Monday, December 21, 2009

Obamacare still may not be inevitable.

NRO "Nelson’s sellout is a gigantic step toward the passage of the bill, but it’s not over yet. Here arare five obstacles that still stand between Reid-Pelosi and a White House signing ceremony: " By Rich Lowry & Robert Costa

GOP Leader McConnell... Releases Statement on Historic Mistake

Gateway Pundit "...Because, in the end, this debate isn’t about differences between two parties, it’s about a $2.3 trillion dollar, 2,733-page health care reform bill that does not reform health care and, in fact, makes its price go up."

Who is more respected, Sarah Palin or Al Gore?

Byron York "One is a former vice presidential candidate who has been vilified in much of the press. The other is a former two-term vice president who has been celebrated in much of the press. So which is more respected by the public at large?"...."But the striking thing is that Sarah Palin, after all the criticism that has been directed at her, finished tied for sixth place, respected by 13 percent of respondents, and Al Gore, after all the praise that has been directed at him, was in eighth place, respected by eight percent." Obama was first with 28 votes.

CBO Says Reid’s Vote Buying Cost $1.2B

Sweetness & Light "Nebraska will receive $100 million in assistance for its state Medicaid program under provisions ... negotiated by Sen. Ben Nelson (D). The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) informed lawmakers on Sunday night that the section of the manager’s amendment to the Senate’s health bill would cost $1.2 billion over 10 years."...."It looks like prostitution has been legalized in Washington, DC."

Scarborough: Rahm Fired as White House Chief of Staff 'Over the Next Year'

Newsbusters "We got a lot of friends in the Obama administration right now and they're in trouble because Barack Obama made promises during the 2008 campaign that he would not allow lobbyists to work in his White House. Well sometimes you want lobbyists working in your White House."

Lindsey Graham: Seedy Chicago Politics Passed Health Care Bill (Video)

Gateway Pundit "Senator Graham nailed it this time. “After the “health care bill debacle,” the “change you can believe in” slogan that President Obama campaigned on in 2008 seems to have been replaced by “seedy Chicago politics” with “backroom deals that amount to bribes.”… " From NRO: "You can't even dignify this squalid racket as bribery: If I try to buy a cop, I have to use my own money. But, when Harry Reid buys a senator, he uses my money, too..."

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sing Along: 'This Land Is EPA's Land' "The Clean Water Act is being rewritten to give a government bureaucracy the power to regulate every body of water from the Mississippi River to a rain-flooded field. The first casualty may be American coal."

Flag-Waving Communists & Socialists March in Copenhagen to Stop Global Warming

Breitbart TV "Newsbusters: Network journalists who were quick to see racists, haters and extremists amongst the “tea party” protesters were oblivious to communists in the “climate justice” march in Copenhagen whose cause they trumpeted."h/t to Nealz Nuze


Neal Boortz "Here's a little montage of the communist and socialist protesters in Copenhagen. What a worthless bunch of looters. Sooner or later you're going to figure out that today's environmental movement is much more about fighting capitalism and economic liberty than it is about working for clean air and water."

The High Price of Ben Nelson's Low Vote

Marc Sheppard , AT "But there’s one state that today was guaranteed immunity from such a budget-annihilating burden -- Nebraska. While 49 other states will be forced to scramble and cut and tax and reappropriate in order to meet the new mandates, Nelson’s home state won’t. That’s because Nelson sold his vote for Reid’s assurance that the feds will pay 100% of any new Nebraska Medicade costs -- forever."

Why we need tort reform

Ralph Alter , AT "In the context of a lawsuit, the deep pocket is often the target defendant, even when the true (moral) culpability is with another party because the deep pocket has money to pay a verdict. For example, a lawyer may comment that he or she sued the manufacturer of a product rather than the seller because it is the deep pocket, meaning it has more money than the seller with which to compensate the victim."The latest target of greedy lawyers hankering for cash? Cell phone service providers: "

But Obama wanted to keep Saddam in place.....

Atlas Shrugs "Mass graves across Iraq have been turning up with some frequency since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam's regime. The latest discovery was made at a former military detention camp used by Saddam's forces in Tubzama, just west of Kirkuk, 180 miles (290 kilometers) north of Baghdad, said Karim. The grave was discovered after people reported seeing bones and bits of clothing at the camp, he added. The remains were believed to be those of Kurds killed between 1988 and 1991, Karim said..."