Friday, June 1, 2012

Axelrod’s Anti-Romney Message Gets Drowned Out

NY Times  " “Most of the events I go to, or many of the events I go to, there are large groups of, if you will, Obama supporters there heckling me,” Mr. Romney said. “If they’re going to be heckling us, why we’re not going to sit back and play by very different rules. If the president is going to have his people coming to my rallies, and heckling, why, we’ll show them that, you know, we conservatives have the same kind of capacity he does.” "

Via Instapundit: When Romney Fights Back, Politico Declares the Day ‘Nasty’.
"The only reason the corrupt Politico is declaring today "nasty" is because Their Precious One lost the Chicago street fight he is never supposed to lose. As you can read here andhere, Romney is proving this is no longer 2008 and that worries the media as much as it does the Obama campaign."

 Mitt Promises Tit-for-Tat – Will Send His Supporters to Obama Rallies …Then He Does

Last week Barack Obama sent his campaign supporters down to a Romney event in Philadelphia to protest.

"In response to this, Mitt Romney promised reporters today, “If the president wants to send his supporters to my rally, we’ll show him that we have the same capacity as he does.” "And Mitt delivered. 
"Romney supporters met Obama senior strategist David Axelrod at his anti-Romney event in Massachusetts."

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Obama Kill List

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

President Obama's secret kill list   "The leader of the government regularly sits down with his senior generals and spies and advisers and reviews a list of the people they want him to authorize their agents to kill. ... The leader once condemned any practice even close to this, but now relishes the killing because he has convinced himself that it is a sane and sterile way to keep his country safe and himself in power. The leader, who is running for re-election, even invited his campaign manager to join the group that decides whom to kill.
(Emphasis added)

The Left’s just-war theory: It’s okay if Obama does it.  "The Times notes that “Mr. Obama’s record has not drawn anything like the sweeping criticism from allies that his predecessor faced.” True enough. It hasn’t been subjected to a highly politicized assault at home and abroad by people desperate to put it in the worst possible light and even make it a war crime.""
Rich Lowry is the editor of National Review.

Nanny Bloomberg again (updated)

Political Cartoons by Brian Farrington

 Rick Moran:  We're saved! Bloomberg to ban sugared sodas over 16 oz.  "This is nonsense, and most people are going to see through it. It is a classic American political response to a non-political problem; make it appear that politicians are "doing something about the problem" of obesity when, in actuality, there is no political solution -- at least none that you could get away with in America."
Below: a Rich Terrell update

Bozell Column: Ed Schultz's Wisconsin Campaign

Newsbusters  "Ed Schultz is the kind of shameless liberal hack who can go on air standing in front of screaming labor-union crowds in Madison calling for Gov. Scott Walker’s head on a platter, and then turn around and announce that “Fox News is an arm of the Republican Party.” "
"A new Media Research Center study shows “The Ed Show” guest count tilted against Walker by 237 to 1. Think about this. One person supporting Walker, two-hundred and thirty-seven against. Contrast this with “The O’Reilly Factor’s” guest count on the subject: twelve guests for Walker, eight opposed, seven neutral."

Yeah, THAT Ed Schultz  "Schultz’s apology was as full and heartfelt as any I have ever seen from a media figure (as it should have been). He rightly called his comments “vile,” and revealed that he tried to reach Ingraham by telephone to apologize personally, but was only able to leave a message. More than anything, Schultz seemed to grasp the gravity of what he had said, and his shame and embarrassment were palpable as he asked Ingraham for forgiveness."

President Bush sees his portrait today

The Unveiling of the White House Bush Portrait    "Michelle Obama thanked the Bushs(sic) for their warmth and grace, all very proper.  But seeing George and Laura Bush reminded me of what class looked like in the White House. It's good the Obamas(sic) now know how to act when they return in a 4 years for their unveiling."

LA Times photo (right)

Politico: "Everyone got the joke, and Obama flashed a big smile and chuckled appreciatively, but try as he might, he couldn’t stick entirely to the high road during his tribute remarks. During one passage, some East Room guests alert to any hints of friction shot nervous glances at one another, and one woman could be seen mouthing the word “ouch." "
"For the past four years, Barack Obama has disparaged, mocked, and blamed George W. Bush for everything which is wrong with our country - with a special emphasis on those things which have gotten a helluva lot worse under Mr. Obama himself. Just last week, the world's most powerful golfer accused Bush of creating sneaky tax breaks for the "wealthiest Americans," savaging the education system, and stealing healthcare from the elderly...all of which is a pretty good trick for a guy who seems to be spending most of his time working with wounded veterans."
More excellent photos here.

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Gives Standard Stump Speech at George W. Bush's Portrait Unveiling (Video included)
OBAMA:  The months before I took the oath of office were a chaotic time.  We knew our economy was in trouble, our fellow Americans were in pain, but we wouldn't know until later just how breathtaking the financial crisis had been, and still over those two and a half months --
 RUSH:  It's "Mr. President, you went out of your way." It's not "George, you went out of your way."  Anyway, he couldn't help himself.  This is a day where all this is set aside but he has to point out, it was bad, and it was worse than we knew. It was worse than they told us, but even two and a half months, in the midst of the crisis, President Bush went out of their way to make sure the transition to us was seamless.  The months before I took the oath were chaotic, the economy was in trouble, fellow Americans were in pain. 
"So you got Bush sitting there and the country sucked when I got here 'cause of you, buddy, even though we're unveiling your portrait today. It was so bad, we didn't know how bad it was until we actually got in here, George."... 

The Loan Arranger

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Eric Holder and the black pastors (Updated)

Update: Libs still whining about the right to vote  "If Barack Obama loses in November, you will most assuredly hear the cries of racism from the same panic-stricken Obama sycophants who are currently claiming that voter ID laws are purposefully disenfranchising black Americans.  Rational discussion of Mitt Romney will be set aside because he didn’t rightfully win the presidency, thanks to the right-wing conspiracy!

Eric Holder Integrates Church and State in Anti-Voter ID Pushback  "During a House subcommittee hearing last spring Rep. John Culberson of Texas accused Holder of refusing to prosecute members of the Black Panther Party. The AG took offense insisting "his Department of Justice does not enforce the law in a race-conscious way."
"Is helping black pastors to get the vote out -- all on the taxpayer's dime I might add -- not being "race conscious?" And how about that pesky separation of church and state violation?"

Attendees of Eric Holder event think Operation Fast and Furious is a movie [VIDEO]
"Attorney General Eric Holder gave the keynote address at a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches on Wednesday morning.

"Following the speech, The Daily Caller asked attendees what they thought of Operation Fast and Furious, the ATF gun-walking operation that lost track of thousands of trafficked firearms across the Mexican border, resulting in the deaths of a U.S. Border Patrol agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens."

Attorney General Holder briefs black pastors on election law   "That’s why we can’t make do without Eric Holder, folks.  It takes a lot of self-discipline to avoid turning an important office like Attorney General into a gushing fountain of political hackery."  

Unreal: Holder To Brief Hundreds Of Black Pastors On How To Campaign For Obama…
Quoting Beltway Confidential:   "Cleaver said they would not tell pastors which candidate to support. They will let them know who to regard as the good guys, though (hint: not Republicans). “We’re going to talk about some of the draconian laws* that have cropped up around the country as a result of the 17 percent increase in African American votes,” Cleaver said, describing voter ID laws as a form of Jim Crow-style “poll tax” on seniors and black voters."
*Meaning voter ID laws to prevent cheating.

Rush Limbaugh: Reprehensible Holder Scares Black Voters  "...if the New Black Panthers can engage in near-criminal activity and voter intimidation at a polling place and Holder lets that go, what the heck is he gonna do to a black minister who crosses the line on politicking from the pulpit? Nothing!"

Armed EPA Agents Visit Ashville Man

EPA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Alan Caruba  "Sometimes a small incident says volumes about a large government agency. In this case the Environmental Protection Agency.
"Around 1.45 PM on May 23, Ashville, North Carolina resident Larry Keller was in the midst of an international call which he had to cut short in order to answer his front door. He found two armed agents of the EPA who were accompanied by an Ashville Police officer." 
"The only option at this point is to rid the nation of the Obama administration, crack down on the EPA, and rid us of the threat it poses in its efforts to deny entire industries from providing the energy the nation requires and attacks our agricultural and ranching communities for practices that reflect its normal operation."

Related: U.S. v. Heicklen: The Nullification of Free Speech  "No matter what your stance may be on the issues of drug decriminalization or jury nullification, the right to peaceably and reasonably discuss either matter in public should be allowed without question. To arrest someone for discussing a matter of public concern peaceably in a public place—that’s a crime against free speech."

Taiwanese Animation Company Recreates Obama And The Choom Gang…

Weasel Zippers: "You knew this was coming."

Status of the "War on Women"

Two, Three, Many Obamas

Victor Davis Hanson  "As the campaign heats up, one problem is that we continue to meet lots of different Barack Obamas — to such a degree that we don’t know which, if any, is really president."
"Barry Obama respects those who make billions from Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook, but Barack Obama does not respect those who make billions from oil, farming, and construction. Is Wall Street the source of our national problems or the source of the president’s political salvation? There is an Obama who runs against a prep-schooled mansion-living member of the elite; there is another Obama who was a prep-schooled mansion-living member of the elite."

Outrage in Poland over Obama's 'Polish Death Camp' comment

Rick Moran  "It's so nice to have a president who's smart, don't you think? I mean, Obama can pronounce "nuclear" correctly, although the word kind of sticks in his throat when mentioning it in the same breath as Iran or North Korea.
"But there's "smart" like Obama, and then there's "smart" like, well, the rest of us. Obama's gaffetastic appearances lately makes one wonder if we should redefine the idea of intellectual acuity and place the president in a separate category."
The other half of the White House brain trust
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Lets see, where were we before Mr. Biden came into the room?
President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’  " “The White House will apologize for this outrageous error,” Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski tweeted.  Sikorski said that Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk “will make a statement in the morning. It’s a pity that this important ceremony was upstaged by ignorance and incompetence*.” "  AuschwitzDachau,Nazi death camp
1.      not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable: an incompetent candidate.
characterized by or showing incompetence: His incompetentacting ruined the play.

This Ain’t No Polish Joke  "I am outraged. I am ashamed. And I am deeply sorry to Polish people, for my president, and for the tragic series of events that put this merciless SCoaMF in the Oval Office.
"And with that, I’ve managed more of an apology than the White House could muster. Instead of a personal apology, Obama sent out a lowly NSC spokesman to say, “The president was referring to Nazi death camps operated in Poland. The president has demonstrated in word and deed his rock-solid commitment to our close alliance with Poland.” 
"Well isn’t that just dandy. The president himself said about the stupidest, most offensive thing imaginable to an entire people. And by way of apology, SCoaMF had someone nobody has ever heard of explain that of course Teh Won didn’t really make a mistake. He’s the smartest man in the room, don’t you know." Stephen Green

Obama Shrugs Off Poland’s Demand He Apologize For Referring to Nazi Death Camps As Polish…

" “I am convinced that our American friends can today allow themselves a stronger reaction than a simple expression of regret from the White House spokesman — a reaction more inclined to eliminate once and for all these kinds of errors,” Tusk told reporters in Warsaw.
"“Today, this is a problem for the reputation of the United States,” the prime minister said."....