Monday, October 26, 2009

What Are We Teaching Our Kids?

Chuck Colson "As Christian parents we need to make sure we are passing on our religious heritage to our children. We can't rely on the public schools; what they teach may even be a distortion of history—like what Charlie learned about Thanksgiving.So today don't assume everyone knows why you are gathering together over turkey and cranberry sauce today. Make a point of teaching your children and grandchildren that generic gratefulness isn't enough."

The Kitty-Cat Who Roared

by Victor Davis Hanson "...even the French are exasperated that Obama still sounds like the king of the jungle but acts like a purring house kitten. And no wonder that Iran and its patron Russia seem to be calculating that Obama will figure that a nuclear Iran is less troubling for him than the consequences of offending Vladimir Putin, spiking oil prices or using force in the volatile Middle East."

NATO Defense Ministers and UN Official Back McChrystal Before Obama

Weekly Standard "The White House took offense at Vice President Cheney’s statement this week that the president was “dithering” on Afghanistan. Friday’s NATO defense ministerial should put this issue to rest -- even the Europeans have acted with more fortitude than our president." More here:

A Closer Look at the Uninsured/ Why the “46 million” figure is profoundly misleading.

NRO "We must also distinguish between having health insurance and having access to health care itself."

Goldstone Agonistes

Pajamas Media "The tough-on-Israel, easy-on-Hamas UN report on the Gaza war isn't exactly playing out the way its author may have hoped."

Obama Heads to Oslo for Nobel, but Too Busy for Berlin Wall Ceremony

Pajamas Media "In December, President Obama will fly to Oslo to receive in person the Nobel Peace Prize he was recently awarded ...President Obama, however, will miss the November 9 celebrations of the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the event symbolically marking the end of the Cold War. “Barack too busy,” reports Germany’s Spiegel."

14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes

AP News  "In the first crash, a helicopter went down in the west of the country after leaving the scene of a firefight with insurgents, killing 10 Americans - seven troops and three civilians working for the government. Eleven American troops, one U.S. civilian and 14 Afghans were also injured.  In a separate incident in the south, two other U.S. choppers collided while in flight, killing four American troops and wounding two more, the military said."

Iran FM plays down threat of pre-emptive IDF strike

Haaretz ""There is the time that Israel will offer us before reacting, because Israel will react as soon as they know clearly that there is a threat," he was quoted as saying. "

My Open Letter To The President....

Blackfive "...We fight to win, or we don’t fight at all. If you are unwilling or you are unable to fulfill your role as Commander in Chief, then you should tender your resignation. Many veterans will not forget what was said by many in your party about our efforts to defeat this enemy nor your failure to fully support our soldiers on the field of battle. Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way…. Deebow"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

WH: We're Happy To Exclude Fox, But Didn't Yesterday With Feinberg Interview

Talking Points Memo "But the White House isn't backing down from its feud with Fox. "This White House has demonstrated our willingness to exclude Fox News from newsmaking interviews, but yesterday we did not," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest." Related: More childish obsession with Fox from the White House.

The Axis of Idiots

J. D. Pendry (hat tip to Clark Best) "Our country has two enemies: Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within. Semper Fi, J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired "

Obama's Minions Are Ingrates / The Bush administration did leave a plan for Afghanistan.

by Stephen F. Hayes "... Why then, as Obama again nears a decision on the way forward in Afghanistan, would Rahm Emanuel pick a fight with Republicans--the very people who gave the president his most ardent backing the last time he announced a new strategy? Could it be that Emanuel hopes to foreclose one of Obama's options--the one Emanuel opposes--before the president makes his decision?"