Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Obama's Achievements at Home and Abroad Crumble

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Jennifer Rubin   "President Obama’s biggest domestic “accomplishment,” Obamacare, and his biggest foreign policy objective, extracting the United States from the Middle East and redesigning our alliances (Iran in, Israel out), are now Exhibits A and B in the argument for jettisoning the Democrats from the White House. At the very least these issues, combined with a lackluster economy, suggest Hillary Clinton will have trouble running for a “third Obama term.' ”
. . .
"And where is Clinton’s plan for untangling the mess she and her former boss are leaving behind? Again, Republicans should be focused on the debacle the Obama-Clinton-Kerry brain trust is leaving behind. Instead, too many Republican presidential candidates play to the know-nothing crowd and argue we have no interest in the Syrian “civil war.”

"Republicans should extract themselves from internal squabbles over debate rules and look around. The country and the international scene are fraught with problems, the direct result of the Democrats’ policy choices. Republicans, isn’t [it] time to leave the debate bickering and take up the policy cudgel?"

Weasel of the Week Nominees for 11/3/15

Watchers Council


"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

"Here are this week’s nominees…
"The Noisy Room: My nomination this week goes to Bill Gates and his carbon tax scam. He wants to spend $2 billion of his own money on it as an investment. That should tell you something. His says the private sector is too selfish and inefficient to get the job done. Bill Gates is not a socialist… he’s a fascist. " . . .

Fausta’s Blog: Carl Quintanilla, who came up with “”Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown, and calm financial markets of the fear that a Washington crisis is on the way. Does your opposition to it show you’re not the kind of problem-solver that American voters want?”'‘

"The Independent Sentinel: Whoopi Goldberg is my weasel of the week.
After the “ladies” of The View insulted Carly Fiorina’s appearance during the debate, she said if she ever gets invited back onto the show, she’d like to see if they’d say that to her face.
"Well, apparently, the catty women on The View didn’t like being called out for being rude. They invited Carly back on Friday and she’s going, but Whoopi, who won’t be present on Friday, took the coward’s way out and insulted her during Monday’s show." . . .


 What a despicable group of Weasels… ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Democrats at your door

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

New Poll: Obama Has Poisoned Race Relations in America

Investors.com  . . . "Who can blame Americans for thinking the nation is more divided along racial lines?

"When our poll was taken in late October, respondents heard news that authorities in St. Louis are bracing for more senseless riots. Black street agitators bussed in from Chicago are spoiling for a race war, egged on by an attorney general who's tried to convince African-Americans that white cops like Darren Wilson are gunning for them, despite forensic and other evidence refuting such garbage.

"These polls also reflect campaign attack ads showing Obama-yoked Democrats resorting to shameless race-baiting in the final days of a congressional election that promises to repudiate them and their party leader.

"Obama, the son of an African father and white mother, was supposed to put race behind us. He was supposed to bring whites and blacks together. Instead, he has fanned the flames of racial discord, even coordinating with the worst hustlers in the racial grievance industry.

"A White House aide explained to the Washington Post how it is that Al Sharpton became Obama's go-to guy on race: "There's a trust factor with The Rev from the Oval Office on down. He gets it."

"What Sharpton "gets" apparently is what no misty-eyed white who voted for Obama gets — that this president, like Sharpton, sees everything through the lens of race. And he injects race into virtually every issue."   More here.

Obama Hopes His Successor Will Care As Much About Race Issues as He Does
. . . "Obama said he’s “proud” that his presidency has been able to address issues of racial disparity and racial justice, saying, “I do so hoping that my successor, who’s not African-American, if he or she is not, that they’ll be just as concerned as I am.”
Video at the link.

Is this bloodshed Islam's Reformation?

"The current mess looks remarkably like the Thirty Years War with its religious underpinnings, warring states and over-involved mega powers."

Andrew Klavan  "This from a Wall Street Journal piece celebrating the October 31st anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, the 1517 protest against Church practices that is usually regarded as the start of Christianity’s Reformation. Joseph Loconte, an associate professor at the Christian King’s College, writes:

Given the failed revolutions of the Arab Spring, can Islam undergo a similar reformation? One hopeful sign is the outrage at the atrocities carried out under the banner of Islam.
"Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the relentlessly heroic crusader against Islamism, and the author of Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now, also finds hope in Islamic protests against Islamist atrocities."

"One can hope. But the tenets of Westphalia grew out of Christian thinking and Christian religion. Christians were appalled by the bloodletting of the the Thirty Years War precisely because it violated the central preachings of the Prince of Peace: Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you. The outline for modern statehood and separation of church and state were written into the Gospels: Judge not lest ye be judged; render under Caesar that which is Caesar and unto God that which is God’s, and so on."

Hillary supporters asked if they approve of Sharia Law; their answers make one fear for this country

Clash Daily  "This proves to all of America just how dumb and clueless people who support Hillary Clinton are. If their answers don’t shock you, I don’t know what will. "

"Hillary Clinton supporters in California mindlessly agree with anything and everything Hillary supposedly says. In an experiment, media analyst Mark Dice tells Hillary fans that one of her primary campaign promises is to implement Sharia Law in America. Mark Dice's shocking Man on the Street Monday series continues."
Wayne Dupree:  "This is beyond a facepalm! Hillary Clinton supporters are all for expansion of Islamic “Sharia Law” to impact the rights of women in America! They don’t have the slightest idea what “Sharia Law” even is. They are clueless — which is exactly what Hillary and the Democrats are counting on. "

Police Brutality Memorial at San Jose City College

This Ain't Hell  (but you can see it from here)

San Jose Police Brutality Memorial

"A friend of ours sent us a picture of the Police Brutality Memorial that sits at the front desk of the San Jose City College in California. Our friend noticed this picture in the collage;

San Jose Police Brutality Memorial2

"Recognize him? It’s Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the Chattanooga shooter, the fellow who killed four US servicemen before he himself was taken down by a good guy with a gun. I guess it was police brutality to stop an active shooter from killing more people in uniform.

"It makes you wonder what they’re teaching college students these days, doesn’t it? If you’re interested in what they’re teaching at San Jose, the contact information for President Byron Clift Breland is (408) 288-3725 SJCCPres@sjcc.edu"

How about a liberal - better yet, a "Black Lives Matter" - brutality wall showing photos of their victims? TD

"Bob Beckel should be dead"

Cal Thomas 

Bob Beckel
. . "Bob Beckel has been branded with many labels. Most have nothing to do with the character of the man. I have known Bob for more than 20 years. I have traveled with him, shared meals with him, and listened to him share deeply personal things, which only happens when one is a trusted friend.

"The real Bob is the one who rescues drunks and gets them into treatment programs, who talks about and loves his children, who cares deeply for the poor and underprivileged, and who is able to see flaws in his own party, as well as in the other party.

"In other words, he is an honest “liberal,” in the classical sense of that word and not the way it is used today.

"In his remarkable book, Bob reveals some of his failings, challenges, and temptations, not to glorify them, but to give the reader a sense of the magnitude of the grace of God, who rescued him in his darkest hour. It is a thrilling story that will give you an entirely different sense of the man, beyond the silliness of the political world and media in which we both work and live."

UPDATED: Why is the LGBT Movement struggling to uphold a simple law in Houston?

. . . "But there’s a hitch: Many Houstonians simply don’t think the ordinance is about discrimination.

“ 'I haven’t heard it bans discrimination,” Cory Alters told BuzzFeed News as he waited for the bus on a blustery Friday afternoon. With four days remaining before the vote, Alters said he had only heard that the measure required letting men and transgender women into women’s bathrooms.

“ 'Bathrooms are the hot-ticket item — that’s what everybody is talking about,” he said. “I don’t want girls in my bathroom, and girls don’t want guys in their bathroom.”

"One block down Travis Street, 44-year old Donna L., who refused to give her full last name, said the same: “I heard people saying pedophiles would be going into restrooms. That is the main thing everybody is talking about. I hadn’t heard anything else.' ” . . .

UPDATE: Office of Civil Rights says disguised boy has right to shower with girls . . . "The boy should be given unfettered access to naked girls.  What's confusing about that?" . . .

Monday, November 2, 2015

Muslims do not seem to get along well with others


Video of Russian Plane Being Shot Down By ISIS?  Lets all sing along while the men, women and children in the plane fall to their deaths.

Four-Year-Old Child Stoned In Germany For Kicking Migrant’s Football
stoned in germany

"A four-year-old boy has been hospitalised after having a stone thrown at him by a resident of a troubled German migrant centre which has seen riots and Islamist violence."

The Slow-Motion Implosion of ObamaCare

Wall Street Journal

. . . "But the question isn’t where Americans are getting health insurance. It is whether ObamaCare will provide more Americans with affordable insurance for decades to come.

"Supporters credit ObamaCare with helping nine million uninsured Americans find coverage in 2014. But a new paper from the Heritage Foundation, however, suggests that nearly all of the increase came from adding nearly nine million people to the Medicaid rolls."
. . .
"How have things changed under ObamaCare? Wealthy Americans continue to have health insurance, albeit at a higher price. But they can afford it. Many middle-class Americans are paying higher premiums they can hardly afford. And then millions more low-income Americans have heavily subsidized insurance or Medicaid coverage.

"However, millions of other Americans who enjoyed good individual insurance before ObamaCare have found themselves forced out of affordable plans, with their new premiums rising rapidly. Other middle- and working-class Americans who were uninsured are still uninsured and paying the penalty or claiming an exemption. That isn’t affordable care. In many cases, it isn’t care at all."
Mr. Puzder is the chief executive officer of CKE Restaurants

Remember when liberal Obamacare supporter Kirsten Powers of the Daily Beast lost her insurance because of the ACA?

Putin and politics behind Obama's decision to send troops to Syria; "Corrupt and Immoral"

How must our troops feel being in harm's way when their own commander-in-chief does not believe in what he has sent them to do?

Foreign Policy

Putin and Politics Are Behind Obama’s Decision to Send Troops to Syria

"Vladimir Putin ordered U.S. troops into combat in Syria on Friday. That’s not what White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said when explaining the decision to send as many as 50 special operations forces into a training, assistance, and advisory role in that country, but that’s the reality. If the Russian president hadn’t made his move into Syria, the United States would not have felt compelled to finally, belatedly, shore up support for anti-Islamic State and anti-Assad allies in that embattled, long-suffering country.

"How do we know that? The past three years are how we know that. Those years have been a period during which the president’s own top national security advisors were unable to get him to take more decisive action to stop the decay in Syria — which gave way to the upheaval that now fuels not only the rise of the world’s most dangerous extremists but also the overflow of refugees into Europe and neighboring countries in the Middle East. But Putin, apparently, has more sway in the Oval Office than Hillary Clinton, Bob Gates, Leon Panetta, David Petraeus, and a host of others whose counsel went unheeded ever did." . . .

Obama's Corrupt and Immoral Abuse of the Military
. . . "This is not a comment on his circumvention of Congress, which is something that most modern American presidents have done at one time or another with respect to military engagements abroad.  Rather, in Obama's case – uniquely in American history – we have a president who puts Americans in harm's way for no evident reason other than personal political calculations." . . .