Wednesday, May 3, 2023

How to Bribe the Supreme Court (

 Ann Coulter

Adored: Anthony Fauci, BLM, Michelle Obama, Trevor Noah, transgenders, Ukraine, black people, pot, Elon Musk (pre-Twitter), Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Hated: Ron DeSantis, the Proud Boys, Melania Trump, Dave Chappelle, Christians, Russia, white people, cigarettes, Elon Musk (post-Twitter), Clarence Thomas.

Having failed to destroy Clarence Thomas 32 years ago with preposterous sexual harassment charges (disbelieved at the time by 60% of Americans), now the left is resorting to attacking the ethics of a man vastly more honorable than the collection of degenerates reviling him.

The sole purpose of the media's sudden fixation on the Supreme Court's "ethics" is to morally intimidate conservative justices by reminding them that the left controls the culture. Since they lost abortion, liberals have been in a panic that the court will junk other liberal sacraments, like gay marriage and affirmative action, too. That's the reason for the stream of calumnies directed at the justices.

As usual, the main target of the left's rage is Thomas. We're supposed to be appalled that Thomas' billionaire friend Harlan Crow took the justice and his wife on a vacation that (the media claim) would have cost Thomas more than $500,000!!!

Well, yeah, but Thomas and his wife, Ginny, weren't going alone. They hadn't just won a cruise sweepstakes. They were joining Crow on a vacation he was taking anyway. Cost to donor: a few extra chicken cutlets and string beans.

Crow sounds like a great guy, but when you're going on vacation with a benefactor, it isn't like he's handing you an expensive bauble. You are the expensive bauble.

We went on a cruise on my private yacht in Indonesia and served Jeroboam of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1945. [Meh.]

We went on a cruise on my private yacht in Indonesia and Justice Clarence Thomas was our guest. WINNER!!!!

Hunter and Navy Joan; an American Family


Tony Branco

WATCH: KJP Refuses To Say Why The Bidens Don't Acknowledge Their 7th Grandchild (   "During Tuesday’s White House briefing, Karine Jean-Pierre declined to comment on the ongoing child support trial in Arkansas involving Hunter Biden, the President’s son. Despite being asked about why the Bidens have not acknowledged the child, "KJP refused to answer any questions on the matter.

"When asked if the President and First Lady were monitoring the trial, KJP simply replied, “I’m not going to speak to that from here.”

"When pressed further about why the Bidens have not publicly acknowledged their seventh grandchild, KJP responded, “I’m not going to speak to that.”. . .

80 y/o Joe Biden struggles to recall 'Ireland visit' along with his 7th grandchild | Watch | US News (

"Growing up behind a veil of secrecy, the adorable little girl who Hunter Biden didn’t want to claim as his own is a happy two-year-old living in rural Arkansas with her mother and her mother's family, can reveal.

On Saturday, Joe Biden invited six of his grandchildren on stage when he announced to the world that he had won the 2020 presidential election.

But the seventh was missing from the smiling ranks of America’s next First Family: Navy Joan Roberts - the two-year-old daughter Hunter fathered with stripper Lunden Roberts then shamefully denied was his. ". . .

Woke ideology is the train. Total monitoring and control over money and energy is the destination.

CBDCs may pose a threat to privacy. The central authority that will be responsible for collecting and distributing identification and transaction data will have access to all monetary transactions. In addition to the threat of central banks disallowing or curbing transactions between citizens, the data could be vulnerable to hacks or misuse, if leaked. 

"Few on the American Right are unaware of Anheuser-Busch’s recent foray into woke politics. Taking their regular customers for granted, the once-great American company “partnered” with a transsexual person to become a new product spokesperson for Bud Light.
"The imbroglio that followed is just one of the latest installments of the culture war over woke ideology, now working through its “trans” iteration, which is keeping the lights on in political consultancies across the nation and consuming huge percentages of conservative mind-share.

"The encroachment of woke ideology threatens the American way of life.". . .

'One of the most fundamental expressions of freedom Americans take for granted is the ability to conduct transactions using cash. The fact that ordinary Americans can settle debts and sell goods using cash may not be fully appreciated until cash is taken away.

" 'The privacy afforded by cash is irreplaceable. Bitcoin and other digital currencies may be difficult to track, but undisclosed Bitcoin accounts are already illegal, and it isn’t hard for authorities to identify who is using virtual servers and other methods of concealment.

" 'The case for cash, however, isn’t that we want to encourage an underground economy. It’s that the existence of cash can at least prevent the arm of government from coming down to even the most petty transactions. Did you use cash to pay your gardener or an occasional babysitter or a handyman? If so, you might decide not to give them a 1099. Did you sell some old utensils, books, CDs, and furniture at a garage sale, and collect cash? If so, you might decide not to get a resale permit to collect sales tax. Once cash is eliminated, those choices will be made for you. Wasn’t that de minimis? It won’t matter.". . .

12-year-old stands up to school board after he was kicked out of class for 'Only 2 Genders' t-shirt -

 LifeSite (

"MIDDLEBOROUGH, Massachusetts (LifeSiteNews) — A video of a middle school student defending to a school board his decision to wear a T-shirt affirming biological truth has gone viral. Video

"During an April 13 school committee meeting, Liam Morrison, a seventh grader at John T. Nichols, Jr. Middle School in Middleborough, MA, recounted his experience of being removed from class because of the message on his shirt, “There are only two genders”. He also pointedly asked why he was barred from practicing his First Amendment rights. 

"Although the meeting took place last month, the clip of the boy’s testimony began circulating on social media this week after being posted by the conservative Libs of TikTok Twitter account. 

“ 'Hello, good evening, my name is Liam Morrison,” the 12-year-old began. “I never thought the shirt I wore on March 21 would lead me to speak with you today. On that Tuesday morning, I was taken out of gym class to sit down with two adults for what turned out to be a very uncomfortable talk.” 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

"The REAL reason Susan Rice fled Biden Administration may SHOCK you— is Michelle Obama RUNNING?!"

 . . .It’s fair to ask: What has Obama done to reconcile blacks and whites? How has he helped beyond being America’s first black president? And yes, expectations are greater for him, even as the politics are more volatile. NY Post, 2016

Recent Developments Spark Michelle Obama '24 Rumors – PJ Media

Prepare for more racial division!  With regard to race, Obama’s historical significance is ensured; only his impact and legacy are up for debate.

"Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama are busy living lives of luxury that peons like us can only dream of. Perhaps because it’s boring to spend all their time ensconced in their mansions in Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, and Washington, D.C., the former first couple is currently jet-setting and hobnobbing about Europe with their fancy friends. Not a bad lifestyle for a couple who were decidedly middle class before Barry first got into public office.". . .

How Obama has turned back the clock on race relations (  "Americans celebrating Martin Luther King Day today should be proud of the incredible progress made since the civil-rights leader’s birth 87 years ago. At the same time, we should lament one of President Obama’s greatest failures.

"The last Democratic president and the last Republican president both managed race relations more effectively than Obama has. Seven years after American voters made history by electing the country’s first black president, racial tensions have worsened. 
It didn’t rank on Obama’s one-item list of his “few regrets” during his State of the Union address. But signs of Obama’s failure are on our streets, on our campuses and among our leaders, left and right.

" Ferguson” has become shorthand for African-American fury objecting to insensitive white cops harassing young blacks. The “Black Lives Matter” movement has spilled into American campus culture, as privileged kids attending the world’s finest universities bemoan their alleged oppression — bullying anyone who challenges them.

"This black backlash has prompted a white backlash, personified by Donald Trump. Every justifiable police shooting called “racist,” every Halloween costume labeled politically incorrect, every reasonable thought censored makes Trump look like America’s last honest man.

"Amid this tension, Obama has been disturbingly passive — even during America’s first serious race riots since 1992. He acts like a meteorologist observing the bad weather, not a president able to shape the political climate.". . .

A Complete Timeline of Race Relations Under Obama | The Daily Wire   . . ."At every opportunity to quash racial division, Obama’s rhetoric instead amplified it. For eight years he continuously peddled the notion that America is a deeply racist, unjust vessel of oppression. While he would at times admit that some progress had been made in race relations, he consistently returned to his rhetoric about a country plagued by “systemic racism.” And so, race relations in America changed to reflect the vision Obama promulgated for 8 years. The media beloved racial unifier, Barack Obama presided over the deterioration of race relations in America. If you like your race relations, you’ll get to keep your race relations."

Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden's regime is most revolutionary Left-wing since FDR

Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden's regime is most revolutionary Left-wing since FDR - YouTube   "President Biden's muted campaign launch this week is a sign for things to come. Whilst the President attempts to hide from the media, America's allies and enemies alike are left wondering who's really in charge. To discuss Joe Biden and Donald Trump's chances in the lead up to the 2024 American election, the historian and commentator Victor Davis Hanson sits down with Steven Edginton for this week's Off Script podcast. "

From the comments section: "A brilliant interview. Great questions and astoundingly incisive answers. I just learned how next two years of US Presidentia lelection will play out. Everything Victor Davis described about the TRUMP/DeSANTIS situation is spot on.

"Victor Davis Hanson describes how Woodrow Wilson, President 1913 to 1921, was unable to perform as President for 1½ years after he had a stroke. The actual period when Wilson was incapacitated was from Autumn 1919 until he left office in March 1921 (the handover was then in March, not on January 20th as it is now). So Edith Wilson and his Private Secretary were issuing the President's decisions for the whole of 1920, the last year of the Spanish Flu pandemic. This wasn't well-known publicly for 10-20 years."

White Man Calling Himself A ‘Lesbian Indian’ Forces Alphabet Activists To Turn On Their Own Talking Points

 Indiana Councilman Defiant Amid Calls To Resign Over Trans Post ( "A white Indiana county councilman is remaining defiant against calls to step down after publishing a Facebook post that announced his identity as a lesbian Indian woman.

"Republican Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb ignited local outrage at a public council meeting last week after he declared himself an American Indian woman with a Facebook post three weeks ago.

“ 'It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well,” Webb wrote. “I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women.”

"Residents lined up at the county council’s hearing on Tuesday to demand Webb resign.

“ 'I feel that he basically made a hate speech in this post,” said one constituent named Mary Stilts in the eastern Indiana city of Muncie. “He has created some hate and discord and divide with the transgender population here.”. . .

Riley Gaines Fires Back After Brittney Griner Calls It a ‘Crime’ To Keep Men Out of Women’s Sports

 The American Tribune  "Former University of Kentucky swimming star Riley Gaines fired back over the weekend after Brittney Griner claimed that it was a “crime” to stop transgender athletes from competing against biological females in women’s sports.

"Griner knows a few things about crime after she was arrested and detained in Russia for a year after trying to take hashish oil into the country. She was subsequently swapped for Viktor Bout, otherwise known as the “Merchant of Death,” while other Americans who had been detained much longer were left behind.

"During an interview with ESPN, the far-left sports outlet asked Griner where she stood on the issue of transgender athletes being able to play. She had this to say to ESPN, via the Daily Wire“I mean, that ranks high on the list of things that I’ll be fighting for and speaking up against, you know, everyone has, everyone deserves the right to play, everyone deserves the right to come here, sit in these seats and feel safe and not feel like there’s a threat or they can’t be who they are or, um, like it’s just all eyes on them.”

"It’s unclear who Griner is specifically referring to when she talks about feeling safe and not threatened. The only threats have come from across the aisle from science-denying leftists, and the only athletes that are unsafe are the biological females being forced to share spaces with trans women with male genitalia. This, however, makes too much sense for liberals to accept.". . .

Accusations of "racism" begins in 

Is This The First ANTI-WOKE Advert? Watch Promo Wins Plaudits For Standing Up For Women's Rights - YouTube

"Egard recently released an advert fighting back against woke America after the recent controversy surrounding Budweiser's recent Bud Light campaign with Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender woman and social media influencer. "Egard's advert portrays a young girl aiming to find success in athletics - but ultimately she loses out to her transgender competition."

Blinken, Biden Bromance?

Secretary of State Blinken Denies Role in Hunter Biden Russian Disinfo Letter: 'Wasn't My Idea' (  . . ."Last month, former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees and revealed that Blinken was “the impetus” of the public statement signed in October 2020 that implied the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was disinformation. Republican lawmakers said that based on Morell’s testimony, it is “apparent” that the Biden campaign “played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the Hunter Biden story and preventing American citizens from making a fully informed decision during the 2020 presidential election.' ” . . .

Secretary of State Blinken was embroiled in alleged attempt to influence US officials on Burisma | Daily Mail Online   . . ."Blinken has come under new scrutiny this month over his relationship with the Bidens, after the House Judiciary Committee received testimony that he helped orchestrate a letter by intelligence chiefs claiming Hunter's laptop was a Russian disinformation campaign just weeks before the 2020 election.

"The government and laptop emails obtained by suggest Blinken, who was Joe's senior campaign advisor, his Vice Presidential National Security Advisor in the Obama administration and now Secretary of State, may have been more aware of Hunter's dealings than he has let on.". . .   Video

Blinken's and Wife's Emails to Hunter Biden Draw Fresh Scrutiny (

. . ."GOP lawmakers recently revealed that former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell testified that Blinken had reached out to him after the New York Post broke the story, which “triggered” him to spearhead an effort to cast the story as Russian disinformation.

"Now, Republicans are examining Blinken’s role in the effort, as well as emails that he and his wife, White House Executive Secretary Evan Ryan, sent to Hunter Biden, which were found on the laptop.

"Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures that Blinken had falsely claimed to them that he had “never” emailed Hunter Biden, but that emails from him and his wife show otherwise.

“ 'He said he did not email Hunter Biden, and now we have those emails. We also know that his wife, using her private email address when she was an employee of the State Department, was basically a conduit between her husband and Hunter Biden as well,” Johnson said.". . .

The Very Fabric of This Great Nation will be Torn in Ways That Can Not be Repaired

 Preservation of our First Amendment Rights is Paramount (

There was an attempt on Justice Kavanaugh’s life. For which President Biden and the media were mostly silent. The Supreme justices must now travel in armoured cars and have full time security.

"After the leak of Justice’s Alito opinion on the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, there has been an organized campaign to attack the Supreme court’s legitimacy, which really began years ago. The Wall Street Journal writes:

But as the court has grown more conservative in recent years, the left has stepped up the attacks on the court’s “legitimacy,” including character assassination of individual justices, with little objection from mainstream Democrats and plenty of help from the media.

Justice Alito says “this type of concerted attack on the court and on individual justices” is “new during my lifetime. . . . We are being hammered daily, and I think quite unfairly in a lot of instances. And nobody, practically nobody, is defending us.

The idea has always been that judges are not supposed to respond to criticisms, but if the courts are being unfairly attacked, the organized bar will come to their defense.” Instead, “if anything, they’ve participated to some degree in these attacks.”

Judges are in a double bind: If they don’t respond, the attacks stand. If they do, they diminish the mystique on which judicial authority depends.

 "Although this article is in the Wall Street Journal, one could argue that for the most part, these attacks have come from almost all of the main stream media sources, not just the “left”. For instance, there are hit pieces calling for more oversight of the Supreme court and highlighted alleged ethics violations in BloombergYahoo News, as well as just about every legacy corporate media outlet that you can think of. One has to ask, has there been some sort of organizing element to these attacks on the Supreme court?". . .

Media's hate for Tucker Carlson is indescribable

 Media's hate for Tucker Carlson is indescribable (  "For most of us, the firing of Tucker Carlson by Fox News left us with a hole in our heart and our lives – much like the untimely death of Rush Limbaugh. The only difference was one hour a day versus three hours a day to look forward to.

"But for the fake media and Big Tech, the censorious class, they were beside themselves; they got what they wanted. In their eyes, it was like a dream-come-true, what they had been hoping for, longing for, yearning for.

"How else can you characterize the hateful reviews of what he said day after day as the only Big League journalist and commentator walking out of step with the crowd? Honestly, they will soon have nothing else talk about and write about – nothing left about which their spleens could hope to ooze more toxic bile. They're like the walking dead. They got their victim – but there's nothing left to eat.

"Who am I talking about?

"Well, most of you probably didn't have time to keep up with all of Tucker's detractors. They were legion.

"Let's start with Diana Falzone and Asawin Suebsaeng of the distinguished journal Rolling Stone. They recently breathlessly assembled a hit piece on Tucker headlined "Fox Has a Secret 'Oppo File' to Keep Tucker Carlson in Check, Sources Say."

"Fox News executives have in their possession a dossier of alleged dirt on Tucker Carlson should he attack the network in the wake of his departure, eight sources at and close to the network tell Rolling Stone," they wrote. "When Fox announced Carlson's departure on (last) Monday, the network presented the separation as amicable. But according to one former on-air Fox personality, the anchor and some of the channel's top executives are parting ways on 'the worst' and 'messiest possible terms.' Indeed, in private communications released last month as part of the Dominion-Fox lawsuit, the now-fired Fox host gossiped that one such exec 'hates us,' claiming she was covertly working against him and other hosts. But if Carlson attempts to torch the network he's leaving, Fox is prepared, the sources say.". . .

Political Cartoons Daily & Weekly – Townhall

CULTURAL DECLINE: The Writers’ Strikeout; Will anyone even notice if Hollywood’s writers go missing?

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics I hear there’s another writers’ strike about to hit Hollywoke. Once upon a time this was a big deal. When the entertainment business actually entertained. When people of different ideologies could share movies and television shows that tilted left but still had crossover appeal. When you could enjoy a late-night comedy talk show like Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, and Conan O’Brien and laugh, even when they made fun of your side, because they were comic purists, who lampooned the other side as well.

"I still remember a classic Carson skit mocking Joe Biden’s first ill-fated run for president in 1987. The then semi-articulate yet empty-suit senator was accused of plagiarizing speeches by genuinely eloquent politicians, like UK Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock and RFK. Carson joked, “And Biden said not to worry. He reassured his staff, he said, ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’”

"A vast portion of young people today — which includes many TV-film writers — wouldn’t get the gag. They weren’t taught actual American history, such as FDR’s 1933 speech uplifting citizens during the Great Depression, when he said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” But they might believe the country began in 1619, with the arrival of the first slave ship. Because Critical Race Theory bunk like Nikole Hannah-Jones’ The 1619 Project is being taught in schools.

"The idea of a TV host ribbing a Democrat — regardless of how big a joke he (the President) or she (the Vice President) may be — would also be unfathomable to today’s youth. They’ve never seen such a thing, only lame “clapter”-inducing shots at conservatives. But one thing’s for sure, any late-night comedy monologue devoid of WGA-level (Writers Guild of America) writing will be just as painfully unfunny as the professional variety. To paraphrase song lyrics from the 1959 Best Picture Oscar winner, Gigi — humor, ah yes — I remember it well.". . .