Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hillary Takes Veiled Shots at Obama in McAuliffe Endorsement Speech

Big Government  "Clinton also took a shot at people who are corrupted by ideology, by special interests, or both--another sideswipe at Obama. Much of the liberal base of the Democratic Party is upset that Obama has not been stricter with Wall Street and is similarly upset that he seems more consumed with ideology than with solving problems.
“ 'If it’s only about yourself, if it’s only about you wanting to get a job and get the perks that go with it and, you know, have people stand up when you come into a room, that’s not enough anymore because it’s hard,” Clinton said. “Politics is hard, as the lieutenant governor and attorney general candidates know, because people are weary.' "

Pity the poor drones who serve the Clintons:
'They treated us like the hired help': Clinton bodyguard criticises 'aloof' Hillary and 'arrogant' staff     Snopes calls this "undetermined"

Memo Places Hillary Clinton At Core of Travel Office Case   "A memorandum by a former Presidential aide depicts Hillary Rodham Clinton as the central figure in the 1993 travel office dismissals, a politically damaging episode that the aide said had resulted from a climate of fear in which officials did not dare question Mrs. Clinton's wishes."
Oh, yeah, this:

Premiums for young healthy people will jump in 45 states under Obamacare

Washington Examiner  "Young people in 45 states will see their health insurance premiums increase under Obamacare because the law relies on the money they pay into the system to offset the cost of caring for older enrollees, according to a new study.
"Virginia leads the pack, as individuals aged 27 and under will see their health insurance premiums jump by 252.5 percent -- $416.55 -- according to the Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis.
"Virginians under the age of 50 will see their premiums jump by an even greater percentage, rising from $228 to $991.03."

Former UK government health director dies after operation is cancelled four times at her own hospital

UK Daily Mail  "A former NHS director died after waiting for nine months for an operation - at her own hospital.
"Margaret Hutchon, a former mayor, had been waiting since last June for a follow-up stomach operation at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, Essex.
But her appointments to go under the knife were cancelled four times and she barely regained consciousness after finally having surgery.
"Her devastated husband, Jim, is now demanding answers from Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust..."
Hat tip to Ronbo at Freedom Fighter's Journal
Broomfield Hospital
What is the NHS?  "The four publicly funded healthcare systems in the countries of the United Kingdom, and the overall system, make up the National Health Service (NHS).
"The systems are primarily funded through central taxation. The services provide a comprehensive range of health services, the vast majority of which are free at the point of use for residents of the United Kingdom. The four systems are quite independent, and operate under different management, rules, and political authority."

Does this seem familiar to you?  Government bureaucrats administering what medical professionals used to do and should be doing.

I was curious about this Shakespearean phrase in the story above: hoist by one's own petard;
(idiomatic) To be hurt, or destroyed by one's own plot or device, of one's own doing which one intended for another; to be "blown up by one's own bomb".
He has no one to blame but himself; he was hoisted by his own petard.   
   From the play Hamlet (III.iv.207) by Shakespeare

The Mood of 1980; Next year could be a frightening one, in the fashion of 1979–80.

Victor Davis Hanson   "Because of the failure to negotiate a single residual base in Iraq, Iran has appropriated a vast air corridor to the Middle East. John Kerry speaks sonorously to Russia and China, but apparently assumes that diplomacy follows gentlemanly New England yacht protocols, the right of way given to the more sober, judicious, and pontificating.
"When Obamacare comes on line full bore, I think the American people could be quite depressed over the strange things they encounter. The economy offers only marginal encouragement, given that unemployment is still high and growth low; printing money at a record pace is not sustainable. Only gas and oil production is encouraging — and that is despite, not because of, administration efforts."....
...."The Snowden extradition affair in and of itself could be small potatoes, but it takes on enormous iconic importance when the Chinese and Russians feel no compunction about publicly snubbing the administration — with North Korea, Iran, and many in the Middle East watching and drawing the conclusion that there are no consequences to getting on the bad side of the United States. Or perhaps they no longer see a bad side at all and consider us complacent neutral observers."...
"Red lines, deadlines, ultimatums, “make no mistake about it,” “let me be perfectly clear,” the Nobel Peace Prize — all that is the stuff of yesteryear, its currency depleted by the years of speaking quite loudly while carrying a tiny stick."

Amazing Gracelessness; Praise the Lord and pass the spending ammunition!

The American Spectator "Whether or not an unlimited federal regulatory, welfare entitlement state is the logical outcome of Jesus’ love is surely debatable. Clerics are supposed to point to transcendent truths that call everyone to repentance and holiness, not crassly exploit church office for partisan jibes and demonstrations. Perhaps the marching, hymn singing religious lobbyists on “pilgrimage” could have more helpfully prayed for and encouraged all lawmakers toward common purpose instead of just targeting Republicans."

Transgender Goofiness Reaches Logical Conclusion At Colorado School: Girls Being Harassed In Restroom By A Boy

America is rapidly becoming California.

Conservative Blogs Central   "A high school in the Colorado Springs area
has been plunged into controversy after a male student who says he is “transgender” was permitted to use the girls’ restroom facilities, and was subsequently accused of harassment – a claim that has been denied by the school."
"According to [Pacific Justice Institute], when girls at the school complained about the alleged harassment, they were told that state law was on the boy's side – in 2008, Colorado passed a sweeping anti-discrimination law which banned all discrimination based on “sexual orientation.”
"PJI said the girls were warned that if they continued to speak out against the boy's presence in their restrooms, they could face punishment including being removed from the school’s athletic teams or even charged with hate crimes.  "The group also claims the girls were told that if they didn’t like sharing a bathroom with the boy, they could simply refrain from using those facilities at all."

The counter argument is that this did not happen and that the only mention of this is from the Pacific Justice Institute.

As long as we're on the subject: Transgender Group Demands Free Mammograms Under Obamacare…   "Current federal guidance says that only women who are “genetically female” are eligible for subsidized mammograms."    How narrow-minded and bigoted.

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan?

image1-Gallery: Obamacare cartoons
Forbes  "Too many people conveniently ignore that in his 2007 State of the Union message President Bush proposed a sweeping health reform plan that would have replaced the current tax exclusion for employer-provided coverage with standard tax deductions for all individuals and families. The Bush plan called for a tax deduction that would have applied to payroll taxes as well as income taxes. Moreover, if one were worried about non-filers, the subsidy could easily have instead been structured as a refundable tax credit in which case even those without any income taxes would have gotten an additional amount. This is the kind of policy detail that easily could have been negotiated had the Democrats been in a cooperative mood in 2007. They were not. On the contrary, President Bush’s health plan was declared “dead on arrival” by Democrats in 2007. Yet it is Republicans who were tagged as being uncooperative and intransigent when they resisted the misguided direction that Obamacare seemed to be headed."

Also from Forbes: Obamacare's Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are

What would President Obama's approval rating be if we had a media willing to hold him accountable for something?

Silvio Canto, Jr.  ..."In 2009, President Obama put it this way
"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan."  
"Just as New Jersey's web site for insurance fraud says, we're sure President Obama would never think of robbing a bank or stealing a car.  

"Too bad he, too, found the temptations of insurance fraud just too hard to resist.' "
Pro-Obama media — so far beyond bad it’s almost indescribable. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Here it is; knock yourself out

Reactions to Obamacare around this country

Rosslyn Smith: The Ghost of Vietnam Will Haunt Obamacare ..."The individual mandate is likely to be the most ignored law since the 55 mile an hour speed limit. What he doesn't address is the source of the opposition.  The draft thwarted the plans of young men.  A large slice of those from middle to upper middle class backgrounds would not accept it."
Bruce Johnson; "Sorry. Obamacare is going to hurt me and I can't buy that right now."   When solicitors call for donations in the future, do not avoid answering the phone; Instead do this: 
"I pick up, I listen... then I let it be known that I can't buy that right now. I choose not to buy that right now. I choose not to give at this moment.
"I just found out what Obamacare is doing to me and my family and, frankly, my duty is to take care of them.
"People who support Obama and his "signature" legislation have to be made to know, must learn, that what is bad for me just became bad for them.
"Don't miss an opportunity to let them know that their guy is the cause." 
Emphasis added.
The people have an obligation to be prudent and circumspect about engaging in civil disobedience, and the government has a responsibility to be scrupulous with its powers. That contract has been violated by the White House.
A key to making the Affordable Care Act work as designed is for all Americans to carry health insurance. To ensure this happens, the law stipulates that Americans are subject to fines if they do not have health insurance. When Gallup reminds uninsured Americans of this requirement and asks what they are most likely to do, 56% say they plan to get insurance, while 34% say they are more likely to pay the fine. 

Why can't the meek and mild Republicans in Washington say these things?

Are you frustrated because the leaders in Washington cannot or will not speak to voters this way? Why can't they be as mad as those of us here in fly-over country so they can produce ads like this one?

Cuccinelli Ad: McAuliffe Is 'Deeply Unserious'
"With just weeks left in the 2013 gubernatorial race in Virginia, Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli has a new TV ad that questions the seriousness of his Democratic opponent, Terry McAuliffe. "What's Terry McAuliffe offering Virginia families?" the voiceover asks. "False, misleading attacks; massive, wasteful spending; and $1,700 dollars in higher taxes every year."
"Terry McAuliffe," the voiceover continues. "Deeply unserious." Watch below:"


Hat tip to Rush Limbaugh for having this on his show today; Great Anti-McAuliffe Ad Changes Minds
"I want you to listen to this again, because isn't this the kind of thing you think the Republican Party ought to be doing? The Republican Party did not do this.  I don't believe that the Republican Party did this.  My memory on this is from something I read about this ad two or three weeks ago, and I don't think the Republican Party of Virginia is doing this."
....  "Now, I'm sorry. I didn't make a note of who the Gang of Five is, but they're media people.  Chris Matthews is one."

The major clothing designer whose fashions once struck terror across Europe

 Hugo Boss today     

Hugo Boss AG is a German luxury fashion and style house based in Metzingen, Germany. It is named after its founder, Hugo Boss (1885–1948).   "Though he claimed in a 1934/1935 advertising that he had been a "supplier for National Socialist uniforms since 1924", such supplies are probable since 1928/1929 and certain since 1934, when he became an Reichszeugmeisterei-licensed (official) supplier of uniforms to the Sturmabteilung, Schutzstaffel, Hitler Youth, National Socialist Motor Corps, and other party organizations."
And the company's management during the late 30s to the end of the war used slave laborers. 
One attraction of the NAZI Party then and even now was the sheer elegance of their uniforms.
"According to German historian Henning Kober, the company managers were "avowed Nazis", "the Boss were all great admirers of Adolf Hitler", and Hugo Boss himself had in 1945 in his apartment a photograph of himself with Hitler taken in the latter's Obersalzberg

Even American comic books liked to put the good guys into Boss-styled uniforms.
Like this"Clad in matching blue and black uniforms (with Blackhawk himself boasting a hawk insignia on his chest), early stories pitted the team against the Axis powers..."

These uniforms were and are uber-cool. The team members all came from assorted Nazi-occupied countries.