Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Clinton Pal Orders Release Of Terrorist

Sweetness&Light “...of the cases I had seen, [Slahi] was the one with the most blood on his hands.” And isn’t it odd how the Associated Press neglected to mention that? Indeed, the AP also somehow managed to omit any background on the judge who issued this preposterous and dangerous order. For the record, Judge James Robertson was appointed a United States District Judge by Bill Clinton in 1994, and he made an early career out of protecting the Clintons." Its good to have friends in high places.

Bibi Responds

Commentary "Bibi Netanyahu’s speech to AIPAC last night was in a very real way a refutation of the Obama policies and rhetoric. While thanking the Obama administration for its aid and opposition to the Goldstone Report and reaffirming the bonds and common foes of the two nations, Netanyahu’s messages were unmistakable: take care of Iran or Israel will act, and we are not to be bullied on Jerusalem. But he said it much more elegantly than that." ...."But the speech, I think, will be most remembered for the bold refutation of what has passed as the Obami Middle East policy. One question remains: how will the U.S.-Israel relationship weather the Obama administration, given the differences in outlook and approach? That’s far from clear." Jennifer Rubin Barack Obama won’t allow any photos taken of him with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. " So, will he make him leave out the backdoor by the garbage, too?"

Indiana Dem Senatorial Candidate Down 18 Points After Voting For Obamacare

Gateway Pundit "Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-IN) finds himself down 18 points in the Indiana Senatorial race to replace Senator Bayh after supporting Obamacare on Sunday. 63% of Hoosiers oppose Obamacare. 35% approve of the legislation."

Stupak Hits Historic Low

Infidel Bloggers Alliance "There have been few more disgraceful, even pathetic, moments in politics than the speech by Rep. Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) on the floor of the House of Representatives last night in which he called a Republican motion to recommit "disingenuous". "

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy Hour Roundup

WhoRunsGov "* Uh oh. Senate parliamentarian declines to rule for now for on GOP’s first stab at killing reconciliation. Dems and GOPers alike tell me they aren’t sure when he’ll weigh in, and any delay suggests he may be taking the GOP’s complaint seriously." More points as well.

Issues of the Day

Victor Davis Hanson "Whether Israel and the Palestinians, or the British again in the Falklands, or the Columbians, or the Hondurans, or the Poles and Czechs, there is no particular advantage in being a pro-American democratic ally; attention and outreach instead come from being our antithesis."

Obamacare Isn’t Inevitable

National Review Online "The Democrats had no mandate to take these steps. In 2008, the president campaigned both against forcing people to buy insurance and against taxing their benefits. The legislation runs counter to the campaign on both points. The president promised to change Washington. He has made its stench more noisome, winning this vote by using every kind of deceit and (legal) corruption, and over the objection of a bipartisan coalition representing most Americans."

Preparing Legal Challenges to Health Care

American Center for Law and Justice "There will be several areas that will be challenged - including the individual mandate - the language requiring Americans to purchase health coverage - even if they disagree with the pro-abortion aspects of the law. That violates the Commerce Clause of the Constitution and one of the key areas that will be litigated. As many as 35 states - including Virginia and Florida - are poised to file lawsuits once the measure is signed into law. There are significant issues involving the rights of states which this health care package violates."


Heritage "This is why opposition to this bill will only grow. Supporters of this bill argue that popular hostility will recede upon its passage. But, rather than cementing our descent into a European-style welfare state, last night’s passage of Obamacare is best seen as a historic turning point, a true catalyst for real change. I write to reassure our supporters, the conservative movement, and the American people at large that The Heritage Foundation will do all within its power to keep this issue alive in the public square and make the intellectual case for the repeal of this act. We will bring all our resources to bear on behalf of those who believe America is and will always remain the Land of the Free."

Is ObamaCare Headed for a Supreme Court Smackdown?

Michael Filozof, AT "But Conservatives and Tea Partiers despondent over the fact that liberal Democrats just passed a massive encroachment on our liberties over their massive protests should take hope. James Madison saw this coming, and his forethought will give opponents of ObamaCare one last shot at killing it. In Federalist #10, Madison wrote "Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm." (Boy, did he ever get THAT right.)"


Neal Boortz "Are you impressed how the Democrats managed to create two new entitlement programs and yet still decrease the deficit with their healthcare bill? At least, that is what they claim. But anyone with an ounce of brains knows that this is simply too good to be true. So considering all of the gimmicks and new taxes, The Heritage Foundation sums up with America will look like in the aftermath of Obamacare." Then this: Obamacare will haunt Democrats for years to come .

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
