Wednesday, July 17, 2019

When the MSM Say Someone Is in Prison for a Minor Drug Crime, They’re Always Lying

Ann Coulter

     "If the left has its way in the next few years, there won't be anyone left in prison because you see, they're overflowing with innocent black men locked up for "nonviolent drug crimes." All of them! 
     "Over the weekend, NBC News investigative reporter Leigh Ann Caldwell appeared on MSNBC's "Kasie DC" to tell the story of Bill Underwood, loving parent and prison mentor, who has already spent nearly 30 years in prison for a nonviolent drug crime. 
     "Caldwell reported: "William Underwood, now 65 years old, was sentenced to life in prison without parole for a nonviolent drug-related crime. It was his first felony, but in the middle of the tough-on-crime era, the judge showed no leniency. With no hope of ever walking free again, Underwood has made the best of his time in prison, mentoring others and staying devoted to his children and grandchildren, as (his daughter) Ebony fights for his release." 
     "Another black body in prison for mere possession of a joint!
     " Actually, no one is in prison anywhere for possession of a joint, except in the pea-brain fantasies of chubby college coeds everywhere. 
     "We don't have the prison space. NBC's Caldwell interviewed Underwood, noting how "for 30 years from inside prison walls, he still tried to be a father first." The poor man concurred, saying, "That's all I was ever taught, you know? Children first, first, foremost. That's what I try to emulate." 
     "Can it be long before Ivanka pops up, lobbying for his release?
     " Despite what I'm sure was an exhaustive investigation, I was suspicious of Caldwell's characterization of Underwood's crime. 
     "My rule is: If you're not telling me why someone was sentenced to life in prison, there's probably a reason you're not telling me. 
     "All we got from Caldwell was: Here's this great father behind bars; He just got caught up in something, we're really not sure what it was -- and here's his daughter, Ebony, to tell us what a terrific father he is.
     " Considering that she's arguing for Underwood's immediate release into the general public, it seems odd that Caldwell doesn't know what he's in prison for, nor does she have the slightest interest in finding out.
     " Maybe at NBC they don't have access to the internet. But I do! I spent a full 60 seconds doing a Nexis search on William Underwood. 
     "Here are some excerpts from a Newsday article on Underwood's conviction, dated Jan. 10, 1990:
.... " 'A rock band manager was convicted yesterday as the head of a vicious Harlem drug gang that prosecutors said carried out six murders, including the controversial slaying of a witness in 1983." 
     "Caldwell didn't bother to mention Underwood's SIX MURDERS? NBC: We don't have room for everything. These stories are only so long." . . .

It’s Happening: House Democrats Schedule a Vote to Start Impeaching President Trump

Katie Pavlich

"House Democrats have officially pushed Speaker Nancy Pelosi to schedule a vote considering articles of impeachment for President Trump. The vote will take place Wednesday and is being spearheaded by Texas Democrat Al Green.
"Green is no stranger to articles of impeachment for President Trump and has introduced them multiple times on the House floor. They’ve never received a vote. Last night he did it again, leading to a full House vote later today.
"Green's latest move came after the House voted to condemn President Trump for tweets about leftist Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib. 

"For months, Speaker Pelosi has desperately tried to slow down the momentum for impeachment, which is politically unpopular with voting demographics Democrats need to win or hold onto. 
"Given the statements made by the “squad’s” during a press conference earlier this week and during and interview with CBS News Wednesday morning, there are rough seas ahead." . . .

What about this?  Rep. Omar: ‘I Do Not Regret’ My Earlier Anti-Semitic Comments…

Biden keeps trolling for Obama's endorsement
Biden Renews The ‘Keep Your Plan’ Lie With Obamacare 2.0
"Wait, have we heard this before? Oh, right, it was President Obama pitching the original version of Obamacare, with a lie so egregious PolitiFact named it “Lie of the Year.' ”

Why hasn't Obama endorsed Joe Biden for 2020? Is he holding back to endorse Michelle Obama?

Trump trolls Biden over his wanting Obama endorsement
Ian Macfarlane

Ali vs. Rapinoe

Certainly . . .Ali was loud, brash, and obnoxious.  . . . Certainly Rapinoe is all that and more. I would add: hypocritical, ignorant, disrespectful, and incapable of discussion without the use of juvenile profanity, including F-bombs. This, of course is delightful to those who have created the pedestal she stands on.
"I am the greatest!"
Dennis Lund
Writing for Sports Illustrated, Grant Whal drew a comparison between current Mega Soccer Goddess Megan Rapinoe and Muhammed Ali, when he wrote:
Muhammad Ali is a singular figure in American life. But there are elements of a modern-day Ali in Rapinoe’s stance toward sports and social activism, to say nothing of her ability to turn the glare of publicity -- much of it controversial -- to her advantage.
"Muhammed Ali was many things, but he was a man who many Americans learned to respect because he stood for ideals, backing them with actions that cost him dearly.
"Until such time that Rapinoe can achieve such a distinction, she will remain simply a flash in the pan, capitalizing on her temporary fame and the popular ‘hate-Trump-theme’ which is tearing this nation apart.
"We need to recognize that Ali was ahead of his time, as the nascent anti-war movement was just beginning to gain traction. Indeed his  actions ran contrary to the American themes of the day. Rapinoe, on the other hand, has jumped on the bandwagon and seems to delight in the opportunity to demonstrate her disdain for Trump, as well as for America. Her rise to fame is in large part due to her matching the equal disdain shown for Trump, and for America, that is currently infecting the American media and the leftist crowd she identifies with." . . .

. . . "What Rapinoe, who by the way is a multimillionaire earning over $165,000 a year, demands ignores basic laws of economics, one taught at the high-school level. That law being: supply and demand. If you want to make more money, don’t demand it, increase the demand for your product." . . .

. . . "A note to Rapinoe: If you want to earn the respect of the nation, you may want to take a cue from Muhammed Ali ‘who believed in something and sacrificed everything.’
Rapinoe has made no such sacrifice, while she stands on the threshold of capital gains."

Ocasio-Cortez gets new 2020 challenger: a Republican immigrant from Jamaica

There is a crisis in Queens, and it’s called AOC.'  — Scherie Murray
Fox News

"EXCLUSIVE -- Scherie Murray, a New York businesswoman who immigrated from Jamaica as a child and is active in state Republican politics, is launching a campaign Wednesday for the congressional seat held by Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Fox News has learned.
"In a phone interview, Murray, 38, confirmed her intention to run for the New York congressional seat as a Republican.
“ 'There is a crisis in Queens, and it’s called AOC,” Murray told Fox News. “And instead of focusing on us, she’s focusing on being famous. Mainly rolling back progress and authoring the job-killing Green New Deal and killing the Amazon New York deal.”
"Murray, who was born in Jamaica and moved to the United States when she was 9, is officially launching her campaign Wednesday with an introductory video that takes sharp jabs at the 29-year-old Ocasio-Cortez.". . . 
“Your representative in Washington chooses self-promotion over service, conflict over constituents, resistance over assistance," Murray said in the video. "Queens and the Bronx needs someone who will create jobs instead of turning them away."
The long knives of Democrats and media will be after Ms. Murray now.

Americans Are the Real Casualties of the Trump-‘Squad’ Showdown

The resolution in the House condemning the president is just the opposite. The intent is clear: It’s simply more partisan politics that is meant to divide us rather than unite us.
Andrew Wilkow
Daily Signal via Heritage.  . . . "I won’t offer an excuse for his ill-worded tweets, but simply some perspective as someone who has met with the president and whose organization works with his administration daily.
"The president loves this country, believes in the goodness of this country, and defends this country when others attack it. His tweets and follow-on comments were unacceptable, but let’s also be honest enough to recognize the destructive and divisive nature of the rhetoric of the members of Congress in question.
"I can understand why Americans are tired of the growing chorus of anti-American sentiment from “The Squad.” We all can certainly have honest disagreements with how the country is being run—that’s one of the wonderful features of the American system—but to regularly trash it, its people, and those who protect it is another thing entirely.
"I have found their rhetoric to be hateful, destructive, and dangerous. I will continue to expose their hypocrisy. What I will not do is join them in their ad hominem attacks as we debate policy.
"As a woman and as a black person who lived through segregation, I know from personal experience about some of our nation’s shortcomings.
"Despite these challenges, America was founded on a set of principles that have allowed us to rectify our wrongs, and in the process, build a freer and more prosperous nation where anyone has the opportunity to succeed.
"One thing this whole incident can provide is the opportunity for discussion, education, and some level of understanding among the races about where insults like this and others originated, how they have been historically used to taunt and jeer, and why they still cause pain today.
"I don’t think the president meant to tap into that pain, but he did. " . . .

Ayanna Presley Threatened Detention Facilities: If You Don’t See The Light, “You Will See The Fire,” Facility Then Attacked By Antifa With Fire Bombs  

"Rep. Ayanna Pressley says this July 2.
"The Tacoma ICE facility was attacked by an anarchist member of Antifa on July 13, quoting the “concentration camp” language of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The man was reportedly throwing Molotov cocktails and trying to set a propane tank connected to the building on fire which could have killed not only the agents inside, but the illegal aliens there as well."

Sickening! Omar Laughs After Being Asked About Violence Against ICE Agents  
. . . " 'Will you condemn Antifa? Do you feel like you have any sort of responsibility for their actions?" Bexte asked Omar. 
"Omar ignored the questions and never once condemned the far-left group for their violent actions.
" 'Do you feel responsible for a violent attack against an ICE facility?" Bexte asked again.
"Omar again refused to respond, but Bexte didn't give up.
"When Omar climbed into the vehicle and sat down next to Ocasio-Cortez, Bexte directed his question at both lawmakers.
" 'Ms. Cortez, do you feel responsible at all?" he asked. "Will you tell Americans not to be violent anymore? Antifa to be exact."
"After that question, Omar can be seen leaning forward and laughing as Bexte continues to ask both lawmakers if they will condemn Antifa." . . .

American Thinker
I am convinced Donald Trump has not caused this violence and anger from the left, that he has instead revealed it. Recall the vitriol toward George Bush and Republicans by TV shows such as The View, Colbert, and Letterman. TD

THIS lady, of all people, is angry over President Trump's words?!

. . . "However, “hate-filled bullying” is also an accusation that could also be leveled at Tlaib, given that she said worse about Trump during her first week in office.". . .
Rashida Tlaib Whines About Trump’s Rhetoric Despite Her Calling Trump a “Motherf**ker” During Her First Week in Office   

"Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib is complaining about President Trump’s rhetoric despite the fact that she literally referred to him as a “motherf**ker” during her first week in office.

"On Sunday night, Trump chastised “the squad,” the group of four far-left Democrats that includes Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib.

“ 'Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” the president tweeted. “Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough.”

"Although Tlaib was born in America, she constantly emphasizes her dual loyalty to Palestine, where her mother was born." . . .

CNN Recently Glorified ICE Facility Firebomb Attacker In Resurfaced Footage

How To Confront And Cross Examine Incompetent Marxist Educators

Mike Adams  "Each summer, I spend several months at Summit Ministries in Manitou Springs, Colorado. While I am here, I give pro-life lectures as well as lectures on student free speech rights. Many of the students who attend Summit’s two-week worldview conferences ask me questions about how best to deal with difficult teachers and professors. Just this morning, a student asked such a question that was so important it requires a column-length response. First, let me supply a little background information. 

"The student in question attends a public high school. Last year, he took a world geography class that was taught by a socialist. In the class, the teacher tried to advance his socialist ideas. In the process, he claimed that a) communist countries founded on Marxist principles are “not that bad,” and that b) students’ unfavorable impression of communist nations is the result of brainwashing by their parents.

"That kind of indoctrination is arrogant. It is also disappointing for at least two reasons. First of all, we expect to hear about socialist professors using the college classroom for indoctrination. But it is truly disappointing to hear this happening in a high school setting. Second, it is deeply disappointing to hear of teachers going beyond merely propping up socialism (to the point of defending communist regimes) and actually attacking the students’ parents in the process. These parents are the very people who pay the taxes that allow the teacher to earn a living. "

Obviously, a careful response to such arrogance is in order. But not until a couple of guidelines are laid out for students. They follow in reverse order of importance:

Prof Adams follows with this thought experiment:
Imagine there are two countries. One country has so many illegal immigrants crossing its borders that it has to build a wall to keep them out. The other country has to build a wall just to keep its own citizens in. Which country would you say is “not that bad?” (Author note to the historically ignorant socialist: This is a blatant attempt to compare America with East Germany, which actually called itself a “democratic” socialist republic).

Trump took out the Odd Squad

"The importance of Filipovic's column is it shows the thinking at CNN which is still the guiding light for Washington. And CNN always gets President Donald John Trump because CNN's boss, Jeff Zucker, hates him and will back any imbecile who hates him."
Don Surber

"Paul Mirengoff of Powerline took enough time of bashing President Donald John Trump to bash the Washington Post for its adulation of the Odd Squad, Democrat Congresswomen of Color Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib.

"Their sex and skin tone are all they have going for them because otherwise they are just run-of-the-mill communists like Beto and the rest of the fifth tier in the Democrat presidential marathon. You need a gimmick -- a shield -- from criticism. Ask the gay mayor how that works.

"President Donald John Trump saw through the cheesecloth shield the Odd Squad hides behind. Patriotism trumps victimhood. The Tuskegee Airmen rose to defend America despite segregation.

"On Sunday he called the Odd Squad out on Twitter.

"In response, the pantywaist press and the dainty Democrat snowflakes howled and screamed rayyyyyyyyyycist.

"But Mirengoff is old enough to remember how we handled hippie communists in the 1970s.

"He wrote, "Trump’s statement isn’t from the anti-immigrant playbook. It’s from the 'America, love it or leave it' playbook." . . .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump is not a racist; he’s pushing the Overton window to normal

Let's first define what the Overton Window is. Basically, it is what an elected official can discuss without voters turning against him....or her.
"The Overton window is a term for the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse, also known as the window of discourse. The term is named after Joseph P. Overton, who stated that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians' individual preferences. According to Overton, the window contains the range of policies that a politician can recommend without appearing too extreme to gain or keep public office in the current climate of public opinion." . . .
We'll have to see if the Women's soccer team or Rashida Tlaib's voters consider "impeach the M-----F----r" to be outside their Overton window. Probably not Hollywood's though. TD

Bookworm Room

. . . "Before I go on, a brief moment of ironic laughter here. When Occasional Cortex accused Nancy Pelosi of racism, Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-Mo), a member of both the Black and Progressive Congressional caucuses opined, “What a weak argument. Because you can’t get your way and because you’re getting pushback you resort to using the race card? Unbelievable. Unbelievable to me.” Likewise, Maureen Dowd also piped up with “A.O.C. should consider the possibility that people who disagree with her do not disagree with her color.” Coming from people who’ve spent the last 11 years insisting that racism is the only reason anyone can disagree with their agenda, that’s pretty rich. And now back to my post….)
"Equally predictably, when he was again called a racist, Trump was not cowed. Instead, he doubled-down:" . . .

Too funny! 
Ilhan Omar Cites ‘The Onion’ As Support In Her Battle With Trump

 Not sure about The Onion? Well, this was posted near the above article:

"New Evidence Finds Titanic Passengers Continued Eating From Buffet As Ship Sank

And, of course, this guilt-ridden Beto mea culpa:
"The descendants of those who survived the Donner Party, Salem Witch Trials, and the U.S.S. Indianapolis shark attack did so despite the odds being stacked against them by my family."

Julian Castro, who?

Legal Insurrection
. . . "He’s not faring much better in polling. A poll released Monday from St. Anselm’s in New Hampshire didn’t even include Castro.
"Like his Texan counterpart Beto, Castro is done here."

Rep. Pressley doesn’t belong with AOC, Omar, and Tlaib

Washington Examiner  "Watching the four-woman “squad” respond to President Trump’s already famous Tweets urging “progressive” Democrats to “go back” to their “original countries,” one wonders why Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts would want to be lumped in with the other three.

"Pressley’s remarks were standard-issue liberal, but restrained and dignified in the face of Trump's out-of-bounds comments. The other three Democrats handled the situation very differently, combining mendacity, smears, and radicalism in ways with which Pressley should not want to be associated.
"Pressley never even used the words “racist” or “racism.” Using the words correctly, she accused Trump of making remarks that were “xenophobic and bigoted.” That’s a far cry from, and much more defensible than, Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota accusing Trump of “white supremacy” and of an agenda of a “white nationalist.”
"Omar also repeated the accusation, without a shred of proof, that children detained at the U.S.-Mexican border are being forced to drink water from toilets. She repeated, against all known proof so far, that there is “credible” evidence that Trump “colluded” illegally with a foreign country. And, without offering a single example of Trump having committed “high crimes and misdemeanors,” she called for the president to be impeached. All of those claims or suggestions are completely without foundation.
"Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan also called for impeachment. Like Omar, Tlaib offered no specific allegation that would amount to an impeachable offense. This is irresponsible. The impeachment-and-removal process is serious business. General obnoxiousness, of which Trump is certainly guilty, is far from an ordinarily acceptable reason for removal from office.
"Then there was the noted publicity hound Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who throws around balderdash like a toddler throwing strained peas. Not content to blast the president alone, she accused his secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, of working with Trump to turn the nation’s education system into a corrupt “cash cow” for their own enrichment. That’s slander, pure and simple. She also accused Trump of believing that Americans do not deserve healthcare. This is, well, risible.
"All in all, even when appearing to try to keep their remarks somewhat restrained, Reps. Tlaib, Omar, and Ocasio-Cortez showed why their radicalism has made them deeply unpopular with the American public. That’s all the more reason for Pressley, who even in pointed remarks still stayed within ordinary bounds of civil discourse, to speak on her own without associating herself with the three rabble-rousers."