Thursday, May 16, 2024

Trump should not shake hands with Joe Biden


RealityBites by Broc Smith

 . . ."Given their mutual dislike, that would be incongruous.  It would be the height of hypocrisy and insincerity.  In Western culture (though Biden seems to underappreciate it), a handshake symbolizes such things as warmth, respect, unity, deal-making, and peace.  Clearly, there is none of that between the two, so don’t fake it.

"During the debate(s), Trump will have to confront congenital liar Biden directly.  Or is he a pathological liar, lying just for the sake of it (like claiming that his uncle was consumed by cannibals, or whatever...)?

"There are enough examples to support both definitions, as Biden is basically a political sociopath who abuses underlings while convincing low-information voters to keep him on the public dole his whole life.  Do not shake his hand." . . .

 Peter Doocy Has an Idea About Why Biden Is So Eager to Debate; Rebecca Downs   . . ."After a back and forth over whether or not Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre could even speak about the debates, Doocy specifically asked, "Does a person generally want to debate when they are winning or when they are losing?" As she laughed about Doocy's framing of the question, Jean-Pierre offered, "I am not going to do political punditry from here, my friend. I'm just not going to do it.". . .

Here’s What Trump Should Do Now to Win the Debates Before They Happen; Derek Hunter   

Joe Biden to Debate Donald Trump on CNN with Jake Tapper, Dana Bash  . . ."The Biden campaign said the president would debate Trump only in June and September, without live audiences present" . . .

Here are all the restrictions Biden's team demanded in their Trump debate offer   Prime Joe with whatever they gave him before the SOTU.

Nolte: Knowing He’s Losing, Joe Biden Shakes Up Race with Rigged Early Debate (  . . ."On Wednesday, Biden proved that he knows he’s losing, and he did so in the most blatant way: by desperately trying to shake up the race. All of a sudden, Biden not only agreed to a debate with former President Donald Trump but announced he had accepted an early debate invitation from far-left CNN on June 27.

"The status quo would mean a late summer debate, not one five weeks from now, and certainly not one before the respective Democrat and Republican conventions have officially chosen Biden and Trump as their nominees." . . .

Victor Davis Hanson: The Biden reelection strategy    

"Biden’s fading tenure is similar to the last sad months of Woodrow Wilson’s second term, when in 1919-20, the country was assured that a bedridden president was somehow hard at work, even as his wife, doctors, and handlers kept everyone else away."

"President Joe Biden polls at or below 40 percent approval. Historically, such unpopularity has made it almost impossible for a president to be reelected.

"Biden is not so much an octogenarian as an unhealthy and prematurely aging 80-year-old. It is America’s irony that he is fit for almost no other job in the country other than the presidency, which apparently allows for a three-day-a-week ceremonial role while others in the shadows run the country.

"So how does Biden become renominated and reelected, as polls show he is behind in almost every critical swing state on nearly every issue?

"Answer: not by campaigning, not by championing his record, and especially not by doubling down on his neo-socialist and now unpopular agendas.

Instead, his campaign is focused on four other strategies to beat former President Donald Trump.

"First, left-wing local, state, and federal prosecutors are tying Trump up in court on crimes that have never been seen before and will never be again after the election. All the cases are politically motivated, with many coordinated with the White House.

"Even if Trump is not convicted by blue-state prosecutors, in blue-state courtrooms, in front of blue-state juries, he will lose critical campaigning time.

"Trump may end up paying out $1 billion in legal fees and fines. At 76, the monotonous days in court are designed to destroy him financially, physically, and mentally.

"Biden and his operatives know that, in the long term, they may have fatally damaged the American legal system with such judicial sabotage. But short-term, they hope to destroy Trump before the ballots are cast." .  . .

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