Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thoughts on Allies Gone By

Victor Davis Hanson "The origins of Obama’s apparent distaste for both Britain and Israel have been explored, but why the party of Truman and JFK abetted his transformation of American foreign policy is a more complex, but equally disheartening, matter."  Logo courtesy of rcgroups

Obama’s terrible powers

Dick Morris   "If the financial regulation bill that passed the House last year becomes law, President Obama and his Treasury Secretary will acquire the right to take over any financial institution they wish to, provided that, in their sole opinion, it is both “too big to fail” and on the brink of insolvency. The House bill provides for no judicial review and does not require any objective evidence of imminent failure to trigger the takeover provisions."...."This grant of power to the executive branch is unprecedented and potentially totalitarian. Consider: • Will Obama, or any future president, target companies that are particularly vocal in their opposition to his policies or generous in funding his political opponents? Will the fact that Obama would have this power force companies, investors, CEOs and managers to self-censor their opinions and political involvement because they fear the wrath of a vengeful president?" H/T to Rush Limbaugh. Emphasis added.

An Open Letter to President Barack Hussein Obama

Big Journalism "From Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress. This letter will appear as a full page ad in tomorrow’s Wall Street Journal and and Washington Post:"

Stevens: 'I Never Left Sanity. Sanity Left Me'

Ann Coulter "Whatever you think of Stevens' newfound admiration for government racial preferences, it's preposterous to say, as Stevens did, "I really don't think I've changed all that much." If liberals will lie about obvious facts from the last few decades, such as Stevens' dramatic swing to the left, how can they be trusted to tell the truth about a 200-year-old Constitution?"

UPDATE: Big Easy Beatdown of Jindal Top Campaign Fundraiser

Human Events "This morning at The Hayride, a local Louisiana publication, chilling new video of the gauntlet donors and delegates were forced to run through a group of anarchist protesters when leaving the event at Brennan’s. At one point, police were reported on the scene." A gauntlet of Obama voters to be clear about it.  There are several new videos at the link.

Tea-Party Saboteurs

NRO   "I speak from direct experience about the underhandedness of tea-party smear merchants. On Feb. 17, 2009, at one of the country’s first tax-revolt rallies in Denver, a man approached me amid a throng of bona fide anti-stimulus protesters and thrust a camera in my face. I obliged cheerfully, as I usually do after such speaking events. I later learned..."   Michelle Malkin.

It Is Not the Bomb, but Who Has It

Victor Davis Hanson  "By directing efforts against the means, rather than those who employ them, we may well direct attention from the real problem — sort of like the distraught state regulator who goes after the head-nodding, law-abiding citizen for his misdemeanor because he knows well he can do nothing much about the felonies of the dangerous criminal."

Obama as Nero

Pajamas Media  "But what really popped into my head was the image of Peter Ustinov as Nero in “Quo Vadis?” — “Do I live for the people or do the people live for me? … These people expect me to shine both day and night!” The left would have it that only the Republicans regard the masses as plebs, but Obama knows these masses as his loyal flock."   Bridget Johnson

How the Left smears the CIA and its defenders.

National Review  "With her recent review of my book, Courting Disaster, Jane Mayer may have done a service to future generations of public servants. The week her article appeared in The New Yorker, former CIA director Mike Hayden handed it out in his class at George Mason University’s School of Public Policy as an example of all that is wrong with intelligence journalism today."   Marc A. Thiessen

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Revolution

Robin of Berkeley "While that experience was seismic, it doesn't compare to my sea change upon Obama's ascension. One minute I was a leftist, despising this country and all it stood for. And then, abruptly and astonishingly, I became a conservative. I had been enamored of progressivism, socialism, all the other "isms." But when Obama came on the scene and liberals starting acting like maniacs, I viewed the underbelly of the Left. And that was it. In the blink of an eye, I saw that liberalism had rotted away. In time, I discovered that progressivism was a bogus idea to begin with."

The Ongoing Melodrama of Victims and Oppressors

Victor Davis Hanson "In all these cases, Obama commendably wants to help the less fortunate. But he seems to care far less for those who act responsibly — except to demonize them if they question whether it is either fair or even sometimes wise to subsidize those who at times don't."

A disgraceful move, but who’s really behind it?

John Locke Foundation "Organizers of a tea party event planned for Thursday at the state Capitol are unhappy they can’t carry flags on poles because of state officials’ fears that they could be used as weapons.
The prohibition applies to the American flag, North Carolina’s state flag or anything else carried on a pole more than a foot in length." Right Angles Blog.