Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Obama’s breathtaking naivete at the United Nations; fact checked

Washington Times  (Excerpted below)
President Barack Obama raises his glass to toast during a luncheon hosted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014, at the United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Quoting what the Times calls naivete:  " ... the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them, there is only us."

"But Islam and the holy Koran on which Muslim militant groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State base their actions do call for the extermination of all who do not follow Islam, do demand that followers kill anyone who leaves the religion, do subjugate women. For the record, the Koran contains more than 100 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers.

"Mr. Obama said in his speech that "all people of faith have a responsibility to lift up the value at the heart of all great religions: Do unto thy neighbor as you would do — you would have done unto yourself." But that is not a cornerstone of Islam. Militant Muslims have a very different belief: "Fight in the name of your religion with those who disagree with you." And that edict comes straight from their holiest book.

..." Again, the callowness is astounding. While he urged the world, "especially Muslim communities," to reject the ideology that underlies al Qaeda and the Islamic State, nothing will change the fact that cold-blooded killers are determined to destroy the West, wipe all infidels from the face of the earth and build a new caliphate based on strict adherence to Shariah law  (which leans heavily toward beheadings, lashings, stonings)."
 Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

AP Fact-Check Shreds Obama UN Speech Debunks key claims about America’s response to global warming
"An Associated Press fact-check on President Obama’s climate change speech to the United Nations Tuesday accused the president of clearly spinning the facts and distorting the truth about America’s response to global warming.

"The AP fact-checker faulted Obama “gloss[ing] over some inconvenient truths” in his global warming lecture Tuesday, particularly in regard to his claims about America’s attempts to clean up emissions at home and his insistence that emissions reductions do not have an impact on the economy." ...

GOP BORDERING ON VICTORY. (Entire article posted here)

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Ann Coulter   "Everyone is on tenterhooks wondering what the Republicans' national strategy for the November elections will be. Shouldn't they be thinking of that soon? The GOP desperately needs a "wave" election to rack up Senate seats this year, because the next two election cycles are not favorable for Republicans.

    Let's see, what would make a good national issue?

    Democrats are far savvier than Republicans when it comes to winning elections, and I note that Obama has decided to put off his "executive amnesty" until after the elections. Does that ping any neurons in your tired "Diversity Is a Strength" synapses, Republicans?

    Another obvious place to look for a good national issue is the polls. According to months of polling, the No. 1 most important issue to voters is immigration -- by a landslide. In Gallup polls in July and then again in August, Republican and Republican-leaning Independent voters chose immigration as the "biggest problem" facing the nation.

    Commenting on its July poll, Gallup noted that more than twice as many Republicans as Democrats called immigration the nation's No. 1 problem, suggesting that by "problem" they mean illegal immigration, not the failure to pass "comprehensive immigration reform."

    In Gallup's August poll, immigration was again voted a bigger problem among Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents than either the economy or even Obamacare. It was the third "biggest problem" for Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents, after dysfunctional government and unemployment/the economy.

    The magnificent Republican Tom Cotton, running for the Senate against amnesty-supporting Democrat Mark Pryor in Arkansas, says he's gotten more questions about immigration than any other issue. He says voters keep asking: "What can we do to stop the border crisis. ... What can we do to stop Obama issuing another unilateral amnesty?"

    That sounds like a terrific opening for the GOP to shout: Vote Republican!

    But while individual Republicans are talking like Tom Tancredo, the national GOP seems strangely reluctant to make this election a referendum on immigration. If there is a single Democrat running for office this year who isn't forced to take a position on Obama's coming amnesty, Republicans aren't doing their job.

    Which they aren't. How about some national ads denouncing Obama's executive amnesty?

    Democrat Mickey Kaus suggests that Republicans' insistence on keeping immigration an isolated issue raised only by individual candidates is a warm-up to the big GOP sell-out on amnesty.

    If Republicans think they can betray their own state's voters as long as the national media don't call them on it, they should ask themselves: Is The Drudge Report national? Do they think Matt Drudge won't notice? The Daily Caller,, all of talk radio -- any of those "national"?

    In for a dime, you're in for a dollar, GOP.

    Republicans might also wait to see if Marco Rubio gets re-elected before concluding his "screw-the-voters-on-amnesty" was a good strategy. Or they might notice how newfound amnesty opponent Thom Tillis is doing in Senate polls right now.

    In the North Carolina legislature, Tillis was Chuck Schumer on immigration. Thanks to his incessant shilling for the Chamber of Commerce on bringing in "guest workers" -- who are now being supported by taxpayers -- Tillis is currently the only Republican trying to replace a Democrat in a red state who has been consistently down in the polls.

    In Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virginia, Montana and South Dakota, the Republican Senate candidates are crushing their Democratic opponents in the polls. Luckily, none of those Republicans have Tillis' sorry record on immigration. No wonder Tillis is suddenly so gung-ho for a fence.

    Maybe Tillis genuinely does want a secure border first, and then he'll bring in lots of guest workers for his cheapskate corporate buddies. In any event, better to vote for the candidate who says he'll do the right thing than one who promises not to -- like Kay Hagan, who voted for the Schumer-Rubio amnesty.

    Even if you detest your Republican Senate candidate -- I detest at least two of them -- don't think of it as a vote for them. Think of it as a vote to give President Mitt Romney or President Ted Cruz a Republican Senate in January 2017. Think of it as a vote to stop Obama's judicial nominees or a vote against Obamacare. Remember, America: The end of the health care waivers is another one of Obama's exciting post-election surprises.

    (Romney precedes Cruz in the above paragraph because Cruz is getting nutty on immigration, again. His latest immigration plan is to stop illegal immigration by bringing in all the same people legally.)

    Republicans can win a Senate majority, take back the presidency, repeal Obamacare, build the Keystone pipeline, slash oppressive government regulations, end special tax deals and government contracts for the Democrats' big donors, restore an honest IRS and nominate serious people to the federal bench.

    But they'll never do any of those things if they can't learn that mass immigration from the Third World is wildly unpopular with voters.

Semper Latte: Obama under fire for insult to military

Thomas Lifson    " “Semper latte” is but one of the jokes following in the wake of a casual presidential insult of our military.  Yesterday, when exiting Marine One after landing in New York City, President Obama returned the crisp salutes of the Marines standing at the base of the helicopter stairs with casual salute, coffee cup in hand, thus violating military protocol, and demonstrating causal ignorance (at best) or contempt for the  etiquette demanded of a commander-in-chief.

"An outraged Allen West posted a video to YouTube, though the White House itself had no qualms about posting a video of the incident to its Instagram account." 

I'd say this subject has been covered enough except for the following points:

... "This gaffe joins his infamous “corpse-man” mispronunciation as a tell: this president has little knowledge of and even less respect for the traditions and honor of the United States military that dedicates itself to the service and protection of the American people he and they are supposed to be serving.
"I am sure that many of Obama’s supporters will dismiss this as an insignificant incident. And it is true, no lives were lost, no money wasted, and no bodily harm was caused. But the presidency, especially in the age of pervasive electronic communications, has a huge element of symbolic communication as part of its core function. Vast resources are devoted to crafting images that send the right message.
"The day after Obama committed military resources (and potentially, lives) to a war in a new country, he showed his utter disregard for those forces. "  
Read more:

About the "Stop Rush" campaign

First, what Rush has to say: The Rush Limbaugh Show Exposes the Stop Rush Conspiracy  
  ... "How does this small group make themselves look so much bigger than they actually are? Stop Rush has deployed custom automated tweeting software, in violation of Twitter’s rules, that lets their activists send tweets at a rate far faster than any unassisted person could do manually. They send barrages of thousands of messages through this software until advertisers are bullied and harassed into cancellation.

"These activists have long operated in secret and anonymously. But now, The Rush Limbaugh Show has the results of an investigation that names the people tweeting, facebooking, and emailing small businesses with harassing and bullying messages over and over until they surrender. These names are surprising, and include a tenured professor at Kent State University using her official email account to badger advertisers." ...

In summary, #StopRush is an organized effort by Media Matters for America to widely and indiscriminately distribute lists of targets, and harass and bully them, under cover of anonymity. It is not grassroots, but deployed by extremist activists using deception and automated software to appear bigger and more prevalent than they are.

What the Rush Limbaugh Camp Says They Found out About the Political Activists Behind the ‘Stop Rush’ Campaign
What Rush Limbaugh Found out About the Political Activists Leaning on his Advertisers

... "The activists have been able to make their reach look larger by using automated tweeting software, which is in violation of Twitter rules, according to a release by Limbaugh’s camp. The automated tweeting software allows them to send tweets faster.

"The Limbaugh show is releasing the names of those top 10 tweeters, who account for 70 percent of all tweets.

"One of the top tweeters is a professor at Kent State University. Another is a contributor to the liberal blog Daily Kos." ...

Rush Limbaugh Tips Waitress Very Generously. She Repays Kindness With Vileness.    "But the waitress, Merrit Tierce, is a Limbaugh hater. The pro-life radio host’s generosity failed to change her mind."

Rush Limbaugh strikes back at DCCC  ... " On Tuesday, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel sent a blast email asking supporters to sign a petition calling on Limbaugh's sponsors to pull their advertising from his program because of remarks he had made about rape. Israel characterized Limbaugh as saying, "…No" means "yes" if you know how to spot it…” The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sent out a similar email on Wednesday." ...

Rush sponsors in 2013  A stop Rush site that gives contact info to protest Rush. You may also use it to support Rush.

From 2012; Sponsors That Still Support Rush Limbaugh

Climate Movement Drops Mask, Admits Communist Agenda

Climate Marchers, Unite!    "There, too, in New York, the climate masses literally littered the streets, chanted “f—k the police,” and engaged in the usual, predictable leftist behavior. Various conservative websites chronicled their assorted antics, their celebrity airheads, and their myriad hypocrisies. No surprises."

The Right Planet

... "At the New York event, many people noticed that gee, there sure are a lot of communists at this march. But in Oakland — always on the cutting edge — the entire “climate change” movement at last fully, irrevocably and overtly embraced communism as its stated goal. Any concerns about “optics” or operating in “stealth mode” were abandoned.
" The “climate change” “crisis” is now nothing but the latest justification for “total revolution” and getting rid of capitalism forever." ...
PJ Media has much more.  Code Pink was part of this. Aren't they anti-war and not environmentalists? Yes, but go back to 1930's Britain and you will see communists were instrumental in preventing the allies from preparing to meet the threat from Nazi Journey, up to the day Hitler attacked Russia. Then they became pro-war. 
Communists will always be at the center of any movement that resists our system of free enterprise.

Retired Army Officer: Success Is 'Acres and Acres of Dead Terrorists'

CNS News   ... "Peters told Hannity he's always glad when President Obama does anything to stop terrorism.

" 'But he wants to wage war by measuring it out in teaspoons. And the cardinal advantage of a superpower, for God's sakes, is super power! If you're going to go to war, you go to war to win! Small war, big war, doesn't matter.

" 'But all this, you know, modulated responses and graduated buildups -- no! If the United States goes to war, we should fight to win! And I'm sick of hearing pundits in Washington who never served in uniform saying, Oh, victory is impossible in the 21st century.

" 'Victory is always possible if you're willing to pay the price, if you're willing to be ruthless and ferocious and do what's right for our security and win!

"Peters, now a military analyst for Fox News, said the United States faces "truly evil opponents" and will have to fight them "for a long time." He also said civilian casualties cannot be avoided if the job is going to be done right:" ...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Feminism vs. Truth

Weekly Standard  "Christina Hoff Sommers, of Factual Feminist fame, continues to expose the feminist establishment’s war on truth. This jaunty five-minute video takes on the endlessly recycled pseudo-fact of the 23-cent wage gap between men and women. Watch it below:"    By CLAUDIA ANDERSON

The Divine Right of Barack Obama; The "champion of the legislature’s prerogative to declare war has morphed into Napoleon."

 National Review Online
... “The strength of this coalition,” Obama added, “makes clear to the world that this is not just America’s fight alone.” This much, at least, was true. Among the nations that have signed on to the attacks are Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates — all vital accomplices in the winning of hearts and minds. And yet, for all the cosmopolitanism, one crucial ally was conspicuously missing from the roster of the willing: the Congress of the United States." ...
" ... confined by little more than the scope of his ambition, he invented a new set of rules for the day, making it clear to one and all that if getting his way requires him to adopt the legal theories that he rejected so vehemently just six years ago, then so be it; that if achieving his ends requires further entrenching precedents that he was sent into office to smash, then so be it; ..." Full article...
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

'Every War Must End'  ... "If the Obama administration fails to articulate an achievable military and political end game there will not only be “no alternative,” but the odds are good that the war will drift into more places, engulfing more people, and engendering more casualties and resentments as it goes. The U.S. will stick with it only until public support dissipates, and then we will be gone. Again. The president may call the war “over,” as he did in Iraq, but those we leave behind will have a different view." ...
Mr. Obama will leave office with the war raging and can blame all that follows on his successor,  just as he has done to President Bush.

Potential allies against ISIS doubt America’s commitment to being engaged abroad. They see the quality of Democrat leaders and those who vote them into office:


Rift widens between Obama, U.S. military over strategy to fight Islamic State


"In 2008 President Obama offered this self evaluation.
“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

"Anything You Can Do, I Can do Better

"Last week The Washington Post said the president doesn’t work well with others in the military. Mark Theissen, also in the Post, said Obama ignored his top general when he pulled all troops out of Iraq – allowing ISIS to move in – and he’s still ignoring him."

Politico; 10 quotes that [maybe] haunt President Obama

Rift widens between Obama, U.S. military* over strategy to fight Islamic State   "Flashes of disagreement over how to fight the Islamic State are mounting between President Obama and U.S. military leaders, the latest sign of strain in what often has been an awkward and uneasy relationship.

"Even as the administration has received congressional backing for its strategy, with the Senate voting Thursday to approve a plan to arm and train Syrian rebels, a series of military leaders have criticized the president’s approach against the Islamic State militant group.

"Retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, who served under Obama until last year, became the latest high-profile skeptic on Thursday, telling the House Intelligence Committee that a blanket prohibition on ground combat was tying the military’s hands. “Half-hearted or tentative efforts, or airstrikes alone, can backfire on us and actually strengthen our foes’ credibility,” he said. “We may not wish to reassure our enemies in advance that they will not see American boots on the ground.' ”

Would You Follow President Obama Into Battle?   ... "On September 18, 2014, the New York Times reported “that requests to use the [American] advisers to call in airstrikes to provide tactical advice [support] on the battlefield to Iraqi units would need to be approved by the president on a case-by-case basis.”

Known to this president as "my military"

Watch: at the first battlefield setback they will become "Bush's military".
Obama’s Salute to Marines – Most Degrading They're his military. He can salute them any way he chooses.

"The White House actually posted a video of the President, with coffee type cup in his right hand, saluting the Marines as he departs Marine One...because no one in the White House believes that anything is wrong with that."   Blackfive

Confederacy of Dunces? From the president on down, they are in resolute denial about radical Islam.

Victor Davis Hanson  "The military effort against the Islamic State hinges on a successful threefold approach involving intelligence, homeland security, and diplomacy. Unfortunately, the Obama administration does not have much past history in these areas to warrant confidence."  Full article...

VDH on Where Is Obama’s ‘Broad Coalition’?  "For now, most allies are sitting tight and waiting for preemptive, unilateral U.S. action. If we begin defeating the Islamic State, they may eventually join in on the kill; if not, they won’t.

"That is a terrible way to wage coalition warfare, but we are reaping what we have sown."

White House Fence Jumper was out on bail

... "According to CBS News, friends of Gonzalez believe that if he had jumped the fence with the intent to harm, he would have brought something more deadly than a three-inch knife.
Jerry Murphy, whose mother was married to Gonzalez for several years, said Gonzalez suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and that he needs treatment, not to be treated like a criminal.
He said Gonzalez has been driving around the country and living out of his truck for the past couple of years, and that he always carries his knife.
“I know he’s got heavy artillery, you know? He’s got all kinds of weapons and he was trained to use them,” Murphy said. “I believe if he wanted to make a scene or cause problems, he very well could have. But it’s clear that he didn’t.”
Officials have said Gonzalez was awarded a medal for his service in Iraq and retired due to disability.
 Secret service criticised after White House intruder prompts evacuation

White House intruder Omar Gonzalez had a knife, attorney's office reveals
If the knife as folded in his pocket and not being brandished, it would be logical to think he was unarmed, But how would they not assume he did not have a bomb strapped under his shirt?
 ... "It said Gonzalez went through the north doors and got inside the mansion.

“ 'After he was apprehended, Omar Gonzalez told United States Secret Service Agent Lee Smart that he was concerned that the atmosphere was collapsing and [he] needed to get the information to the president of the United States so that he could get the word out to the people,” the affidavit said.

"The Secret Service increased security around the White House after Friday’s incident, which represented one of the most significant breaches since Obama became president and raised questions about the security procedures at the White House.

"Gonzalez, 42, from Texas, climbed the fence, ran across the lawn and made it inside the front doors of the White House before being apprehended. "

Not falling for that one again

By   at Legal Insurrection    "Actually, I didn’t fall for it the first time."
Bumper Sticker - Worcester MA - Bend Over
"From reader Xmas: Seen in Worcester, MA  "I thought you guys would like this.' "