Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Al Gore's First (and Probably Last) Q&A

WSJ By JOHN FUND "Mr. McAleer...says he's more disappointed in the environmental journalists who give Mr. Gore cover than in the former vice president. Mr. Gore is simply doing what any propagandist with a weak case would do -- avoiding serious debate or exchange. To quote the late William F. Buckley, "There is a reason that baloney rejects the grinder.""

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

World Magazine

It's Time to Melt the Phones-- Senate Dems Set to Ram Through Unpopular Obamacare

Gateway Pundit "Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!Congress is attempting to ram through a bill that will lead to government takeover of health care, massive new deficit spending and massive new taxes.The Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to vote on the bill on Tuesday.Contact these senators and insist that Americans get a chance to see the full text of the bill before any vote is taken on any so-called health care bill." ...."Here's information on how you can fax your senator's office, via Instapundit."

Protesters Rally Against Obama Song at New Jersey School

Fox News (You expected MSNBC?) "About 70 protesters stood on a sidewalk across the street from the B. Bernice Young School waving flags and homemade placards, singing "God Bless America" and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," and chanting slogans such as "No indoctrination" and "Free children, free minds.""

MSNBC Uses Former Writer for Communist Party Website to Slander Rush ...Update: Origins of Racist Smear Revealed

Gateway Pundit "MSNBC used proud socialist Dave Zirin to slander Rush Limbaugh yesterday. Before writing for the far left Nation magazine Dave Zirin wrote for the Socialist Worker's Party." Remember MSNBC? The media arm of the Democrat Party.

Will Media Help Sell the New Obama American Flag?

"The CBS "Early Show" promoted Obama dolls in April NBC Universal's online store offers at least 29 Obama-related items for sale The CBS "Early Show" addressed how Obama merchandise was tough to keep on the shelves when the first family vacationed on Martha's Vineyard over the summer. "

Top Twenty Things Obama Doesn't Say

American Thinker "Mr. Obama has thrown a lot of people under the bus. I wonder if someone would do the same to him if he dared to deviate from his current role as Messiah of the Progressive movement and instead became the President of the United States." h/t to Neal Boortz

Nobel Peace Prize Decision Seen As Attempt to Steer U.S. Policies

CNS "The Norwegian government has confirmed that Obama will travel to Oslo to receive the award at a ceremony on December 10. He is the first sitting U.S. president to win the award since Woodrow Wilson in 1919, the year he founded the League of Nations. Wilson had been president for six years."

Obama: Homosexual Relationships ‘Just as Real and Admirable’ as Heterosexual Marriage

CNS "...Sounding more like a homosexual activist than a sitting president, Obama went well beyond his expected message of “I’m here with you” on the homosexual agenda."

Dems scramble after warning from health insurers

MyWay News "Insurance companies aren't playing nice any more. Their dire message that health care legislation will drive up premiums for people who already have coverage comes as a warning shot at a crucial point in the debate, and threatens President Barack Obama's top domestic priority."...."The study projects that the legislation would add $1,700 a year to the cost of family coverage in 2013, when most of the major provisions of the Baucus bill would be in effect." (Emphasis added)Baucus Health Bill Could Prevent Medical Expense Deductions: Wheelchairs, Chemotherapy, Seeing-Eye Dogs. More Here: "THE REAL COSTS OF THIS BAUCUS BILL"

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Power of Payback

by Victor Davis Hanson "Some of you know [Nemesis] also as a variant of eastern Karma, or the folk notion of ‘what comes around, goes around’, or the now common “ain’t payback a bitch”? We all agree on the symptoms: overweening success and surfeit (koris) lead to hubris (gratuitous arrogance), which in turn promotes destructive behavior (atê), that at last calls you to the attention of divine Nemesis — who ensures your ruin.

Are Obama advisers downplaying Afghan dangers?

McClatchy "Finally, failure in Afghanistan would deal a massive blow to U.S. international standing to the benefit of Iran, Russia and China, and undermine the NATO alliance, the U.S. officials said."