Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Big Government, Big Business, Big Problem

Heritage  "President Barack Obama spoke to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce yesterday, claiming: “I understand the challenges you face. I understand you are under incredible pressure to cut costs and keep your margins up. I understand the significance of your obligations to your shareholders and the pressures that are created by quarterly reports. I get it.” No. No, he doesn’t."

Here’s a Good Start, Mr. President: 20 Burdensome Regulations  "Recently, Heritage released a list of the top 20 burdensome regulations* that should be immediately eliminated in addition to our annual Red Tape Rising Report, which this year identified 43 new major regulations. From credit card fees to the war on the lightbulb, these reports would excellent resources for an Administration serious about regulatory reform.
"In short, the President faces a choice: he can either continue to talk about tackling regulation or he can actually take concerete steps to free Americans from unnecessary regulations which hamper economic growth."
*Rolling Back Red Tape: 20 Regulations to Eliminate  "Americans are besieged by regulations. At every level, government intrudes into citizens’ lives with a torrent of do’s and don’ts(sic) that place an unsustainable burden on the economy and erode Americans’ most fundamental freedoms."
Bob Englehart: http://www.consumerfreedom.com/cartoons.cfm#cartoon144


British PM: Multiculturalism Has Failed  "But, like Cameron, Merkel doesn’t quite get it. Like German President Christian Wulff, as the BBC reported, she believes Islam is as much a “part of Germany” as Christianity. “We should not be a country either which gives the impression to the outside world that those who don't speak German immediately or who were not raised speaking German are not welcome here.”
"That is exactly what Germany has been doing and the reason the left has been pushing multiculturalism, however. And it might the reason at least 30 percent of Germans believe their home has been “overrun by foreigners.”"

Obama DOJ Colluded with ACLU to Attack Arizona’s Immigration Law

Big Government  "These documents, obtained through a June 17, 2010, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, include email exchanges between DOJ officials and ACLU staff. And I think when you read them for yourself you’ll see how difficult it is to tell where the ACLU ends and the DOJ begins.
"For example, check out this July 27, 2010, email exchange between Lucas Guttentag, leader of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project and the DOJ’s Deputy Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler:"

Obama’s Reactive Pronouncements in the Middle East Are Not Leadership; They Are Deadly

Big Peace "But [Obama's] comments clearly downplayed the possibility of a Muslim Brotherhood victory indicating some elements of the Brotherhood (in Egypt) were anti-American. If the Muslim Brotherhood has not been forthright with their behavior to this point, what is that gives him any optimism and does he have any right to hang our future sovereignty and security on his personal perceptions?"


Social Scientist Sees Bias Within

NY Times  "He polled his audience at the San Antonio Convention Center, starting by asking how many considered themselves politically liberal. A sea of hands appeared, and Dr. Haidt estimated that liberals made up 80 percent of the 1,000 psychologists in the ballroom. When he asked for centrists and libertarians, he spotted fewer than three dozen hands. And then, when he asked for conservatives, he counted a grand total of three. "

Where Is Obama on Bush Arrest Threat?

Commentary Magazine  "Regarding that story about the Swiss arrest threat against President Bush, David Frum points out that one person has been conspicuously silent on the matter. As NGOs claim credit for thwarting Bush’s trip to Switzerland, President Obama has made no attempt to intervene on behalf of his beleaguered predecessor:"...

Are Health-Care Waivers Unconstitutional? (Updated)

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE  "More seriously, it raises questions about whether we live under a government of laws. Congress can pass statutes that apply to some businesses and not others, but once a law has passed — and therefore is binding — how can the executive branch relieve some Americans of their obligation to obey it?
"The dangers of inequity are obvious. Will only corporations and unions get waivers, or can individuals also get them? For example, if a family physician feels financial pressure under the health-care law to fire one of his employees, will he get a waiver to avoid adding to unemployment?"
Chip Bok: http://www.worldmag.com/editorialcartoons/

Ft. Hood's victims: sacrificed for PC

NY Post  "In any other war, someone like Maj. Hasan would never have gotten close to the Army, never have been handled with kid gloves, and never been promoted.
"What was the Army thinking? That if we could just get our enemies to like us, all this unpleasantness will soon be over?"

WikiLeaks and Ft. Hood Reports Show Military Political Correctness Endangers Lives  "The litigious LGBT movement is standing by with attorneys to sue everyone silly who dares to cross a gay soldier. The “PC paralysis” is just beginning. But look what damage has been so far. This can’t stand."

When Political Correctness Places Our Military in Harm's Way, It Is Time for a Change From Nov, 2009.  "Had anyone in our military been able to report this man's views without fear of retribution, without fear of being called a profiler, Thursday's horrid shooting at Ft. Hood would not have happened. If political correctness were not part of military protocol, Major Hasan would have been arrested as a traitor because that is what he is. "

Political Correctness is Jihad against our military  "It seems unbelievable that many of our investigators and high ups in military take the word of and complaint of the Islamic terrorist killers more than our fine soldiers. Our troops pay again and again. In most cases, justice is finally done, after many have fought in court, experienced financial ruin, lost marriages and careers." From March, 2010

John McCain: Right Again on Foreign Policy. But Will Obama Listen?

Max Boot "The U.S. does not have the option of voting “present” in this crisis. What we say and do matters. It’s time for Obama to follow McCain’s lead — not for the first time."

John McCain on Egypt  "“Make no mistake, what is happening in Egypt is nothing short of a revolution, and it should put other undemocratic governments on notice that their presumed stability is a false stability.”"

Strangely related: Pro-Egypt Protester: Tea Party More Dangerous Than Muslim Brotherhood  Video.
Democracy or Jew-Hatred? More Evidence of Anti-Semitism at the Egypt Protests  "There is massive evidence to be found in the Western media of anti-Semitism and “anti-Zionism” at the Egypt protests. But images in the flickr streams of amateur local photographers are even more shocking and unambiguous."


Neal Boortz "Now ... let's do a quick Cliff Notes review of this man as it relates to commerce and the private markets.
"Barack Obama is a man who has:
•Never had to write a business plan
•Never had to review a business plan to determine its worthiness
•Never had to create a budget for a private business
•Never had to calculate the economic worth of an existing or new employee for a business
•Never had to worry about the cost of benefits provided to a business employee
•Never had to worry about whether or not a business was making a profit
•Never had to explain to a boss or to shareholders why a business was losing money
•Never had to file a business tax return
•Never had to talk to an accountant about business matters
•Never had to hire an attorney to deal with business matters
•Never had to worry about the effects of government regulations on a business he owns or operates
•Never had to tell an employee that he was being let go because business was slow
•Never had to place a "help-wanted" ad looking for a new worker
•Never had to look at a list of revenues and expenses to determine how much a new employee can be paid.
•Never had to face competition from a new business down the street
.... And most importantly:
Barack Obama is a man who has referred to the private sector as "the enemy."
How President Obama plays media like a fiddle  "This three-month metamorphosis says something about Obama’s survival skills, but the turnabout says even more about the mainstream media..."
Hat tip to Neal Boortz

Monday, February 7, 2011

O'Reilly Obama Interview Shows That President Still Hasn't Changed Course

Fox News "On the revolution sweeping Egypt and other Middle Eastern capitals, President Obama still cannot articulate what U.S. interests are and how he will use tools available to him to advance those interests.
"This could be as easy as saying, "we stand with those seeking democracy, we insist that the dictator of Egypt leave, and we will oppose and work against the Islamists who want an even worse alternative to existing repression."
"Instead, Mr. Obama seemed again to reprise the role of the litigator-in-chief who took three months in 2009 to respond to an urgent request for more troops from our military commander in Afghanistan, and who refused to support democracy forces in Iran as they took to the streets in 2009 and again last year.
"When asked directly by O’Reilly if the Muslim Brotherhood is a threat to the U.S., the president responded:
“I think the Muslim Brotherhood is one faction in Egypt, but they are well organized there are strains of their ideology that are anti-U.S.”

Big Lie in Bill O’Reilly’s Obama Interview: The Muslim Brotherhood Has Only One Strain, An Islamic Supremacist Virus  "Perhaps the President has forgotten that the Muslim Brotherhood spawned the terrorist organization Hamas. Perhaps he skipped over the senior London-based Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Ghanem’s statement to Iran’s Arabic-language news station, Al-Alam, that the Egyptian people “should be prepared for war against Israel.”
"Backing Ghanem’s stance, Muslim Brotherhood deputy leader in Egypt Rashad al-Bayoumi later told Japan’s NHK TV that a new provisional government, presumably including Muslim Brotherhood participants, should dissolve the 30 year old peace treaty with Israel. Is war against Israel one of those “strains” of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology that President Obama is willing to accept? How about their call for the immediate closing of the Suez Canal?"
Please refer to the Mike Ramirez deer-in-the-headlights cartoon below.

The 1099 Repudiation; A revealing debate over one of Washington's dumbest ideas..

Wall Street Journal  "Less than a year ago, liberals couldn't see how anyone could possibly object to a rule requiring businesses to file 1099 tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service every time they spent more than $600 with a single vendor. Yes, this would result in a vast new paperwork and accounting burden for 30 million businesses and hit start-ups hardest, not to mention farms, charities and churches. But Democrats saw IRS surveillance of nearly all business-to-business transactions as merely an exercise in good government."