Saturday, August 7, 2010

Regaining a Realistic Foreign Policy

Hoover Institution "Obama seems to view himself as somehow uniquely capable of transcending international differences, partly through his sheer existence, and partly through what might be called the transformational power of unilateral diplomatic outreach. His basic foreign policy instincts are not so much realist as accommodationist. All the more reason for Republicans and conservatives to develop a cogent critique of Obama’s foreign policies — not one based upon a reflexive defense of every past feature of the Bush doctrine, but one based upon a greater dose of skepticism and tough-mindedness. In other words, Republicans need to reclaim their own history, and then they will be able to reclaim mastery of American foreign policy."

Shut Up, He Explained

Bill Kristol "[Mayor Bloomberg's] remarks will be read with curiosity by future generations of Americans, who will look back in astonishment at the self-deluding pieties and self-destructive dogmas that are held onto, at once smugly and desperately, by today’s liberal elites. Our liberation from those dogmas, and from those elites, is underway across the nation. But it’s worth taking a look at Bloomberg’s speech, if only to remind us of what we need to ascend from so our descendants can look back with curiosity at the ethos to which we did not succumb."

Will Holder investigate Obama pal for providing material support to Hamas?

American Thinker "Jonathan Schanzer writes a very good , brief article in the Weekly Standard regarding efforts by some Americans -- including Barack Obama's old friend, Rashid Khalidi -- to send a ship to break the blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza. This is a blockade designed by Israel to prevent Hamas from continuing its terrorism against Israel. He quotes Andy McCarthy, who had previously asked the same question, and focuses on one point in particular raised by McCarthy:"...

New Film “I Want Your Money” Due this Fall; Trailer

Weasel Zippers "Wow! Here is a trailer for a film due out this fall called “I Want Your Money,” which looks like it will just be amazing. It takes a look big Government spending, and lampoons Barack Obama and the Democrats for their socialist economic agenda."

Obama message booed at the Boy Scout national jamboree 2010

Youtube Better watch this before they pull it.

Obama: Not the Great Stone Face

Victor Davis Hanson "After 19 months, a once cool, laid-back Barack Obama — beloved by Oprah in his mesmerizing ability to make the enraptured faint at his sermons — now polls about 45 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval — nearly a 20-point swing in less than two years. Currently, a generic Republican challenger enjoys on average a six-point edge in the polls — quite a turnabout from the twelve-point spread that Democrats mounted in January 2009. Public approval of Congress ranges from about 10 to 20 percent — the Democratic-led Congress getting even lower marks than the pre-2006 Republican one."

More on Senate Dems’ vote to let taxes increase

Beltway Confidential "By defeating DeMint’s amendments today, Democrats approved tax increases on all marginal tax brackets that will rise significantly on individuals, families, and small business to their pre-2001 levels, which were five tax rates of 15%, 28%, 31%, 36%, and 39.6%. According to analysis by the Wall Street Journal, an individual in South Carolina making $40,000 next year will pay about $400 more in federal income taxes. A South Carolina married couple earning a combined $80,000 will see their federal income tax rise by nearly $2,200. A married couple earning $160,000 next year could pay $5,500 more to Washington."


Neal Boortz "How does it feel waking up every morning, knowing that you did the "cool" thing by voting Barack Obama into the White House? Based on the current unemployment rate in this country, there is a good chance that you or someone you know has zero need to set an alarm every morning ... because there's no job to get to."

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Israel-Arab Conflict: "Root Causes" and "Red Herrings"

The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs "On May 18, 1967 the Cairo-based radio station Voice of the Arabs blared stridently:

"As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. .... The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence."

Who wrote YOUR history texbook? "Howard Zinn's Communism, by any other name"

American Thinker "Will Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who revere Zinn's work, recognize that his championship of the proletariat and condemnation of the aristocracy is simply familiar Communist propaganda? Will the History Channel cease lending historical credibility to Zinn's work, as it is obviously nothing more than suggestive socialist rhetoric? Will Oliver Stone, an admirer of Zinn, finally disparage him as the Communist he is?"....
"Sadly, the acceptance of the Communist principles found in Zinn's work has not been validated by reason, but only by the ignorant idealism of his supporters. And such ignorant idealism is why, for the past five decades, Communist philosophy has been gradually popularized and has permeated American culture as humanitarianism, collectivism, and intellectualism.
"So Zinn's Communist principles are alive and well today, tenderly nurtured by the American left. They just choose to call these principles by the less incendiary brands of "progressivism" and "social justice." "

The triumph of Prop C in Missouri

American Thinker "Proposition C was the Missouri constitutional amendment that, well, read for yourself:
"Shall the Missouri Statutes be amended to:
* Deny the government authority to penalize citizens for refusing to purchase private health insurance or infringe upon the right to offer or accept direct payment for lawful healthcare services?...."
"C did not repeal the entire law, but nullified the onerous "mandate" whereby the central government forces citizens to purchase health insurance or face fines and/or jail time. Prop C passed with a whopping 71% of the vote. "
Proposition C Yes / No Votes by County Map.

Spanish police close public beach for Michelle Obama's £250,000 Spanish holiday

UK Daily Mail "[Andrea] Tantaros wrote: ‘To be clear, what the Obamas do with their money is one thing; what they do with ours is another. Transporting and housing the estimated 70 Secret Service agents who will flank the material girl will cost the taxpayers a pretty penny.’
"She accused the Obamas of hypocrisy for preaching the values of sacrifice and austerity to Americans while seemingly refusing to heed their own advice.
"She said: ‘Instead, Michelle Obama seems more like a modern-day Marie Antoinette… than an average mother of two.’ She added: ‘I don't begrudge anyone rest and relaxation when they work hard. We all need downtime - the First Family included.
"‘It's the extravagance of Michelle Obama's trip and glitzy destination contrasted with President Obama's demonisation of the rich that smacks of hypocrisy and perpetuates a disconnect between the country and its leaders' "

Michelle’s “Excellent Adventure”: Another sign Obama doesn’t really want to be President "Several weeks ago I wrote I thought Barack Obama didn’t really want to be president. The post generated a fair amount of discussion, pro and con.
"Michelle’s $375,000 Spanish vacation — with the Daily Mail dubbing her a “modern-day Marie Antoinette” — is further proof of my thesis." Roger L Simon, Pajamas Media