Sunday, November 7, 2010

Post-Election happenings among the Democrats

EPA official who pushed CO2 regulation resigns"We will know more when Obama appoints Heinzerling’s successor. If the next appointee is an advocate of aggressive regulatory expansion, then Heinzerling’s departure won’t have been an olive branch at all."

Mort Zuckerman: America's Love Affair With Obama Is Over  "He came across as a young man in a grown-up's game—impressive but not presidential. A politician but not a leader, managing American policy at home and American power abroad with disturbing amateurishness. Indeed, there was a growing perception of the inability to run the machinery of government and to find the right people to manage it. A man who was once seen as a talented and even charismatic rhetorician is now seen as lacking real experience or even the ability to stop America's decline."

Hitler learns the Republicans have taken both the House and Obama’s Senate seat  You knew this one was coming, didn't you?

Obama Doesn’t Rule Out Bypassing Congress and Using EPA Regulations to Cap Carbon Emissions "During his Tuesday press conference, Obama initially conceded that Republicans had run for Congress in this election expressly opposing cap-and-trade and that therefore it would be unlikely that cap-and-trade global warming legislation could pass in the upcoming Congress."

Top Blue Dog calls for Pelosi to quit  ""When you're in the worst economic downturn since the Depression, the Top Three issues should have been jobs and the economy, jobs and the economy and jobs and the economy," Matheson said. "The agenda got off on other things like cap and trade in the House." "
"The "cap and trade" energy legislation was Pelosi's baby, and it has been blamed for the loss of Democratic seats in moderate and coal-producing districts."

The Shellacking that Hubris* Wrought "“Public opinion is the lord of the universe,” Thomas Jefferson said. The Obama Democrats governed in blatant defiance of it and didn’t care to notice the trends that should have been a flashing red light on their ambitions." Rich Lowry, National Review
*Hubris: pride: excessive pride or arrogance/ excessive ambition: ...Synonyms: strutting, self-important, self-satisfied, smug, arrogant, conceited, hubristic.  Bing Dictionary

Election Question: How Can We Tell the Stupid People From the Smart Ones? "The problem is that these people just think they’re really smart but are in fact less than useless — less than useless in that they can’t do anything useful themselves. They become things like politicians and get in the way of actual smart people. In fact, they’ve developed a complex network of morons — the media, journalists, academics, NPR — to prop up each other as smart and call everyone who actually does useful things dumb. And if you try to explain how they’re actually just getting in the way, they get angry, since dumb people get angry when you explain things to them that they can’t understand."

Will Pelosi be minority leader?   "Incredibly, liberals seem to be perfectly satisfied with Pelosi, for the most part. They think they lost because the party didn't fight hard enough for liberal reforms the last two years and they're not going to blame Pelosi for that.
"Let's hope such delusional thinking lasts beyond 2012."

'Progressive' Is a Funny Name for Poverty!

American Thinker  "Columnist Jonah Goldberg recently put questions to President Obama in an article entitled "U.S. Following European Dead End." Goldberg asked, "If your philosophy is so great, how come the countries that have embraced it for generations are so much poorer than us?"
"Goldberg also wondered why no one has asked Obama "about the incongruity of saying his policies have laid a new foundation for economic growth and job creation when the countries he's trying to emulate are trying to dismantle the very same foundations in order to survive.""
Emphasis passionately added.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Offensive Jihad/ The One Incontrovertible Problem with Islam

Raymond Ibrahim  "Indeed, if the implications of offensive jihad were fully embraced, humanity might be compelled to view the Muslim world as a perpetual, existentialist threat, in need of preemptive containment. That said, and considering the willful ignorance of the West's political elite — who are guided less by objective facts and more by their "feel-good" ideals — Muslim talk of offensive jihad, no matter how loud or ubiquitous, will likely continue to fall on deaf ears."  Liberal ears must be burning right now.

Populists v. Consumers

House Republican Leader John Boehner. Click image to expand.Slate  "We've got to end the threats of the excessive government regulations," Senator-elect Pat Toomey, R.-Pa., said in his acceptance speech. Rep. Eric Cantor, R.-Va., who will likely be House majority leader, wants to conduct "an immediate and comprehensive review of proposed government rules, regulations, and statutes." The phrase "job-killing" is back in vogue as an adjective to describe government regulation."

The Keynesians Get Their Wish

American Thinker  "The Federal Reserve plans to inject $600 billion of the most caustic debt imaginable into the economy. This is the Agent Orange of monetary policies that has the potential to wreak financial havoc."

Federal Spending by the Numbers 2010 "While some of this spending is a temporary result of the recession, President Obama’s latest budget would replace this temporary spending with permanent new programs. Consequently, by 2020—a time of assumed peace and prosperity—Washington would still spend nearly $36,000 per household, compared to $25,000 per household before this recession (adjusted for inflation)." Heritage
There is a wealth of information in this article, but you have to be committed to the research to tackle it. To sum it up, this nation is being run by idiots. With too much time on their hands.

How the sheer idiocy of the NRSC, John Cornyn, Whimsy Graham and Karl Rove lost the GOP as many as five Senate seats   "I know one thing: that $3 million spent in the final weeks on those five campaigns could have swung four or five seats to the GOP. But the idiots at the NRSC are selfish, insular Beltway Republicans who are wedded to the status quo.
"News flash, boys: we just stamped expiration dates on your foreheads."

Squeezing Soap From Obamacare's Sponge Is Not Enough

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion "A party that loses a House seat can win it back two years later, as Republicans just proved. But a party that loses a legislative fight against a middle-class health care entitlement never restores the old order.... It's a huge structural change in the relationship between the public, the economy, and the government."
It is not enough to merely stop the socialist accomplishments in Congress; they must be Repealed!

Is There No Detail Too Small For The Feds To Regulate? "The federal government is forcing states and municipalities to change the lettering on street signs from all CAPS to initial Caps because it supposedly is easier for motorists to read, and therefore will save milliseconds of driver attention which might, I repeat, MIGHT, save lives."
Our legislators have far too much time on their hands.

Quixotic Iraq War Litigation

Jonathan H. Adler  in The Volokh Conspiracy  "The AP reports that the Rutgers-Newark Law School clinic has filed a cert petition seeking review of a case challenging the constitutionality of the Iraq War. Filed on behalf of an Iraq war veteran, two mothers of deployed soldiers and an anti-war group, the suit maintains that the invasion of Iraq was not constitutionally authorized due to the lack of a formal Declaration of War by Congress. According to a Rutgers press release:"...

Here's to California!

Europeans React to Pummeling of Dems in Midterm Elections

By Soeren Kern "In general, left-leaning publications across the continent have expressed varying degrees of anger and contempt over the setback the Tea Party has dealt to Obama’s efforts to Europeanize the United States. Many left-wing commentators have openly ridiculed the U.S. electorate for not being sufficiently sophisticated to comprehend why Obama’s social policies are in America’s best interests.
"By contrast, many (but certainly not all) right-leaning publications have taken the position that Obama has only himself to blame for failing to dedicate sufficient time and energy to turning around the ailing U.S. economy. A number of conservative commentators have also admitted, astonishingly, that a movement similar to the Tea Party would be good for Europe."

Friday, November 5, 2010

Take It From Me: Iran Will Bomb Israel

Reza Kahlili  in Big Peace  " Despite Ahmadinejad’s fierce anti-Semitism and personal desire to eradicate Israel, the average Iranian does not hate Jews. Before the Revolution, we had many Iranians who were Jews, and there were many marriages between Muslims and Jews. The Iranians do not look at Israelis the same way as the Iranian government. The Iranian people would welcome anybody – they would welcome Israel – to help them get rid of this regime."

Reza Kahlili is the pseudonym of a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard member who worked undercover as a CIA agent for several years in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

Is George Bush a Better Leader Than Barack Obama? (Updated)

Big Government  "Now compare Bush’s taking responsibility to that to President Obama’s avoidance of responsibility at his press conference yesterday. Instead of taking the blame for his party’s poor election day showing, Obama attempted to shift responsibility to the American people’s misunderstanding of his message, the fact that he “has a strange name and has lived in lots of places,” and of course my personal favorite “If right now we had 5 percent unemployment instead of 9.6 percent unemployment, then people would have more confidence in those [my] policy choices.”"

  Mr. Obama is no Bill Clinton   "...After all, how does a man who -- as recently as two weeks ago -- told Republicans that "they can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back," and that they shouldn't "do a lot of talking," reach out a hand of bipartisanship when the tables turn as dramatically as they have?
"How does he expect to maintain any shred of credibility when he proclaims that a Republican victory means the people want the two parties to "work together," given that two years ago he declared that a Democrat victory gave him license to lock Republicans out of policy-making and call all the shots? "