Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Live Blog

American Thinker Some pretty big names in political commentary participated in this blog. Read their first impressions.

US Communists Admit Obama Win Was a Turning Point in Our History

Gateway Pundit "The Communist Party USA is holding their national convention this May in New York City. The organization admits in their announcement that Barack Obama’s election win was a turning point for the country. They also admit that their goal is to continue to build a “broad progressive labor-led democratic movement” able to defeat Republican obstructionism." Progressive labor-led? Hmmm. Sounds familiar.

ACORN 'gotcha' man arrested in attempt to tamper with Mary Landrieu's office phones

N.O. Times-Picayune "Last fall, O'Keefe was hailed as a conservative hero for dressing as a pimp and taping ACORN employees offering advice on how he and a partner could get away with running an international underage prostitution scheme." Way to bump yourself off the high ground, kid. Fox News: Sources close to O’Keefe say it’s “not a case of wiretapping” "The affidavit didn’t accuse the group of “wiretapping” but of “willfully and maliciously interfering” with a government phone system, which may mean something less sinister in practice (albeit possibly still in violation of the statute). "

Analysis: State of the Union offers Obama a pivot point

CNN "The good news for Obama is that he tends to rise to the occasion for the big speeches. But the question mark hanging over this one is whether Obama is ready to chart a new course, or is still struggling to figure out which path to take. Here are three big questions he has to answer tonight:"...

Obama versus Obama

Victor Davis Hanson, NRO "The only catch is that Barack Obama no longer navigates among gullible Ivy League deans, naïve philanthropists, and inept organizers and bureaucrats. No, he is running a country that still has millions of no-nonsense truckers, teachers, small-business owners, and general skeptics who don’t give a damn about either Harvard or Chicago. And in their eyes, after a year, the game is about up." Hanson refers to Obama 1.0, Obama 2.0, Obama 3.0, etc. Sweet.

HuffPost Comedy's State Of The Union Drinking Game 2010

Huffington Post Obama says "let me be clear", Do one shot; Obama says "change isn't easy", Do one shot Obama says "make no mistake", Do one shot"

Sarah Palin Clobbbers Heartless Women’s Group Over Attacks On Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad

Gateway Pundit "Florida quarterback and Heisman Trophy Winner Tim Tebow said he is standing up for what he believes in a Super Bowl ad featuring him and his mother. The ad has drawn criticism from radical women’s groups because it is likely to convey an anti-abortion message."

The Real State of the Union: Fear.

Michael Ledeen "This fear is extremely broad-based. It is not limited to social class nor to domestic or foreign policies. Banks are not lending, companies are not hiring, because they are afraid of what Obama will do next. Both are afraid of onerous taxes, including new health care burdens, and the banks fear new regulations and the consequences of the recently declared war on evil bankers by the president. Seniors are afraid they will be deprived of medical treatment. Juniors are afraid they are going to be forced to buy health insurance they don’t think they need. Across the board, Americans are afraid they’re not going to find work, and won’t be able to afford a house. And, as the Massachusetts vote showed, Americans are worried about threats from abroad, worried about Iran, afraid of terrorist attacks, and afraid the Obama dministration doesn’t take all this seriously enough. "

9/11 Commissioners to Obama: What Were You Thinking?!

Jennifer Rubin "Scott Brown seemed to have a handle on this when he said that “our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation — they do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime. In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.” Perhaps he can reach across the aisle and induce some of his new colleagues, just as we are seeing on health care, to set aside the foolishness of Obama’s first year in favor of some responsible governance."

"... a "more hopeful Obama" in the State of the Union address."

Politico "But, [Gibbs] added: "The president's going to explain why he thinks the American people are angry and frustrated." " I've been wanting to know. PLease let Joe Wilson be there tonight. H/T to Weasel Zippers.


Instapundit No, we can't.

Figures. Obama’s Socialist Advisers Are Behind His Push For Immigration Reform

Gateway Pundit "Why, in a time of high U.S. unemployment, is the Obama Administration seriously considering Rep. Luis Gutierrez’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity” bill which would grant citizenship to up to 12 million illegal immigrants? The answer has little to do with humanity, national security or prosperity. It is all about power- raw socialist power. It is all about 8,000,000 more Democratic Party votes and the creation of a “governing coalition for the long term”. Emphasis added.