1. Best Reason to Handle Palestinian Sources With Care: The Gaza Flood Libel
2. Most Bigoted Journalist: Kitty Holland
3. Worst Abuse of Anonymous Sources: Haaretz
4. Smear of the Year: Fareed Zakaria
5. Most Unholy Row: New York Times
6. Great Moments in Self-Embellishing: Brian Williams
7. Dumbest Twitter Rant: Jim Clancy
8. Most Maddening Map Misrepresentation: MSNBC. Here: "MSNBC found a novel way to present wanton Palestinian aggression as reasonable and appropriate – by leaning on outright pro-Palestinian propaganda in the form of a series of maps distorting the region’s history."
"Even a small amount of research would have revealed the maps’ distortions, so it wasn’t long before MSNBC apologized on the air.
. . .
"Of course, if journalists wanted to depict Palestinian intentions with a map, they could easily find one that erases Israel entirely. Now that would show what’s really at the heart of the current wave of violence."
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