Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How Ignorant are Obama Supporters?

Godfather Politics   "We know that Obama supporters are as ignorant about economic issues as the president. They don’t care about economics as long as their college education is being paid for by other people.

"In 2008, there was a large turnout of youth voters, most of whom were college students. To get into college, a certain amount of academic acumen is necessary. We’re talking about at least C+ students.
"Then there are blacks who turn a blind eye to Obama’s harmful social and economic policies because the president is black. Race trumps policy.
"The fine folks at Howard Stern’s operation went into Harlem and asked people who are supporting President Obama this time around some simple questions about Mitt Romney and the President. The results are depressing.
"It seems that our educational system and so-called black leadership have done a good job in keeping people ignorant. An ignorant populace is an easily led populace."
Trust me; there are plenty of nincompoops in other races. Last night we watched House Hunters International where a young American lady was searching in Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia. Her guide said of a bridge they were on, "This is the bridge where World War One began when the Archduke was assassinated here."
Her reply: "Oh, Cool", followed by silence.

Obama offers himself up as 'eye candy' on 'The View'

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden 
Madonna strips for Obama, offers profanity-laced endorsement    "....which involved the singer stripping down to her underwear to reveal the president's name written on her body. 
“You all better vote for f---ing Obama okay,” she told the crowd at Washington's Verizon center.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rioting, Murdering & Terrorizing People is Totally un-Islamic! But strikes fear into Democrats in Hollywood and government.

We the People  In the video below, Pat Condell in his usual intelligently hysterically funny manner ground pounds the cult of death.
"He has had it, with Islam is sees no place for it on the planet.  With more people in his camp we just may check mate these inbred fools far sooner than anticipated."

Highly recommended reading:  
We The People quotes from the Gatestone Institute; How Much For A Piece Of The First Amendment?  "One of the hard lessons from the pre-school sandbox is that bullies thrive on weakness. Yet Obama hopes to escape this truth as his administration desperately pressures Youtube to ban the video, and spends $70,000 of taxpayers' money to run public service disclaimers in Urdu.".... 
"Patrick Henry did not say, "Give me liberty, or . . , ahh . . , uhm . . , I will apologize for even asking." Our examples, our founding leaders, spoke in clear and certain terms."

(Left) A photo from last Friday’s ‘Day of Love‘  in Pakistan.
… Now at least one fearful studio has asked an Islamic cleric to “vet” its script. Senior executives at another have entered into intense briefing sessions with Department of State officials to minimise(sic) or expunge any content that could be deemed offensive. …   More fear and dhimmitude  here.

Meanwhile, courageous Hollywood trashes Republicans   The movie, Game Change "was a partisan hatchet job, a broadly comic retelling of actual events that wasn't actually funny or factual. Why wouldn't far-left Hollywood toast it on the biggest night of the television year?"

YOO-HOO, ANTIQUE MEDIA: You figured out yet that everything the White House told you about Benghazi was a lie?

Doug Ross Journal   Stephen Hayes does the rundown, (Posted elsewhere in the Tunnel Wall today)  which can be summarized as follows:

• Ambassador Susan Rice lied on five Sunday talk shows last week, saying that the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens wasnot "premeditated or preplanned".

• Ambassador Susan Rice also lied about Stevens' security, stating that " two of the four Americans who were killed were there providing 
• White House Press Secretary Jay Carney lied that the attacks had nothing to do with the anniversary of 9/11.

• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied as well, indicating that an anti-Islamic film was the cause of the non-existent protests in Benghazi

• Hillary's State Department lied; first downplaying the possibility of 9/11 terror attacks and then scrubbing its website to remove its horrific mistake

• Clinton also lied to Senate Republicans, claiming they did not have details of the terror attacks when they were instead revealing those details to The New York Times

• President Barack Obama also lied, echoing the same falsehoods for days on end

The facts: There was no protest in Benghazi. There was only a planned, premeditated terror attack on the U.S. consulate. The attack was initiated on the anniversary of 9/11. And two heroic ex-Navy SEALs -- who were not part of Ambassador Stevens' security team -- jumped into the fray and died protecting him.

This is a scandal. And even Sixties media is going to have to cover it.

A Question for Leftist Jews: Why Do Munich’s Failures Trouble You More Than Benghazi’s?

PJ Media   Make the connection: Like West Germany did, Obama and Hillary Clinton risk your lives for their fantasies.
"Perhaps the cruelty of an attack during what is otherwise an earnest event is why it still aches, and so much deeper than similar horrors. But the 1972 Munich Olympics slaughter, the planned, political murder of 11 members of the Israeli Olympic delegation, deserves mention as an apt parallel to the Benghazi embassy lynching. The two events were facilitated by the same incompetence unique to politically correct, Progressive motivations of this and last century, and intellectual honesty demands that the same derision you harbor for the West German organizers should be directed towards Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy and national security failure."
...."Hilary(sic) Clinton called Bashar Assad a “reformer.” Admiral James Clapper said the Muslim Brotherhood was “secular.” The massacre at Fort Hood was recorded as “workplace violence.” A ruthless KGB-trained dictator was trusted with a “reset.”
"Candidate Obama wanted to chat with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with “no preconditions,” and Obama refused to side with the anti-Ahmadinejad protesters following a sham election. Obama and Clinton then put real reformers and moderates in danger by shepherding al-Qaeda operatives to power in Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt."

Release the Khalidi Tape Now

PJ Media  "This tape, known as the Khalidi Tape, records a going-away party held in Chicago in 2003. Here’s what I wrote back in April 2010:

Rashid Khalidi — a Palestinian-American historian known for his strong pro-Palestinian opinions — is currently the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia and director of that university’s Middle East Institute. After Khalidi received this Columbia appointment in 2003, a farewell dinner party was held in his honor in Chicago. A videotape was made of that party where many good things were said about the Palestinian cause and many bad things about Israel. Then Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama was in attendance, as were, some say, William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.
That tape, as Leon DeWinter reminded us, was given at some point by an unknown person to Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times. Wallsten then reported on some of its contents in a brief LAT article of April 10, 2008 titled “Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Obama.”  ....
 Another Questionable Barack Obama Friendship

Andrew McCarthy wrote this back in 2008; The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Bash Tape    "Let’s try a thought experiment. Say John McCain attended a party at which known racists and terror mongers were in attendance. Say testimonials were given, including a glowing one by McCain for the benefit of the guest of honor … who happened to be a top apologist for terrorists. Say McCain not only gave a speech but stood by, in tacit approval and solidarity, while other racists and terror mongers gave speeches that reeked of hatred for an American ally and rationalizations of terror attacks."

From 2010; Obama's Pal, Rashid Khalidi and The "Peace Flotilla"   "President Obama's good friend, former PLO mouthpiece Rashid Khalidi, is back in the news. He has signed an appeal for funds to outfit another ship that, like the "peace flotilla," would try to break Israel's blockade of Gaza, the territory controlled by Hamas.
"The ship would be called — wait for it — The Audacity of Hope." 


Today's look at our media; The Khalidi tape vs. the Romney tape

The Dumbest Anchormen  ..."What’s the difference between Chris Matthews and Ron Burgundy? Answer: One is a pompous, self-absorbed, often-in-error-but-never-in-doubt blowhard impervious to facts and logic. The other has a really bushy mustache."
...."The Post can’t even identify Obama by name as the politician deserving of the dreaded four scarlet “P”s. He’s merely the former Illinois senator who deserves to be called a liar about his support for infanticide — but we’re too sleepy to bother.
What makes media bias so infuriating is not its existence but the stubborn refusal of the guilty parties to admit it."

Debate moderators will spell the difference  " The Romney-Obama debates beginning October 3rd will be moderated by what might be, probably will be, a "journalist" with an agenda.  It will be subtle and clever but the predetermined directional forces will be there."
Remember Brian Williams and his "how do you sleep at night?" question?

CBS Doesn't Air Obama Admitting Mistakes in Campaign Ads  "But curiously enough, the news magazine show did not air a clip of Obama admitting to interviewer Steve Kroft that some of his campaign ads contain mistakes and that some even "go overboard.""

Stephen Hayes; Permanent Spin  "On the one hand, as the final elements of the administration’s story began to unravel in the middle of last week, the New York Times did not find those facts fit to print. On Thursday morning, the same day White House spokesman Jay Carney would finally admit that the Benghazi assault was “a terrorist attack,” the Times did not publish a story about Libya." 

"In an article written by Peter Wallsten during the 2008 election titled, "Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Obama," we learned of the event, that there was video of the event, and that some of the night's speakers accused Israel of terrorism and compared Jewish settlers to terror mastermind Osama bin Laden.  
"There's also speculation Obama lavished praise on the terror-apologist Khalidi and that Bill Ayers was in attendance. You know, the domestic terrorist Obama says was "just a guy in the neighborhood."
"....And yet, the same media, that as I write this is replaying the illegally obtained and selectively edited '47 percent' video of Mitt Romney for the gajillionth time, refuses to release the full Khalidi tape or provide a full description of what the tape shows."  (Emphasis added)

When Harry met Romney

Now the Dems go after Romney because he paid too much in taxes.

Likeable? Who Cares? We're Hiring a New CEO, Not Looking For a Friend  "The decision the American voter faces in November is clear. Do you vote for the man who has done the best job of telling you what you want to hear .. the man pursuing the job with no real record of accomplishment or success?  Or do you step into the voting booth and recruit the man with a proven record of business success – a man who might not be as glib or smooth at asking for the job – but a man who clearly has the better credentials to get the job done?" Boortz
Obama: Romney 'sure can afford' to pay more  "Isn’t that great that Obama has now decided that he will be the one to determine who can and should pay more in taxes?  As they say:  “From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.”  “They” being communists, of course." Neal Boortz  

NRO; Romney and Our Broken Tax Code  "The Democrats have managed to intentionally conflate the personal with the political, assisted as usual by the media. Reforming the tax code is important work for serious minds; the attention given to Romney’s personal taxes by Obama, Reid, and their echo chamber is juvenile."  (This blog -meaning moi- often refers to Mr. Obama as a petulant juvenile. Can anyone convince me he is not?)

Romney Gave 1,000 Times as Much to Charity in a Year as Biden Gave in a Decade
"The release of Mitt Romney’s 2011 tax returns shows that he freely gave away more than $4 million to charity last year (about 30 percent of his income)."

"This president just goes out there and says whatever sounds good at the moment, and the Activist Old Media watches from the sidelines, or often, encourages the deception. 
"Or, I could use the harsh word and call them all what they really are----lies. "
Harry's Source Lied, Media Complied  " A letter from auditors at Price Waterhouse Cooper states unequivocally that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid taxes every year between 1990 and 2009. This puts an end, once and for all, to irresponsible left-wing media speculation started by Sen. Harry Reid and the Huffington Post back in July."

Cartoon shows how rarely Muslims are actually outraged

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Obama skipping face-to-face meetings at the UN

Would Obama prefer the
 company of Whoopie...
NY Post  via Lucianne   "The world's leaders are gathering in New York, but President Barack Obama has no plans to meet privately with any of them.

"He will make time for "The View," a freewheeling TV talk show more likely to reach voters than Obama would with the diplomacy he is skipping at the United Nations.
"Just six weeks until the election, the realities and priorities of campaign politics hang prominently over Obama's final turn on the world stage before facing voters.
...or Bibi?
"Unlike his predecessors, he is skipping the face-to-face meetings with counterparts where much of the U.N. works gets done, leaving Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to pick up more of those sessions herself.
...."At the U.N., Obama will try to differentiate himself from Romney by projecting a less aggressive tone toward the world, while also defending America and not seeming like an apologist..."

This Tony Branco cartoon is a good lead-in for the post that follows it

Steyn on Bowing to the Mob (Flag update)

Mark Steyn  "Mark says of the new, redesigned Obama flag, ..."And where the stripes used to be are a handful of red daubs, eerily mimicking the bloody finger streaks left on the pillars of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi as its staff were dragged out by a mob of savages to be tortured and killed. What better symbol could one have of American foreign policy? Who says the slick hollow vapid marketing of the Obama campaign doesn’t occasionally intersect with reality?"
....In the Middle East, Islam had always been beyond criticism. It was only natural that, as their numbers grew in Europe, North America, and Australia, observant Muslims would seek the same protections in their new lands. But they could not have foreseen how eager Western leaders would be to serve as their enablers. . . . 
In mentioning his latest book, After America, Steyn writes: "I speculate on how future generations will look back on our time from a decade or two hence:
As the more cynical Islamic imperialists occasionally reflected, how quickly the supposed defenders of liberal, pluralist, Western values came to sound as if they were competing to be Islam’s lead prison bitch.
Related; PJ Media; an Interview: Mark Steyn on After America

"The great thing about him is that he attempted to accelerate American decline and spurred the Tea Party in response.  And that’s the one hope for America, that there are still enough Americans who say, you know, to hell with you.  We are not going to decay.  We are not going to decline.  We are not going to seize up.  But we are going to — we are going to reverse this.
"You don’t have a movement like that in Iceland.  You don’t have a movement like that in Bulgaria.  You don’t have a movement like that in Greece or Portugal.  We still have a movement like that in the United States.  And that’s the best hope for the future."

UPDATE: OBAMA CAMPAIGN QUIETLY DITCHES FAUX FLAG    "The Obama campaign produced a poster of an American flag, with Obama’s “O” symbol replacing the field of stars, as an item of campaign merchandise, selling for $35. The image was tasteless at best. It is hard to imagine any other politician arrogant enough to remake the flag in his own image:"...
One reason given is the reason we covered in the above post.
"JOE updates: The Obama website returns this “page not found” message when you try to buy the flag:"

Some quick hits from today's news