Friday, May 17, 2024

Nearly 100 Retired General Officers Urge America to Maintain Support for Israel


"It's big news when a single General takes a shot at a Republican, but I haven't seen massive coverage of this letter that features scores of top-level military leaders challenging Biden's drift away from supporting Israel." 

"It's not quite a rebuke of President Biden--most former General Officers try to refrain from attacking the Commander in Chief--but these former high-ranking military officers are clearly pushing back from the administration's pulling back from supporting Israel. 

How high ranking? How about the former Commander of the US Central Command? Or the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe? Or Commander of the US Strategic Command? 

Actually, forget it. Just think commanders and deputy commanders of just about every military branch and unit of note we have in every theater around the world. They all urge that America remain steadfast in its support for Israel and its war effort against Hamas

They make a moral case, of course, but the primary focus of their argument is that Israel is a vital strategic partner in military, intelligence, economic, and technological domains. 

Since it is an open letter I can quote it in full:

Given our experience as retired American military leaders, we are very concerned about the security impacts of increasingly strained U.S.-Israel ties as Israel becomes a growing source of domestic division. We therefore feel compelled to declare that a strong Israel is vital to the United States national security, and it is imperative that America unequivocally stand by this indispensable ally.

Amid surging antisemitism in America and the world, following the largest one-day loss of innocent Jewish life since the Holocaust, U.S. support for the only Jewish state should be clear, unwavering, and not conditioned. The benefits of this partnership for the American people and this important region are many, and too valuable, to forsake.

 Full article here.

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