Friday, May 17, 2024

The ladies of the view


Image courtesy of Vicki.

This article is published as is, with no corrections. TD

All of these women are horrible   "I love to watch the view because its so unintentionally funny but I only now realized that people watch this s**t not out of a voyeuristic curiosity about what insane things these women are coming up with today, but people actually care about what these people have to say??"
  1. Sarah is neurotic and insecure and has no real personality beyond that and it is uncomfortable to watch everyone at the table just wait until she finished her *insert bland, inoffensive, vague, stating the obvious* "opinion" and then move on to the real discussion. it is mean to have her on the show

  2. Ana Navarro and her wannabe sassy mom-humor is so incredibly insufferable it makes me physically ill whenever she tries and fails to make a joke. why on earth would they hire her, she's just a rich neocon (with a literal fascist father) who doesn't like trump, her persepective has no value at all as it doesn't represent anyone but herself alone.

  3. Alyssa Who? Ok whatever who cares she's not gonna be on the show for long. it is funny though that they wanna have a table that represents america and the best they can come up with is not a staunch conservative supporter of donald trump but an opportunistic ex employee who is politically illiterate.

  4. joy behar. i know that there are people that think Joy is "the far left" or whatever but Joy is also just a boiler plate liberal at the end of the day. Also she's completely insane, but i respect that about her. Kind of glad for her that she found a steady job for the past 20 years after her comedy career never really took off. but is there really value in her repeating the same 3 lines everyday regardless of what is happening? like ok we know you don't like repubs we know you think trump is crazy but who watches this and thinks "yeah, thats some highly intellectually stimulating discourse"???

  5. Whoopi. I love whoopi as a persona, even though she must be clearly one of the most difficult people that have ever lived. Whoopi makes no sense whatsoever, her politics are all over the place as is her syntax. Most of the time its just repetitive, unintelligible gibberish but thats ok because its everybodys grandma Whoopi. Also it is very obvious that she hates being there and only does it for the money. She wanted to continue her hollywood career as an actress and artist, but somehow ended up on the view and stayed because its very comfortable financially.

  6. sunny ist the biggest hypocrite that american tv has ever seen. she's a total party soldier for the democrats, she does the propaganda for the democratic establishment. She's all in for the most bland identity politics and is completely intellectually dishonest. kind of a shame because she was supposed to bring some smarts to this show.

"There are million of brilliant women out there, of all different backgrounds and ideologies, and none of them are on the view. just five intellectually mediocre millionaires who know nothing about life in america. i feel bad for the state of our nation when this is "the most important political talkshow in the country".

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