Friday, May 17, 2024

Just When You Think the Trump Trial Couldn't Get More Corrupt, This Guy Shows Up

 – PJ Media  . . ."Remember the guy who worked for House Democrats to prosecute the first Trump impeachment? The case in which President Trump "made a perfect phone call" to the Ukrainian president to find out Joe and Hunter Biden were shaking down oligarchs and changing U.S. policy to fire the prosecutor investigating their shady dealings? The one where he said he'd temporarily stall Ukrainian help he'd been providing if they didn't look into this shady behavior? 

"Remember the guy who, as a federal prosecutor in New York, sat at the right hand of the most anti-Trump, anti-GOP U.S. Attorney on the planet, Preet Bharara? 

"The same guy who served as Adam Schiff's counsel at the House Intel Committee and lied, and lied, and lied about Russia! Russia! Russia! Do you recall that guy? 

"Do you remember the Nepo Baby who's heir to the Levis fortune? 

"Yeah, that guy's in Congress now. And you'll be interested to know that Dan Goldman paid Trump trial Judge Juan Merchan's daughter's firm to help him get elected. I didn't realize that one of the world's most populous cities was so small. 

"This week, we found out that Goldman has been bragging about "prepping" former Trump attorney Michael Cohen "a number of times to prepare him" for his various legal proceedings before the House Intelligence Committee. That was Schiff's committee to Get Trump and frame the president as a Russian secret agent. For years, they kept up this sham to undermine support for the president even when they knew it was a lie." . . .

Rep Harriet Hageman Outlines Rep Dan Goldman Connection to The New York City Trial Against Candidate Donald Trump -  "Representative Harriet Hageman used the opportunity of the House Weaponization Committee hearing, on the Lawfare trial of Donald Trump in New York, to outline Rep. Dan Goldman’s (D-NY) conflict of interest.

"Goldman has hired Judge Merchan’s daughter – a clear conflict of interest. Additionally, Goldman has admitted to coaching Trump witness Michael Cohen prior to his testimony. Harriet Hageman outlined the details of the issue, while Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) claimed an immediate point of order in order to hide the information. WATCH:" 

CNN Throws in the Towel on NY Trump Case – HotAir   . . ."Only George Conway and the hosts at MSNBC still believe that Donald Trump is guilty. Perhaps even they don't believe it, although they would never admit it. 

"Anderson Cooper is no fan of Donald Trump. That is being kind. He hates Trump with the burning heat of the sun. But Cooper got on TV to say that Michael Cohen is clearly making it up as he is going along, and clearly so. He can't keep his story straight. 

"Cohen is getting trashed on the network. George Conway, Kellyanne's former husband and Trump hater, still thinks Cohen is a stand-up guy who would never lie on the stand about Trump, even though he lied to courts, congress, his attorney, and everybody else in the world, was willing to beclown himself." . . . 

New York Builds Separate Massive Courthouse Just For Prosecuting Trump | Babylon Bee Parody  "With his case against Trump beginning to crumble, DA Alvin Bragg has announced several dozen new cases against the former President, and a brand-new courthouse completely dedicated to prosecuting Trump.

"Sources confirmed the new 30-story facility in midtown Manhattan will house an army of lawyers dedicated to only bringing new cases against Trump around the clock, 7 days a week." . . .

Below: Stunned Anderson Cooper Cuts To Commercial When Trump Accuser E. Jean Carroll Calls Rape "Sexy"

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