Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Let's vet Hillary a bit more, shall we? Updated.

Habitual Liar Lies Habitually   "From cattle futures to bimbo eruptions to Internet auteurs inspiring terror attacks in Benghazi, anybody who is paying any attention understands that Herself’s relationship with the truth is a lot like her relationship with the Big Creep: all politics, a marriage of convenience."

A Trip Down Memory Lame  "Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is attempting to elbow Dr. Ben Carson aside in brain expertise, claiming that if she's elected she'll eradicate Alzheimer's disease by 2025.

"It's a cause close to the former first lady's heart, as both she and her husband have repeatedly suffered the devastating effects of memory loss when giving sworn testimony. According to a Clinton campaign spokesperson, "we think there's a definite causal link between Alzheimer's and subpoenas.' ". . . 

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, alzheimer's, hillary, election

Hillary's Debate: Bladder before Blather . . . "Hillary's skill at choosing the proper course in dealing with China seems far less certain than her choosing the proper White House china for courses at state dinners.  After all, the Clintons took quite a lot of place settings home with them when they left the White House the last time, though they were forced to return them afterward.  So perhaps for Hillary, it will be sort of like being reunited with old friends."

Hillary plays the teary eyes and bullied cards, again  . . . "Regardless, whether a slang word to be beaten badly, or a Yiddish term for a schlong, there is zero chance Hillary was actually offended or upset. Zero. SHE LIVES WITH BILL CLINTON. She has covered for Bill Clinton’s sexual antics and went after his female victims.
"Yet Hillary got teary eyed when talking about campaign bullying later that same day, an obvious reference to Trump’s comment." . . .

How about husband Bill's accusers who were bullied by Hillary's people?
[Clinton-bullied Kathleen] Willey is now focused on another Clinton, explaining in a recent interview why she believes electing Hillary in 2016 would be a big mistake for America.   . . . “ ''I haven’t seen one single accomplishment that would give her the credentials to be president of the United States,” she said."
We Ran Hillary Clinton’s Symptoms Through WebMD And The Diagnosis Isn’t Pretty  . . . "The DC added to her list of medical issues the impaired judgment obvious in her use of a private email server to conduct work business while she was secretary of state.
"The symptom of confusion has also been documented by a person in Clinton’s inner circle. In emails from Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin, Abedin wrote Clinton was “often confused.' ” . . . 

Hillary Not Qualified to Win War on Terror  . . . “You say we have no remorse. You’re right,” FALN member Ida Rodriguez told the judge. “Your jails and your long sentences will not frighten us.”

"Judge McMillen agreed that the defendants showed no remorse. “I’m convinced you’re going to continue (terrorism) as long as you live. If there was a death penalty, I’d impose the penalty on you without hesitation.”
"These are the terrorists the Clintons’ unleashed on the American public; playing Russian Roulette with our lives for cheap politics." . . .
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Clinton's Third Debate Performance Did Not Help Her  . . . "One factor that may explain Clinton’s loss of support was the naiveté she displayed when describing the threat of ISIS. The U.S. is “where we need to be” in the fight against this terror group, she claimed. Critics scoffed at the former secretary of state’s insensitive assumption that came in the aftermath of Paris and San Bernardino. She dug an even deeper hole when she accused Donald Trump of being ISIS’ “best recruiter” because terrorists were supposedly using videos of his controversial comments about Muslims to lure people into their organization. So far, no such videos have been found, but, embarrassingly for her, propaganda featuring President Obama and her husband have." . . .
7 Ways Hillary Clinton Is NOT Like My Abuela

"Hillary Clinton is doing her best to campaign as the first Latina President, much like her husband is referred to as “the first black President.” In fact, she’s vying for this so badly, her campaign website published an article titled “7 Ways Hillary Clinton Is Just Like Your Abuela.' ”
. . . Excerpts in the outline below:
2) My abuela believed it took a family to raise a child, not an entire village.
3) So far as I know, my abuela never blamed one of her mistakes on an internet video.
7) My abuela didn’t make up stories about herself for attention.

UPDATE: Backlash From Hispanics Against Hillary Clinton: #NotMyAbuela

BOOM! Adam Sandler calls out Obama, Liberal celebrities on Anti-Israel views

Wayne Dupree  "Adam Sandler just took a huge stand against President Obama’s anti-Israel policies. The 49-year-old screen legend made some peers fume when he said he’s “disgusted” by celebrities who refuse to tour Israel.

"Although our own “President” Barack Obama has shunned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and failed to adequately support the Jewish state, Adam Sandler wasn’t afraid to stand up for Israel. During an interview with Howard Stern, Sandler had some choice words for anti-Israel advocates which he expressed with personal conviction and a few f-bombs.
"According to the Jewish Journal, Sandler let Howard Stern know his thoughts on Israel, stating that he is “very pro-Israel” and “disgusted they (liberal celebrities) single out Israel.' ” . . .
. . . "He was ecstatic about Stern’s willingness to call out the Hollywood elites; in this case, Roger Waters, the former Pink Floyd front-man. Sandler told Stern:
“When you go off on Roger Waters, I f***ing love that you do that.”

Another GOP surrender: Obamacare is here to stay!

David Leach
retreat flag

"Ever since Republicans took control of Congress in 2014, the party leadership has been working overtime finding ways to betray the conservative base that made their success possible, while becoming a rubber stamp for Obama’s fundamental transformation of America agenda.

"The latest example? Thecomplete surrender in repealing Obamacare. You remember Obamacare, don’t you? That’s the healthcare law that Mitch McConnell promised to repeal “root and branch.”

"According to Lamar Alexander (Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee), Obamacare will be changed through a series of bipartisan adjustments instead of an outright repeal:
“I think over the next four or five years it’ll be changed step-by-step toward a healthcare system with more freedom for people to find policies, more choices and hopefully lower prices.” . . .
Wait for it...Here:

UPDATED: What Do You think Would Have Happened if a Conservative Had Done This?

Washington Post stoops to a new low going after Ted Cruz
. . . " The plain fact is that whoever was on duty and reviewed the cartoon was part of the WaPo’s newsroom culture, which hates Ted Cruz and conservatives in general. We have seen in the past a similar instance of egregious prejudice at the WaPo’s newsroom, when in 1993 a front page story casually characterized evangelicals as   "largely poor, uneducated and easily led." (Note: evangelicals have above average levels of education.)" . . .

Godfather Politics   "Ted Cruz is an organ grinder and his two daughters are dancing monkeys. That's what a Pulitzer Prize winner drew:
"Ann Telnaes, a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, argued that because the Texas senator had used his children as 'political props' in a recent Christmas parody infomercial they were 'fair game.'”
Ann Telnaes
UPDATE: Here’s The Contact For Washington Post’s Anti-Cruz Children Cartoonist
. . . "If Jeff Bezos and the rest of the leadership of the Washington Post won’t hold its writers and cartoonists to a higher standard, its audience will." . . .
"This isn’t Telnaes’s first offense. She drew an animation of Netanyahu punching a Palestinian infant in the face repeatedly." . . .
"Pay attention Hispanic voters. Your children are viewed as monkeys to this liberal Democrat because she and many Democrat politicians believe they have you on a voting string.

"President Obama used his children in campaign ads, and the media loved it. Republicans did not object.
"See the campaign button to the right:

"Do a Google image search. The site is filled with photo ops of President Obama with his two daughters. Why weren't they "fair game"? I guess you have to have a Pulitzer Prize to ridicule the children of a United States Senator and a presidential candidate."

Ergo, here is the Cruz cartoon:

The 2015 Dishonest Reporting Awards


1. Best Reason to Handle Palestinian Sources With Care: The Gaza Flood Libel
2. Most Bigoted Journalist: Kitty Holland
3. Worst Abuse of Anonymous Sources: Haaretz
4. Smear of the Year: Fareed Zakaria
5. Most Unholy Row: New York Times
6. Great Moments in Self-Embellishing: Brian Williams
7. Dumbest Twitter Rant: Jim Clancy
8. Most Maddening Map Misrepresentation: MSNBC.  Here:  "MSNBC found a novel way to present wanton Palestinian aggression as reasonable and appropriate – by leaning on outright pro-Palestinian propaganda in the form of a series of maps distorting the region’s history."

"Even a small amount of research would have revealed the maps’ distortions, so it wasn’t long before MSNBC apologized on the air.
. . . 
"Of course, if journalists wanted to depict Palestinian intentions with a map, they could easily find one that erases Israel entirely. Now that would show what’s really at the heart of the current wave of violence."


Some Common Sense I Need to Hear From My Candidate

James Longstreet  . . . "Washington fought Indians in the French and Indian War of the 1750s, Lincoln fought Indians in the Blackhawk War of 1832 and made a racist speech in 1856, Grant fought and killed Mexicans in the Mexican War and his wife was a slave owner, Phillip Sheridan fought and killed Indians as did Custer, Kearny, Reno, and Cody. 
"Are we to rename all that is named for these men? And there are so many more examples.

"Teach history properly. Not all of history is pretty, and not all of it can be understood through the prism of 21st century ethics. We can easily see the danger of a Common Core history curriculum and its directives and guidances from Washington D.C.

"The opening line of every history teacher in America should be; “It is unfair to judge a man’s views on the issues of his day by the ideological fashions of another era.”  -- Anonymous" . . .

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Obama’s contempt for national security concerns

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, terror, hawaii, vacation, san bernardino
Jennifer Rubin  "The president often seems to inhabit a parallel political universe — one in which his foreign policy is a great success, bad actors are all on the wrong side of history, Israel is the fly in the ointment, and he’s ending wars. Naturally in such circumstances, he believes that “saturation of news about the horrible attack” in Paris is responsible for the public’s concern about terrorism. President Obama scoffed yesterday
“And as a consequence, if you’ve been watching television for the last month, all you’ve been seeing, all you’ve been hearing about is these guys with masks or black flags who are potentially coming to get you, so I understand why people are concerned about it.” He continued to blame the media, saying, “This is a legitimate news story. I think that, you know, it’s up to the media to make a determination about how they want to cover things.”
Wait...Obama said he didn't watch cable news, did he not? Anyway;

. . . "Having made shambles of Middle East policy, allowed the Islamic State to take root and metastasize, countenanced a Syrian civil war that has killed a quarter of a million people, and presided over multiple terrorist attacks on U.S. soil (Fort Hood, San Bernardino, Chattanooga) it’s understandable the president would not want to acknowledge he has made the United States less safe. That does not mean the voters have to share his delusion."

[VIDEO] A clear graphic representation of WWII’s staggering slaughter. . .

". . . and the fact that the world is doing better since then."

Bookworm Room  "This video is an extraordinary visual representation of the demographic catastrophe that was WWII, as well as the staggering number of individual tragedies that WWII represents. It’s also an uplifting reminder that the world does actually seem to have made some progress.

"Because of my obsession with governments that support or deny individual liberty, I also found the video a useful reminder that totalitarian governments view their own citizens as little more than cannon fodder and their enemies’ citizens as even less than that. (Around WWII, the major players amongst totalitarian governments were Germany, the Soviet Union, China, and Japan all of which suffered and imposed staggering military and civilian deaths.) While the Allies during WWII, were certainly less respectful of their enemies’ civilian population than Western armies are today, and they threw more soldiers into the battle than our armies do, when held up against the totalitarian nations’ way of waging war, the Allies still look good, even in retrospect." . . .

American Silliness Dec 22, 2015

Students Sign Petition to Ban 'Racist' Song 'White Christmas' from Radio  Video
"Last week, I presented some college students with a petition urging radio stations to stop playing the holiday classic "White Christmas" because the song only focuses on "White" Christmases. This clearly makes it racially insensitive, since it completely ignores Christmases of other colors. 
"Students were all too willing to check their privilege and take a stand against Bing Crosby's racially charged micro-aggression. Just watch."

Related:  Let #BlackLivesMatter protest at Mall of America  "I like the optics."  Like the optics of this Ferguson protest there a while back?

Screen Shot 2014-12-23 at 3.39.58 PM

smug obama

New York City lays out transgender protection on dress codes, bathroom use   "New York City has warned landlords, employers and businesses they could be running afoul of the law by purposely calling a transgender woman "him" or "Mr." when she prefers a female title and pronoun, or by barring her from using a women's restroom."

This is called a "conundrum"

"Conundrumn. Origin unknown. 1. A kind of riddle based upon some fanciful or fantastic resemblance between things quite unlike; a puzzling question, of which the answer is or involves a pun.
. . .  
2. A question to which only a conjectural answer can be made."


The Lid

"It seems as if, every time there is a death which can be re-engineered into a racial bias incident such as Michael Brown, for instance, that  MSNBC host Al Sharpton finds a way to give the eulogy. But, in a proven case of bias which took place twenty years ago, the future advisor to President Obama and NYC Mayor DeBlasio was nowhere to be found. That is because Sharpton was one of the main causes of the hatred which led to fire bombing of Freddy’s Fashion Mart. He didn’t toss the firebomb, but the anti-Semitic and racial bias which came out of his mouth and out of the mouths of others while in his presence, produced the massacre as assuredly as if the fire was set with his hands."

"The United House of Prayer, a large African-American church, was also a major landlord in Harlem. They raised the rent on Freddy’s Fashion Mart, a Jewish-owned clothing store which had operated from the same Harlem location for over 40 years. In turn, Freddy’s had to raise the rent on its sub-tenant, a black-owned record store. A landlord-tenant dispute ensued. As he has done so often in his life, Al Sharpton turned this non-racial economic dispute into a racial conflict."  Much more here.

Related: #BlackLivesMatter showdown at the Mall of America?
. . . "As private property, the Mall of America is under no obligation to host demonstrations., and in fact has a policy against demonstrations on its premises.
"If a restraining order is issued and #BLM goes ahead with its plans, there could be quite a showdown at the mall on the day before Christmas Eve.  Which, I imagine, is exactly what #BlackLivesMatter wants."
Here's your legacy, Mr. Obama.

Monday, December 21, 2015

America needs a Golda Meir, if not a Lady Thatcher

The Lid  "As Barack Obama continues to demonstrate his ineptness at fighting the war against radical Islamic terrorists, it is clear that we would all be much safer if he could learn from a strong-willed, straight-talking, chain-smoking, grey-haired, former teacher who fought terrorists over four decades ago, despite the objections of an appeasement-minded world. That grey-haired lady was Golda Meir."
. . . 
"This remark caused a fidgety buzz to drone around the packed chamber, and it seemed to deepen when she spoke bitterly about the 11 Israeli athletes kidnapped and murdered at the Munich Olympics the summer before, an outrage compounded by the German government’s subsequent release of the surviving killers in return for the freeing of a hijacked Lufthansa plane and its passengers." . . .

. . . "Golda Meir is no longer with us, and that is too bad because like she did when she was the Israeli premier, she could teach the world a thing or two about dealing with terrorism. If you think the Bibi/Obama relationship is rough.  This strong-willed, straight-talking, chain-smoking, grey-haired former teacher who grew up in Milwaukee would put Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in their places."  Read the rest...