Habitual Liar Lies Habitually "From cattle futures to bimbo eruptions to Internet auteurs inspiring terror attacks in Benghazi, anybody who is paying any attention understands that Herself’s relationship with the truth is a lot like her relationship with the Big Creep: all politics, a marriage of convenience."

A Trip Down Memory Lame "Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is attempting to elbow Dr. Ben Carson aside in brain expertise, claiming that if she's elected she'll eradicate Alzheimer's disease by 2025.
"It's a cause close to the former first lady's heart, as both she and her husband have repeatedly suffered the devastating effects of memory loss when giving sworn testimony. According to a Clinton campaign spokesperson, "we think there's a definite causal link between Alzheimer's and subpoenas.' ". . .
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Hillary's Debate: Bladder before Blather . . . "Hillary's skill at choosing the proper course in dealing with China seems far less certain than her choosing the proper White House china for courses at state dinners. After all, the Clintons took quite a lot of place settings home with them when they left the White House the last time, though they were forced to return them afterward. So perhaps for Hillary, it will be sort of like being reunited with old friends."
Hillary plays the teary eyes and bullied cards, again . . . "Regardless, whether a slang word to be beaten badly, or a Yiddish term for a schlong, there is zero chance Hillary was actually offended or upset. Zero. SHE LIVES WITH BILL CLINTON. She has covered for Bill Clinton’s sexual antics and went after his female victims.
"Yet Hillary got teary eyed when talking about campaign bullying later that same day, an obvious reference to Trump’s comment." . . .
[Clinton-bullied Kathleen] Willey is now focused on another Clinton, explaining in a recent interview why she believes electing Hillary in 2016 would be a big mistake for America. . . . “ ''I haven’t seen one single accomplishment that would give her the credentials to be president of the United States,” she said."
"The symptom of confusion has also been documented by a person in Clinton’s inner circle. In emails from Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin, Abedin wrote Clinton was “often confused.' ” . . .
Hillary Not Qualified to Win War on Terror . . . “You say we have no remorse. You’re right,” FALN member Ida Rodriguez told the judge. “Your jails and your long sentences will not frighten us.”
7 Ways Hillary Clinton Is NOT Like My Abuela
"Judge McMillen agreed that the defendants showed no remorse. “I’m convinced you’re going to continue (terrorism) as long as you live. If there was a death penalty, I’d impose the penalty on you without hesitation.”
"These are the terrorists the Clintons’ unleashed on the American public; playing Russian Roulette with our lives for cheap politics." . . .
Clinton's Third Debate Performance Did Not Help Her . . . "One factor that may explain Clinton’s loss of support was the naiveté she displayed when describing the threat of ISIS. The U.S. is “where we need to be” in the fight against this terror group, she claimed. Critics scoffed at the former secretary of state’s insensitive assumption that came in the aftermath of Paris and San Bernardino. She dug an even deeper hole when she accused Donald Trump of being ISIS’ “best recruiter” because terrorists were supposedly using videos of his controversial comments about Muslims to lure people into their organization. So far, no such videos have been found, but, embarrassingly for her, propaganda featuring President Obama and her husband have." . . .
"Hillary Clinton is doing her best to campaign as the first Latina President, much like her husband is referred to as “the first black President.” In fact, she’s vying for this so badly, her campaign website published an article titled “7 Ways Hillary Clinton Is Just Like Your Abuela.' ”
. . . Excerpts in the outline below:
1) My abuela never had the FBI investigate her emails.
2) My abuela believed it took a family to raise a child, not an entire village.
3) So far as I know, my abuela never blamed one of her mistakes on an internet video.
7) My abuela didn’t make up stories about herself for attention.
UPDATE: Backlash From Hispanics Against Hillary Clinton: #NotMyAbuela
My grandmother would never defend a rapist. @HillaryClinton already has: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hillary-clinton-stands-by-her-defense-of-1975-rape-suspect/ … #NotMiAbuela
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