Monday, September 24, 2012

When Harry met Romney
Now the Dems go after Romney because he paid too much in taxes.

Likeable? Who Cares? We're Hiring a New CEO, Not Looking For a Friend  "The decision the American voter faces in November is clear. Do you vote for the man who has done the best job of telling you what you want to hear .. the man pursuing the job with no real record of accomplishment or success?  Or do you step into the voting booth and recruit the man with a proven record of business success – a man who might not be as glib or smooth at asking for the job – but a man who clearly has the better credentials to get the job done?" Boortz
Obama: Romney 'sure can afford' to pay more  "Isn’t that great that Obama has now decided that he will be the one to determine who can and should pay more in taxes?  As they say:  “From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.”  “They” being communists, of course." Neal Boortz  

NRO; Romney and Our Broken Tax Code  "The Democrats have managed to intentionally conflate the personal with the political, assisted as usual by the media. Reforming the tax code is important work for serious minds; the attention given to Romney’s personal taxes by Obama, Reid, and their echo chamber is juvenile."  (This blog -meaning moi- often refers to Mr. Obama as a petulant juvenile. Can anyone convince me he is not?)

Romney Gave 1,000 Times as Much to Charity in a Year as Biden Gave in a Decade
"The release of Mitt Romney’s 2011 tax returns shows that he freely gave away more than $4 million to charity last year (about 30 percent of his income)."

"This president just goes out there and says whatever sounds good at the moment, and the Activist Old Media watches from the sidelines, or often, encourages the deception. 
"Or, I could use the harsh word and call them all what they really are----lies. "
Harry's Source Lied, Media Complied  " A letter from auditors at Price Waterhouse Cooper states unequivocally that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid taxes every year between 1990 and 2009. This puts an end, once and for all, to irresponsible left-wing media speculation started by Sen. Harry Reid and the Huffington Post back in July."

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