Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Clean Energy Act of 2009: A Missed Opportunity for Real Nuclear Energy Policy Reform

Heritage "Senators Lamar Alexander and Jim Webb recently introduced their bipartisan Clean Energy Act of 2009 ,which aims to create a business and regulatory environment to double nuclear power production in just two decades. While their reform efforts are laudable and necessary, most of their recommendations will not bring about their desired results."

A message for the president

American Thinker "As it turned out in Yusufiya, the locals were most concerned that after a brief improvement in security, we would leave and Al Qaeda would return. They doubted our resolve. But after fourteen months of daily patrols, several casualties and one fatality, the hard work and sacrifice of men in my battalion, and many other units, convinced the Iraqis otherwise. In some ways, my unit capitalized on years of sacrifice in the region."

UK Official Critical of Barack Obama over Afghanistan

UK Telegraph "Senior British Government sources have become increasingly frustrated with Mr Obama’s “dithering” on Afghanistan, the Daily Telegraph disclosed earlier this month, with several former British defence chiefs echoing the concerns."

Hiding evidence of global cooling

Washington Examiner "Most important, however, these revelations of fudged science should have a cooling effect on global-warming hysteria and the panicked policies that are being pushed forward to address the unproven theory"

Democrats push $150B stock tax on Wall Street

The Hill "Under a bill being drafted by Democratic Reps. Peter DeFazio (Ore.) and Ed Perlmutter (Colo.), the sale and purchase of financial instruments such as stocks, options, derivatives and futures would face a 0.25 percent tax."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Three Things You Absolutely Must Know About Climategate

Pajamas Media "Here are three things everyone should know about the Climategate Papers. Links are provided so that the full context of every quote can be seen by anyone interested."...."This could prove to be climate science’s Vietnam."

Best Buy Has No Problem Wishing Muslims "Happy Eid al-Adha", But For God's Sake, There Will Be No Christmas

Infidel Bloggers Alliance "But this weekend, we learned a bit more about Best Buy's bizarre corporate logic toward Christmas and other holidays. Here is the advertising circular that was in Sunday newspapers all across the nation - including the Seattle Times:"

Climategate Computer Codes Are the Real Story

Pajamas Media "So far, most of the Climategate attention has been on the emails in the data dump of November 19, but the emails are only about 5 percent of the total. What does examining the other 95 percent tell us? Here’s the short answer: it tells us that something went very wrong in the data management at the Climatic Research Unit."

Climategate: MSM Writers Try to Ignore Scandal in Global Warming Stories But Readers Bring Them Back to Reality

Newsbusters "Bottom line here for the MSM; you can try to avoid mentioning Climategate in your global warming stories but your readers are sure to remind you of your deliberate oversight. Oh how they will remind you!"

A Sickening Story

Powerline "Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq -- the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges...Ahmed Hashim Abed,...told investigators he was punched by his captors -- and he had the bloody lip to prove it. Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers." Related: Obama's Latest Attack on America: Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist Atlas Shrugs "The enemy is O's friend and America is O's enemy. He is painfully unqualified. The man never worked a real job...never served in the military, never lived one day as a proud American, and surrounds himself with America haters and agitators. These SEALs are cooked."

Political Cartoons by Scott Stantis


Obama Blunders Through Asia; Undoing Bush's years of deft diplomacy.

The Weekly Standard "The White House stated as Obama left Asia for home last week: "Overall, American leadership was absent from this region for the last several years.'' Nonsense. Bush left office with U.S. relations with Asia's big four--China, India, Japan, and Indonesia--taken together, better than ever in history."