Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Armed EPA Agents Visit Ashville Man

EPA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Alan Caruba  "Sometimes a small incident says volumes about a large government agency. In this case the Environmental Protection Agency.
"Around 1.45 PM on May 23, Ashville, North Carolina resident Larry Keller was in the midst of an international call which he had to cut short in order to answer his front door. He found two armed agents of the EPA who were accompanied by an Ashville Police officer." 
"The only option at this point is to rid the nation of the Obama administration, crack down on the EPA, and rid us of the threat it poses in its efforts to deny entire industries from providing the energy the nation requires and attacks our agricultural and ranching communities for practices that reflect its normal operation."

Related: U.S. v. Heicklen: The Nullification of Free Speech  "No matter what your stance may be on the issues of drug decriminalization or jury nullification, the right to peaceably and reasonably discuss either matter in public should be allowed without question. To arrest someone for discussing a matter of public concern peaceably in a public place—that’s a crime against free speech."

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