Thursday, May 16, 2024

Who Is Funding the College Protests? -

 Kurt Mahlburg - Intellectual Takeout

President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him ‘Genocide Joe’—but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists pushing hard for his reelection. . . .

Further, these are NOT "student protests." Lisa Fithian is a 63 year old professional protestor, not a student. She's planned protests for decades.

. . ."In short, the organizers aim to put their target in a “decision dilemma” by using a method of protest that leaves the target without any good options: “No matter how the target reacts they look bad.”

"If university leadership and law enforcement let protesters take over and occupy entire buildings, as they have done on many campuses, the protesters gain the upper hand. However, if police engage, the protesters “play victim and use the optics to look like sympathetic martyrs for the cause,” even though they are the aggressors.

"Putting sympathetic characters on the frontline and releasing footage to media outlets that presents protesters as victims and the targets as aggressors are all part of the strategy.

"It’s straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. Alinsky remains one of the most influential authorities on the (largely left-wing) phenomenon known as “community organizing.” In his 1971 book Rules for Radicals, Alinsky outlined 13 rules that have served as a template for generations of activists.

“ 'The real action is your target’s reaction” is a famous Alinsky tactic—and one that is self-evidently at play in the current college protests.

"The takeaway for ordinary folks?

"Wise up to the tactics of the organizers. Don’t take everything you see for granted. Keep asking questions about who is leading and funding the high-profile events being broadcast on the nightly news.

"Like the Wizard of Oz or the Emperor’s New Clothes, the power of these protests is mostly in the illusion. Shrug that off, and we can get back to an authentically functioning republic—surely a non-negotiable for an election year."

Don't forget to use an insufferable child as your prop. Greta Thunberg is never busy with school and is available. TD


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