious bit of provocation is almost mainstream

"What it demonstrates is that there’s a backlash to the backlash. Or, put another way, the pattern of never-ending escalation is, well, escalating.

"Because it’s not just middle-aged corporate employees with unsatisfying personal lives pushing the rainbow flag down everyone’s throats. Here’s somebody a whole lot more consequential:  

And don’t think for one second that people like BlackRock CEO Larry Fink arrogating to themselves the power to “force behavior” is just a lot of hot air. The conspiracy theorists turned out to be right on this one.

"You’re seeing it all around you this month." . . .

Biden’s Banana Republic; Fact? Hillary Clinton broke the law in handling her emails. No indictment.

 For the first time in U.S. history, the prosecutorial power of the federal government has been used against a former President who is also running against the sitting President.

Biden’s Banana Republic - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "It was amazing to see Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointed special counsel, Jack Smith, step in front of the cameras and say of the indictment of former President Donald Trump: “No one is above the law.”

"Which is to say, Jack Smith looked the American people in the eye and straight up lied. It was the stuff of a banana republic.

"Fact? Joe Biden, who did the same thing with classified documents as Donald Trump — and four times over — is not being indicted. He is above the law.

"Fact? As Rep. James Comer’s House Oversight Committee is revealing, Joe Biden now stands accused of routinely accepting bribes from China to enrich his family. No indictment forthcoming. Because Joe Biden is above the law.

"As the New York Post reports

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has said the FBI has additional documents expanding on an informant file alleging President Biden participated in a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme during his vice presidency.

Fact? Hillary Clinton broke the law in handling her emails. No indictment. Because Hillary Clinton is above the law.

 "All of which is to say that Biden, Garland, and Smith — with ex-FBI Director James Comey coming in right behind them — are four of the most corrupt officials to come down the pike in all of American history.

"No less than the Wall Street Journal, no fan of the former president, correctly warns that: 

[H]is indictment by President Biden’s Justice Department is a fraught moment for American democracy. For the first time in U.S. history, the prosecutorial power of the federal government has been used against a former President who is also running against the sitting President.

Dems Abandon the Blue-Collar Worker in Favor of 'Social Justice' Warriors -

 Jewish World Review; Salena Zito

Twenty years ago, perhaps even less, Democrats running for office or in office would have been standing in the way of the implosion that happened here last week and chained themselves to the towers or used all of their muscle to halt this industry's demise. Back then, Democrats were the party of the working class, and no one symbolized that more than the boilermakers who worked here.

"CHESWICK, Pennsylvania—Up until two years ago, it would only take 12 hours for coal mined deep in a labyrinth operation 60 miles from here to go from that underground mine, through a high-tech cleaning procedure, and be loaded on a barge or rail car and brought to the Cheswick Generating Station, a coal-fired power plant, to light communities along the Allegheny River for generations.

"That efficient process came to an end in September 2021 when owner GenOn Holdings announced the then-51-year-old facility, one that environmental groups had in their sights for years, decided to retire the plant. The company cited "unfavorable economic conditions, higher costs including those associated with environmental compliance, an inability to compete with other generation types, and evolving market rules that promote subsidized resources."

"In short, the company was driven out of business in part by the "climate justice" movement within the federal and state governments that made doing business unfair, expensive and impossible and, at the same time, made it very favorable for other energy resources they approve of — solar and wind — to get sweetheart subsidies.

"For the past two years, the facility and the two towers that defined this curve of the Allegheny River — one 750 feet tall, the other 552 feet tall, both standing like sentinels of the industry — remained standing. Then, they didn't stand anymore: On Friday, their end of life became a reality when a controlled demolition brought them down.

"Neighbors who have lived below them all of their lives, and the few who left town in search of greener pastures, all gathered, watching the towers' undistinguished death in a heap of dust and dirt.

"Some praised their demise and applauded the change. But those were few. Most people mourned the loss of jobs and how government callously picks winners and losers." . . .